
Paul Jiang

Blockchain researcher

I have 5 years of software development experience, focusing on data analysis and data processing.

I am also interested in blockchain technology and have finished several NFT projects.

I am a good communicator and have experience working in a collaborative environment with various team sizes. I am able to plan and coordinate workflows for different team sizes to ensure that projects are consistently delivered on time.

My Stack

Pattern: Typescript \ Tslint \ Prettier \ Git flow \ lerna

Front End: React \ redux tool-kit \ jss or Styled component \ mui + Tailwind.css \ three.js \ ethers.js \ wagmi \ Jest \ cypress

Back End: Nest.js \ MongoDB | PostgreSQL \ Redis \ RabbitMQ \ OpenAPI \ Jest + Mocha \ AWS RDS

Chain End: EVM solidity \ hardhat + waffle \ moralis \ etherscan API

Data analysis.: Redash \ Google Analytics \ GTM

Container: Docker compose

Deployment: Nginx \ Github Actions \ Azure DevOps | AWS EC2



Typescript nativeness

Follow unified coding style

Follow Git flow

Follow DDD concept

Follow immutability design

familiar with Jira \ confluence

familiar with monorepo development

Front End

familiar with React

familiar with SSR (Next.js)

familiar with JSS \ Styled component

familiar with Mui and Tailwind CSS

familiar with ether.js \ wagmi

familiar with Jest \ Cypress testing

Optimize client\server state

Back End

Develop OAuth \ Passport identity authentication

Develop REST API with RBAC

Familiar with Redis cache

Create documents with OpenAPI

Optimize event scheduler

Optimize container testing

Chain End

Develop on-chain data analysis dashboard

Develop dynamic NFT system

Develop transaction verifying process

Familiar with hardhat \ waffle

Familiar with hardhat e2e testing

Familiar with ERC 20\721\721A

Verify smart contract via etherscan 

Data analysis

Develop Redash dashboard

Analysis spatial data

Analysis series data

Familiar with Tensorflow to:

high-dimensional data processing,

compression and dimensionality reduction

Familiar with GA, GTM tools


Develop container testing process

Familiar with Debian distribution

Familizr with Azure Devops

Familiar with AWS EC2

Familiar with AWS RDS

Optimize Nginx config: cache \ load balance \ compress \ error logging

Optimize Github action workflow

Work Experience

Johnson Health Tech. Co., Senior AI engineer, 2020-01 ~ now

- Optimize algorithm for image dimensionality reduction

- Optimize streaming data annotation process

- Optimize the human body skeleton scoring model's anti-interference ability

- Develope image annotation and editing tool

- Design an body skeleton recognition service architecture

- Design body skeleton scoring algorithm


Media.app Co., Ltd, Blockchain developer, 2018-12 ~ now

- Develop the front-end minting site for EVM NFT

- Develop the minting data analysis dashboard

- Develop NFT smart contracts

- Develop an NFT project management system

- Develop a smart contract deployment tool

- Audit the security of smart contracts

- Design the back-end signing process for smart contracts


ManpowerGroup, Data scientist, 2018-12 ~ 2020-01

- Analyze project data, including preference, churn rate, and stickiness

- Develop data pool

- Develop reporting chart dashboard

- Conduct data analysis workshop


Microsoft, R&D engineer, 2017-05 ~ 2018-06

- Develop an E2E testing tool using Azure cognitive services

- Conduct Azure service education and training, including:

  - Microsoft cognitive services (language, vision)

  - Azure ML Studio, and integration of these services to present the analyzed information in Power BI

- Conduct Power BI、Azure ML Studio WorkShop



Taiwan National TaiTung University, Bachelor's degree, Computer Science, 2013 ~ 2017

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⧫ Shark Bom Bom NFT

The Manpower Taiwan NFT project, allows holders to enjoy career empowerment services such as resume health check, career consultation, professional image photoshoot, and offline community activities provided by Manpower.

I've developed the front-end minting site, the back-end whitelist verification system, and developed the smart contract.

Develop with React + Mui to compress the use of the canvas toDataURL API.

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⧫ 華燈初上 Light the night NFT

Netflix series 華燈初上(light the night) NFT minting site

Verifying the whitelist through backend signing of transactions

Develop with React + Express.js

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Chinese language pioneer NFT information platform NFTotal, providing various detailed NFT market observation indicators, whale wallet monitoring functions, and real-time crypto news to NFT holders.

I've developed the front-end minting site, the back-end whitelist verification system, and developed the smart contract.

Using React + Express.js

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💪 @Mirror

Improve model accuracy and speed by using 2-Stage recognition algorithm

We reach 10x faster from 2fps to 20fps on RChip

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🏛️ NFT 3D gallery

An space with voice social that allows everyone to display NFT and chat.

Develop with React + three.js + ammo.js + web3.js + webRTC

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🚀 Nextjs dashboard template

Including: RBAC routing \ Code splitting \ rtl i18n supported

Develop with Next.js + Typescript + MUI

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📷 Image editing and compression tools

A back-endless image processing tool that includes editing, cropping, scaling, and image compression.

Develop with React + Mui and canvas toDataURL API

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🎬 Body skeleton scoring tool

Automatically slice the video and find the skeleton information in the image, combined with the Kalman filter to identify human body movements.    

Support PoseNet \ Efficient Pose \ MoveNet \ Blaze Pose models

* TFLite supported

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🔥 ICO sales page

Issue erc20 contracts and develop front-end app to mint token

Develop with Next.js + Semantic UI + web3.js + Infura

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MPP Data analysis certificate

Microsoft Certified Professional for Advanced Professionals