

•  男 • 23歲 •中華民國籍 • 0960602656 • [email protected]

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國立臺灣師範大學 • 企業管理學系 • 主修策略和財務 • 2013/09~2017/06(已畢業) 

  • GPA: 4.21/4.3 (經分數與等第制換算 90.31/100),平均全學年學系排名: 第7名(共50人,最好排名第四名) 
  • 年度優秀學生獎學金與書卷獎獎學金各兩次;皆需成績前10%才能申請,優秀學生更需評比綜合表現(課業和課外) 
  • 英文: 流利, TOEIC 910/990 , TOEFL IPT 573/677。 中文: 母語


度金針資本有限公司 • 天使投資機構 • 商業分析培訓計畫與專案實習生 • 2017/05~2017/10

  • 受訓成為商業分析師,評估新創公司和撰寫投資提案並發表。個人表現與報告成果被主管認可,獲得額外擔任實習專案經理的機會。 
  • 提出4份初步分析報告,提供正職商業分析師所需的資訊,減少其資料收集和整理的時間,增加其效率。 
  • 領導兩位隊友,一位統計分析員和一位數據聯絡員,執行虛假人格專案。建構初步虛假人格分類邏輯與策畫專案執行流程,並根據統計分析的結果持續修正假設和測試資料的代表性。按照時間表提出初步商業智慧成果,供主管參考和在預算會上討論進一步執行計畫。

國立臺灣師範大學魔術社 • 副社長 • 2015/06~2016/06

  • 領導6位核心幹部,並與其合作管理社團和25名社員,並透過激勵、因境而治和因才適任的原則來領導。 
  • 執行新社員招募,親自詢問活動參與者的感想、需求和回饋,持續調整社團經營方式和內容產出。最終使新加入社員較上一屆增加一倍,成長100%。 
  • 管理公關和作為社團聯絡人,協調對內對外的人員,藉此掌握額外資源、獲取機會或是增加形象。成功和10個以上的社團(包含學校處事或是系學會單位)建立合作關係。 
  • 組織和規劃社團活動,提出新的行銷策略來整合並更新舊的線上線下行銷活動,藉此宣傳年度表演。最終使年度表員觀眾數較上屆成長50%,達到約200人。 
  • 處理突發狀況和危機管理,例如已合法申請且獲得的表演廳使用權被學校無預警和通知取消,社團單獨去協調都被拒絕後。認為要策略性提升談判籌碼並和對的人談判,所以聯合其他受影響社團,共同和學校與教授協商,最後獲得學校同意和教授的諒解,成功拿回使用權並避免無場地可用的後果。 
  • 接洽並商談潛在商業案子,包含服務與費用。接案後設計服務內容、組織3~5名社員成立專案小組並實際參與執行商業案子。成功完成超過10件商業案子,包括表演、教學或其他綜合服務。

中華民國陸軍 • 步槍專長二等兵 • 2017/10~2018/02

  • 在新訓和下部隊時,因協調鄰兵完成任務的表現被認可,被班長指派負責一個班,12人的日常行政管理與任務執行。透過溝通、機動調整和平均分配工作量,班兵們都能信服的服從指令和有效率地完成被班被指派的任務。

寰宇教育中心 (主管為企管系EMBA的學生並提供商業專案給大學部同學執行 ) • 特別課程設計專案組長與代表 • 2016/09~2016/12 

  • 領導5名隊員執行專案,開發新的程式教育課程。透過產品開發思維,先產品定位、發展策略、鎖定目標市場和設想風險因素後,再進一步制定課程細項內容與架構。並在共識會中負責報告初步設計與結果。 
  • 負責每週獨立會報進度與成果給中心的專案負責人,包含設計原理說明、模擬呈現與接受詢問,為雙方解省時間以提升效率。 
  • 協調雙方意見,並持續修正專案內容與發展方向。在符合時間表的規劃下,完成合約,提出4套課程,1套含12堂課。


    I graduated from National Taiwan Normal University, Bachelor of  Business Administration, major in Strategy and Finance. But I also participated in the field of international relation. So I can combine my professional expertise of management, financial market, and strategy analysis, with knowledge of geopolitics, military security, and global economy together. To see the world and things with more general and whole picture perspectives. My overall academic achievement is GPA: 4.23/4.3 and average rank No.5 out of 50 people. Besides academic performance, I am also practiced and experienced with leadership. Usually served as a team leader or elected as a representative for a 6 men team or a 50 people class. In charge of leading the team, coordinating, and presenting outcomes. Due to this performance, I was selected as excellence student two times by my department, which required academic performance top 10% and comprehensive performance.

   At extracurricular, I served as vice president of NTNU magic club, leading 6 officials to manage 25 members. In charge of PR, marketing, organizing activities, and strategic planning, which requires a lot of improvising. During my term, although orchestrate strategy and execute it is changeful, more detailed work rely on leading, communication and, connecting. For an example, I often have to communicate, motivate, and understand individuals' circumstance to encourage members to execute mission well and create a unified atmosphere for common goal.   Besides standard club activities, I also took business cases. I negotiate with potential clients then organize a task force from willing members to fitful the contract, which provides valuable experience of doing business, negotiating, CRM, pricing, cost controlling, and organizing for me.

  At my senior year, I applied an intern business analyst training program of Wiskey Capital, an international angel fund venture capital.Trained and evaluated startups as a business analyst. My objective was knowing more about being a consultant and gaining professional knowledge. During the program, I learned know-how of investment like market evaluation, industry, competitors, and strategy analysis, and tried to use what I learned to present intel. After the end of the program, due to my performance was recognized by my manager, I gained a valuable opportunity of being an intern of project manager. Led a statistic analyst and a data liaison to work a persona case, which goals were to produce business intel. I was in charge of construct the framework of the project, control and test the outcome, and present outcomes, which are a valuable experience for me.

    As for my interests, I like movies, magic, and knowing military technology and strategy, I also play wargame(a sport like a paintball but more similar to military training and tactics), and my interests are also my power to grow. Movies familiar me with English speaking and listening, and expand my version to the foreign culture, history, and the world. Furthermore, also rich my imagination to communication, problem-solving, and storytelling abilities.  And the magic learning experience, not just technique or leading, but also increase my speaking and interpersonal skills alongside. My friends often describe me as a confident, charming, and quick-reflex speaker. And for the military, above knowledge about technology developing and strategy or tactics, it's a way and a perspective to see how major security issues influence the world. And playing wargame also trains me to make decisions and act tactically and strategically under pressure, both as group or individual, which is a rare and precious experience.

    I like meeting new people, learning new thing, and trying new areas, even sometimes it means facing new challenge constantly. For example, I like to try new ways to do things more efficiently and effectively all the time. I believe this personality enables me to be a good leader and problem-solver. And able to help up others with my experience and knowledge is quite a sense achievement to me too. That's why I want to develop a career as a business consultant or manager, which I think is interesting due to it fulls of new things and challenges. After EY's information session, I believe this is a great opportunity for a recent-graduated like me, which I can create value for the company while fitful the career I want by doing what I am good at. That's the way I want to apply and become a consultant of EY.




  大四時申請到Wiskey Capital 創投的商業分析師培訓計畫,學習投資分析相關知識與實務。目的在於更加認識企管顧問這個想發展的職涯和累積相關經驗。期間嘗試為公司發掘有潛力之新創,並分析市場、產業、競爭和策略等以試作提案。計畫結束後獲得主管肯定,額外擔任投後管理專案經理,帶領統計技術員與一位公司資料聯絡人,運用已投資的社群網站累積的數據,建構虛假人格分析框架以分析數據,創造商業智慧。從中獲取專案管理中寶貴的策劃、控制和呈現的經驗。





  在設定這個目標後,我踏上了我的旅程。 第一站我選擇了台中,因為剛好有魔術表演在此舉辦。到了當地自行利用公車探索這座相對陌生的城市,也幸運的聯絡到台中的同學,碰面並在其家借宿一晚。 第二站我來到了高雄,因為剛好有家人在高雄的房子要出租,但人不在高雄,於是我就詢問是否需要幫忙查看房屋狀況以換取借宿。

  就這樣將第二天的行程帶到了高雄城市之旅。 第三天行程本來還未知,住宿點也未定。但到了第二天下午剛到高雄時,我收到電話,我原本報名國防部的傘訓營隊是後補,但在今天確定改為正取,可以到屏東參加5天4夜的傘訓和軍事體驗課程。而在此時我的第三站也決定了,就是屏東。 





經歷一,2016 年 5 月 - 至今

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經歷二,2015 年 2 月 - 2016 年 5 月

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Academic Performance

1. GPA(first semester of year 105): 4.25

2. Ranking/Percentage of Department(second semester of year 104): No. 4th, 9.09%

3. Total Average Grade: 90.31

4. Average Ranking/percentage of Department: No. 7th, 15.91%

5. Language Ability: 

    Chinese: Native speaker

    English: Fluent, TOEIC 910, TOEFL IPT 573

6. Elected excellent student

Related certifications are at attachments.


I consider myself having leadership. When I was vice president of NTNU Magic Club. I once in charged of the magic week which is a week-long event to promote our annual performance and club members worked shift to perform and give gifts to attract people. I led this event by organizing members according to their different expertise and setting an example such as be punctual to my shift, performed bravely, and managed gift inventory to encourage members to do so.  Give compliment publically to those who did good and construct a vision that we are building a reputation for our club to motivate them at the daily meeting. The result was positive. Not only club members felt more committed to the club but also  Increase audiences of an annual performance by 50% more than last year.
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Problem and Crisis Solving

When I was vice president of NTNU Magic Club, we encountered a lot of crisis. One example was the stage we borrowed for annual performance was suddenly retrieved by the school for opening a class. Initially, the school refused to let us use stage even we already borrowed it through proper procedure. Without the stage, we couldn't accomplish the performance. After I analyzed the situation, my strategy was to rally other clubs that were affected to pose pressures to school and contact the teacher of the class directly.  In the end, fortunately, the teacher of that class agreed to change the place for us.     

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I enjoy challenge myself and try new ways to improve performance. I proposed many innovative strategies for Magic Club. For example, transformed teaching style and value proposition, became more amusing to attract new recruits. We tremendously increased new recruits by 200% more than last year. Another example was that I always search for opportunities to increase our resources. By building a mutually beneficial relationship with other clubs, we were able to receive assistance like equipment more effectively.  

Managing and Internship Experience 

Vice president of NTNU Magic Club, 2015/06~2016/06

My job was constructing club's targets and strategies,  organizing activities, handling the public relationship, designing courses, contacting and negotiating with potential clients to strike commercial cases, organizing customized service, and managing club members and officials.

Superior result:   

1.  Increase recruitment rate by 100% more than last year by redesigning club orientation, make it more amused for club members.

2.  Increase audiences of an annual performance of club by 50% more than last year by implementing new marketing strategies which combining social media exposure and actual performance.

3.  Establish good relationships with administrative units, student associations, and other clubs within the college so we can get resources and privilege. For example, faster administrative service, equipment, discount goods, and VIP tickets. 


Project Manager and liaison to Global Education Center, 2016/09~2016/11

I was in charge of managing 5 teammates from management department as a team to handle a special project for Global Education Center, our partner.  Global Education Center is an education organization which dedicates to Flipped classroom. Our mission was to identify potential problems and risk from their initial concepts for Global Education Center. Then, design course subjects, contents, and process, and create new perspectives for them. 

As the liaison, it's my job to present our works to the project handlers weekly and coordinate differences between two sides. Through my work to save the significant amount of time and men power for my team. Now the course is implementing as one the new value proposition that Global Education Center provided.  


Internship at Office of Marketing and Planing of Global Education Center, 2016/07~2016/09

1. Collect and analyze competitors' and potential partners' data, save time and provide useful intel for my manager.

2. Develop products/courses, and prepare an introduction of new products/courses for my manager to report to her supervisor.

3. Conduct telephone marketing to potential clients and customer opinion survey.

4. Assist marketing events, including summer camp and experimental course.


Magic teacher of summer term to WOO Magic company, 2015/07~2015/09

Provide magic teaching service, performance, and selling of company's product for company's client. Increase company's capacity of taking multiple cases simultaneously.


Class representative of Department of Business Administration,2013/09~2016/06

1. Assist class related affairs efficiently for professors and classmates. Considered a responsible person and continually be elected for next three years.

2. As a liaison of the class to both classmates and the department. Trusted by both sides.

3. Represented class to participate department conference and coordinate opinions of classmates. 




I lead by setting an example myself to inspire people. And I always willing to show my support for others. Make people looks up to me and believe in me. So they will more willing to follow my lead and commit to the mission.

Teamwork ability

I consider things in team's perspective and always doing what's best for the team. And I also try to keep flexible to any kinds of adjustment due to the coordination of the team. Respect the different opinion and value point.  

Negotiator thinking

Always Identify relative advantage I have and issues could be important to the situation. Increase leverage power by gathering intel through conversation and observation. Then, create a maneuverable strategy.

Insightful view

My knowledge about international relationships, the global economy, and manage enable me to analyze things in the whole picture perspective. Identify potential influences of events to the market and related state holders. 

Interpersonal skills

I treat people with respect, sincerity, and understanding. Show confident and courtesy when I interact with others. I also open to different opinions and think in their perspectives. Always willing to help and give compliments.

Presentation skills

My experience as magic performer enables me to speak to public calmly. I express himself attractively and confidently by using audience control technique, such as eye contact and body language.