
Hi, this is mimi! 


1. 具備團隊領導能力:曾擔任系學會幹部 

2. 擅長軟體開發和架構設計: 透過前後端開發與整合完成畢業專題 

3. 具備比賽經驗:理工盃創意專題競賽特優和台積電黑客松季軍 過往我有相關軟體開發的經驗,對於程式創新研究也有極大的熱情,未來志在成為專業的軟體工程師。


我的個性樂觀向上且喜歡挑戰,具備團隊領導能力,擅長軟體開發以及軟體架構設計,且在自然語言處理(NLP)以及人工智慧專案都有相關經驗。 大學有擔任過系學會活動組組長,讓我學到了團隊合作、溝通和協調能力,畢業專題發表主題為 政治文本的與論分析系統,主要分析台灣社群平台上的政治相關言論的情感分析以及資料視覺化。

 研究所進入成功大學 高宏宇教授的 智慧型知識管理實驗室,專注於自然語言處理的研究,在2023年參與台積電校園黑客松,主題為 ChatBot,我們透過敏捷開發模式,快速產出一個前後端整合且具備高度擴充性的Discord Bot,成功獲得了第三名,讓我確信軟體開發領域是我有高度興趣的。 


My traits are outgoing, optimistic, and positive. My abilities include team leadership, software development and architecture design. I also have experience in NLP and AI project development. 

I served as a leader of the Event Planning Department of the Students' Association at university, which made me gain teamwork, communication, and coordination skills. My senior project studies the opinion analysis of political text, which mainly focuses on the sentiment analysis of political statements and data visualization on Taiwanese social platforms. 

In graduation school, I devoted myself to the field of NLP, further taking part in the Hackcareer held by TSMC, which the topic is the chatbot. Finally, we gained third place by creating a Discord Bot with Front-end and back-end integration and high Scalability through Agile development. Of course, one of the reasons for winning is our perfect teamwork! 

In the future, I plan to enter the software development industry successfully. I have developed the abilities of teamwork and the initial capability of my professional field in the university. In the master school, I focus on my self-study ability and challenging large projects. Furthermore, I will explore other areas I could be more professional to advance myself, feeling excited to welcome more challenges.


Sep 2021 - Jan 2023



Sep 2016 - Jan 2020




  • Python

    • 熟練Python語言相關指令及操作。 
    • 熟悉機器學習相關套件如: numpy, sk-learn,以及深度學習框架: pytorch
    • 使用matplotlib或是seaborn等套件做出資料分析。
  • C++ 

    • 熟悉C++基本語法及OOP概念
    • Data structure, Algorithm
  • SQL
    • SQL基本語法撰寫及應用


  • CNN句子分類

    • 使用1D的CNN模式進行簡易的句子分類,並比較不同初始化的句子分類結果。
    • 專案連結
  • Language-model-playground
    • 此專案為語言模型的簡易使用平台,內建包含LSTM等多種模型。
    • 協助共同維護此專案。
    • 新增資料集並測試其結果。
    • 專案連結

附件 - 英文履歷