
Chen Wei Yang

(+886)988564252 •  [email protected] • Taiwan


September, 2014 ~ June, 2018

National Tsinghua University - Computer Science Department

bachelor degree - senior



  • Chinese - native

  • Taiwanese - native 

  • English - TOEIC: Score 845

Programming Language

  • C、C++、Java:

  1. Familiar with OOP、Encapsulation、Inheritance、Polymorphism concepts
  2. Implementing C++ simple Compiler、Dissembler 
  3. Developing C++ game with QT
  4. Developing GUI Game with Java、modifying VanillaDB functions 

  •  Python、pip(package manager): 

Implementing  Google search、Ptt、Instagram pictures crawlers 

  •  Matlab:

Images、Sounds compression and processing、show charts

Web Development

  • Front ends: 


  • Back ends:


  • Database: 


  • Server experience: 

  1. AWS EC2、Elastic Beanstalk
  2. Linode VPS
  3. Linux environment、vim


  • Arduino: 

Implementing Air Signature with Triaxial Accelerator and Matlab

  •  Hadoop MapReduce: 

Implementing  big data problems like PageRank、Kmeans

  •  Development habits and tools: 

  1. Familiar with Data Structures and Algorithms,paying attention to Coding Style
  2. Git version control、Slack / Evernote communication tools、Agile / Scrum development methods


College Student Research Projects July, 2017 ~ February, 2018

- Building entrepreneurship education platform - instructor Dr. Ren-Song Tsay

- Leader of four-person team, delegating proper work to members and hosting meetings

- Sitting in on entrepreneurship course and collaborating with the class team

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Lego programming tutor July, 2017 ~ August, 2017

- Teaching children to develop Lego robot programs with Lego Mindstorms

- Explaining concepts of programming to children with no relevant knowledge

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Cheerleading Team July, 2016 ~ July, 2017

- Participating in Meichu competition

- Hosting a post of Equipment Section and being responsible for venue rental and aftermath

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About Me

Rational thinking

Being fond of thinking stick points of problems and I have taken Innovation and Entrepreneurship、Critical Thinking、Science Technology and Society courses to cultivate the ability of problem-awareness and problem-solving.


Having a sense of accomplishment by making practical products. I implement some primary results like Air Signature、building forum from IOT、Web Development courses.

Extensively learning and sharing

Being keen of extensively learning and sharing to other people, thus I value the ability of expression.

I have taken Public Speaking and Presentation courses to improve expression ability and stage manners, and also in that course I met many friends with different departments and backgrounds.

Interpersonal communication

Loving to participate in groups and communicate with people. I participate in Cheerleading Team in school and perform in Meichu competition, enjoying Interpersonal communication in the activity.

Guitar and exercise

Having habits of playing the guitar and working out and balancing my life by these habits.

Offering my ability of problem-solving、opportunity-discovering to company

Being passionate about solving problems and finding demands based on my technical foundation and learning ability.