
Ahmed Mahmoud

Full stack web developer  •  Sheikh Zayed City, Giza, Egypt •  [email protected]


Bachelor of Engineering (BEng), Computer and systems Engineering Department,

Al-Azhar University (2016 ~ 2020)


  • PHP
  • Laravel
  • MySQL
  • MVC
  • RESTful API
  • AJAX
  • HMTL5/CSS3
  • Tailwindcss
  • bootstrap-vue
  • Vue.js
  • Vuex
  • Git



An e-commerce SPA, with an admin dashboard to manage all the application resources, an authentication system with personal access tokens using laravel passport, authentication with OAuth providers {github, facebook and google} using Laravel Socialite, deployed to heroku and works like a charm - PHP, Laravel, MySQL, VueJs, laravel passport, laravel socialite, RESTful API, vuex, tailwindcss, bootstrap-vue.


An IMDB-like SPA, pulling movies/tvshows/actors data and details from an external api TMDB, listing and showing them in a cool design, with a search bar to search and pull the results from the external api, all works just fine, deployed to heroku - PHP, Laravel, VueJs, RESTful API, tailwindcss.


A multi-language tourism company website and store - (currently wordpress) Vue.js, PHP, Laravel, Ecwid under construction.

"Watermark Multimedia"

Final graduation project - React.js, PHP, Laravel, phpseclib, MySQL, RESTful API, Axios.


Final project of laracasts'  laravel from scratch course - PHP, Laravel, laravel blade, MySQL, RESTful API.