廖奕豪 ALAN





  • APP UX 體驗優化
  • 系統串接經驗
  • 數據分析


  • 部落客行銷
  • 口碑及聲量操作提案
  • 網站活動企劃


  • 語音、文字客服
  • 軟體問題/ 交易問題
  • 消保申訴處理

新光三越 - 2019年 6月 - 至今


飛象資訊 - 2018 年 7 月 - 2019 年 4月

專案管理、UX使用者體驗規劃、wireframe & prototypes

台灣大哥大 - 2015 年 11月 - 2017 年 10 月


UNT 亞卡西雅 - 2012 年 11月 - 2015 年 9 月

官網活動企劃,促案執行、訂單分析、EDM / Landing 撰稿

PChome 網路家庭 - 2010 年 9月 - 2012年 5月







因此,回顧了過往的經驗 : 從最前線的客服、網站行銷活動企劃,一直到深入系統面的UX、開發專案,我發現我所累積的是電商完整的縱向經歷。


- 未來 - 


About Alan

A person who observes and sees activities of brands and 3C industry. And the way he catches things beyond the border is to read business and big name English magazines. And also, he is really interested in technology and always trying to bring it  into daily life. For example, by taking notes with Microsoft Onenote ,which can synchronize everything he learn and his thoughts into all of the device he have, so that he can retrieve them anytime and anywhere.

Experiences of mine:  marketing is the main category,then since 2018, software project management is keeping adding to his skill list.

Prospect about EC: 

As that smart-devices became widely popularize and interactive web technologies keep growing, the Internet is essential to our life and become the major tool that we get information. But nowadays, the ideas of E-commerce still remain in the state of sales orientation. Even we all knew the names of tool: Big-data, SEO, ad-words and so on, tools for TA-approaching. But still, we use them only for sales. More orders  and higher Transfer rate, the only goal and success to be chased and exceed. But is it the only one thing we should care about? 

In my opinion, what an ideal e-commerce really need is to bring the core brand concept into customer's life, and preaching their spirit to people who have the same desire or need. That will be nice fodder and material for social content and media because that can easily help brands to build image to their followers and audiences. In the other hand, creating hot topics to gain attention and traffic should not be considered just for selling, because it‘s actually creating opportunity to observe new needs in market and engaging more customers, therefore, I think that e-commerce should run with long-term and substantial strategy instead of just giving discount.

Future Outlook:

With my related experience and my will, I wish I could assist a brand to grow and make it stand out from the others,and maybe one day, I will build a brand of my own with the value I stand for.

廖奕豪 ALAN