Profile 03 00@2x

吳忠倫 Allen Wu

Software engineer with hands-on experience on

  • Build AI solution for video, article and audio application
  • Data engineering, analysis and anomaly detection 
  • Optimize schedule / routing plan via metaheuristic

Taipei, TW
[email protected]

+886 925639785


  • Agile software development: Scrum, Kanban 
  • Programming language: Python, C++, Java 
  • Machine / Deep learning framework: PyTorch, Scikit-learn 
  • AI solution: paper study, human action recognition, pose estimation, face recognition, article topic classification, OCR 
  • Data engineering: SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL DB, SQLite, Google Cloud Dataflow, BigQuery 
  • Web development: Django, Flask, Struts2, Spring, Hibernate, D3.js, Backbone, jQuery 
  • Optimization: Metaheuristics, scheduling/routing plan optimization, excel solver 
  • Map data process: QGIS, road segment similarity estimation, label placement optimization


AI Engineer

GliaCloud Co., Ltd, Nov 2018 ~ Sep 2020

1. Deep learning model training and finetune
- Train a customized CNN model for nearly real-time broadcast football scoreboard recognition.
- Finetune human action recognition model for wedding video action recognition.
- Finetune content-based article-music retrieval model for article background music recommendation.

2. AI solution development and deployment
- Build AI microservice to do inference with custom models implemented by PyTorch, Scikit-learn and OpenCV.
- Provide AI solution assessment and PoC via studying papers and customizing models.

3. Data engineering and analysis
- Build data pipeline to collect advertising tracking data.
- Provide data analysis summary and visualization to the team to optimize advertising metrics.
- Automate anomaly detection to detect abnormal advertising metrics.

Software Engineer

TomTom Asia Inc, Sep 2014 ~ Sep 2018

1. Go Agile : As a team member has experienced Scrum and Kanban.

2. Develop data pipe to compile new navigation map feature
- Develop global features such as map label placement, truck routing restrictions.
- Develop navigation input methods such as full-text search, pinyin search and next valid character search for Thailand, China and most of EU and NA countries.

3. Enhance map data analysis and anomaly detection
- Build web-based service to provide map data statistics and visualization to help the team get insights.
- Develop test cases to highlight map data anomalies.

Software Engineer

Toplogis Co., Ltd, Oct 2010 ~ Sep 2014

1. Design and develop logistics web platform to support business customers : Wilmar International Ltd. and AMIGO Logistics Corp to make better logistics plans and decisions.

2. Survey and implement algorithms like metaheuristics to optimize factory assignment and routing plan.

3. Analysis and develop crowdfunding web platform for 104 Corp.


National Chin-Yi University of Technology, MS in Institute of Electronic Engineering, 2009

National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Engineering,Electronic, 2007


Chinese, English (moderate level)


Kaggle: Google Landmark Recognition Challenge, 195th of 483


  • Sun SCJP 1.4 
  • TOEIC Green level 
  • Coursera courses: 
  • Machine Learning 
  • Deep Learning Specialization


  • AI Saturdays Taipei -, cs231n, cs224n study group 
  • PyTorch Taipei - deep learning related paper discussion


Read popular science book, watch movie and play game 


  • Ruey-Maw Chen, Chung-Lun Wu, Chuin-Mu Wang and Shih-Tang Lo, “Using A Novel Particle Swarm Optimization Scheme to Solve Resource-Constrained Scheduling Problem in PSPLIB,” Expert Systems With Applications, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 1899-1910, March 2010. (ISSN: 0957-4174) (SCIE) 
  • Shih-Tang Lo, Ruey-Maw Chen, Yueh-Min Huang, and Chung-Lun Wu, “Multiprocessor System Scheduling with Precedence and Resource Constraints Using an Enhanced Ant Colony System,” Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 2071-2081, April 2008. (ISSN: 0957-4174) (SCIE)