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許詠翔 Shawn Hsu

[email protected]

Taipei, Taiwan


2022.06 ~ 2022.12 - Backend Software Engineer - 1TM

  • Implement leaderboard of 1CU(3000 user data with 250 ms respond time) 
  • Reduce CI/CD pipeline docker image size by 5176% 
  • Implement team wallet(integrate with Ethereum blockchain) 
  • Implement authorship token and enthuse token(integrate with Ethereum blockchain) 
  • Refactor 1TM website searching functionality

2021.05 ~ 2022.01 - Full-stack Software EngineerGlasnostic


  • Implement account center functionality(change name, change username, change password ... etc.)
  • Implement organization and team page of account-management page
  • Improve theme system of website(add dynamic theming based on user preferences)


  • Use gRPC to build segmentation for auto filter traffic
  • Implement user avatar service(upload, get, update avatar)
  • Improve webhook trigger system

2020.06 ~ 2020.12 - Machine Learning Software Engineer InternIndustrial Technology Research Institute

  • Implement Re-identification car system with Tensorflow and Faiss using siamese network

2019.06 ~ 2020.06 - Full-stack Software EngineerIndustry-Academy Cooperation

We help to develop a machine dog for elderly care solution, include the following

  • Build real time socket server and client from scratch
  • Implement facial recognition, body action recognition, emergency call out ... etc.

2018.06 ~ 2018.09 - Full-stack Software Engineer Intern - Hgiga

Re-write old .NET website to PHP

Migrate database

2020.02 ~ 2020.06 - Object Oriented Programming Teaching assistant - Tatung University

Instructional Evaluation: 4.39/5.0(Total class students: 62 students)


2020 ACM-ICPC Asia Taipei-Hisnchu Regional Contest - Honorable Mention

2017 ACM-ICPC Asia Hua-Lien Regional Contest - Honorable Mention

2020 ACM-ICPC Taiwan National Contest for Private University - Silver Medal

2017 ACM-ICPC Taiwan National Contest for Private University - Honorable Mention

2019 全國大專校院軟體創作競賽 - Merit Award

2019 大四專題作品競賽 - The High Distinction Award

2017 ACM-ICPC Asia Hua-Lien Taiwan Online Programming Contest

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Using python, YOLOv3, LSTM and OpenPose to implement real time sports analysis program(in this case we use basketball) 
In our implementation, we provide GUI(Graphic User Interface), using WxPython to build with and have the following features

  • multiple input source(live camera, video)
  • i18n(traditional chinese, english) using gettext library 

According to our statistics, the accuracy of YOLOv3 is 80.5%, which contain the person, the basketball and the basket ring. And the accuracy of LSTM is 99.5%. Overall there’s still room for improvement


2016.09 ~ 2020.06 Bachelor of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Tatung University

Rank – 17/130