Andrie Septiadi Jamin

Saya adalah orang yang mudah bersosialisasi dan senang bertemu orang baru. Bekerja bersama orang baru memberikan tantangan baru yang menyenangkan. Saya juga dikenal sebagai seorang pendengar yang baik.

Sehingga dapat segera memberikan solusi dari permasalahan yang diberikan. Yang tentunya sudah dipikirkan secara matang, sehingga solusi yang saya berikan bisa diterima dengan baik.

  Serang, Serang City, Banten, Indonesia    

Pengalaman Kerja

Andrie Septiadi Jamin

PT. Daksinapati Karsa Konsultindo

Februari 2019 - Desember 2019

Paket : Pengawasan Teknik Preservasi Jalan Merak – Serang – Cikande – Rangkasbitung TA.2019

•Domiciled at the location or place closest to the location of the Supervision contract package.
Travel to review the progress of work which is a periodic activity.
• Supervise, record and check the accuracy of all measurement results of the calculation of the amount and the contractor's monthly payment certificate and ensure that the contractor will be paid in accordance with the contract agreement.
• At all times must have data on the latest Progress Status or the latest Quantity Status in order to assist the PHYSICAL SATKER in making financial reports and physical reports when needed.
• Assist the Field Directors to hospitalize the work that has been completed.
• Assist the Chief Inspector/Quantity Engineer in making reports on the progress of the work that has been completed.
• Assist the Chief Inspector/Quantity Engineer to make the drawings done (As Built Drawing).
• Assist Service Users in terms of quantity changes and additional work.
• Assist the Chief Inspector/Quantity Engineer in preparing a complete Temporary Handover Document (PHO).

Andrie Septiadi Jamin

PT. Anugerah Kridapradana

Februari 2017 - Desember 2017

Paket Preservasi Rekonstruksi Jalan Bts. Kota Cilegon – Cibaliung dan Citeureup – Tanjung Lesung

•Domiciled at the location or place closest to the location of the Supervision contract package.
Travel to review the progress of work which is a periodic activity.
• Supervise, record and check the accuracy of all measurement results of the calculation of the amount and the contractor's monthly payment certificate and ensure that the contractor will be paid in accordance with the contract agreement.
• At all times must have data on the latest Progress Status or the latest Quantity Status in order to assist the PHYSICAL SATKER in making financial reports and physical reports when needed.
• Assist the Field Directors to hospitalize the work that has been completed.
• Assist the Chief Inspector/Quantity Engineer in making reports on the progress of the work that has been completed.
• Assist the Chief Inspector/Quantity Engineer to make the drawings done (As Built Drawing).
• Assist Service Users in terms of quantity changes and additional work.
• Assist the Chief Inspector/Quantity Engineer in preparing a complete Temporary Handover Document (PHO).

Andrie Septiadi Jamin

PT. Surya Marzq Konsultindo

Februari 2016 - Oktober 2016

Paket Pelebaran Jalan Letnan Jidun (Serang) dan Cikande - Rangkasbitung

•Domiciled at the location or place closest to the location of the Supervision contract package.
Travel to review the progress of work which is a periodic activity.
• Supervise, record and check the accuracy of all measurement results of the calculation of the amount and the contractor's monthly payment certificate and ensure that the contractor will be paid in accordance with the contract agreement.
• At all times must have data on the latest Progress Status or the latest Quantity Status in order to assist the PHYSICAL SATKER in making financial reports and physical reports when needed.
• Assist the Field Directors to hospitalize the work that has been completed.
• Assist the Chief Inspector/Quantity Engineer in making reports on the progress of the work that has been completed.
• Assist the Chief Inspector/Quantity Engineer to make the drawings done (As Built Drawing).
• Assist Service Users in terms of quantity changes and additional work.
• Assist the Chief Inspector/Quantity Engineer in preparing a complete Temporary Handover Document (PHO).


  • Excel
  • Word


  • Indonesian — Native or Bilingual
  • English — Fluent