Projects 01 00@2x

Anthony F. 馮沛辰

新北市 蘆洲
185cm / 85kg

烹飪 美食 美酒 米其林餐廳100顆星
柔術 空手道 全國中正盃柔道季軍
陸軍總司令部軍樂隊 薩克斯風
陸軍總司令 湯曜明上將 侍從士官 榮譽狀退伍

Google Analytics Certification (Google網路流量行銷證照) 
Google Digital Sales Certification (Google數位行銷分析證照) 
Cisco IoT Sales Certification (思科物聯網行銷業務證照) 
E-Commerce Core Certification (電子商務核心分析證照) 

台北市野鳥協會救傷組志工 / 紅心字會志工 
養海水魚 浮潛
野柳 北海岸 淨灘終身


1. Apple Integration 10.10 Certification (蘋果10.10整合系統證照) 

2. Google Analytics Certification (谷歌網路流量行銷證照) 

3. Google Digital Sales Certification (谷歌數位行銷分析證照) 

4. Cisco IoT Sales Certification (思科物聯網行銷業務證照) 

5. E-Commerce Core Certification (電子商務核心分析證照) 

6. Cambridge English Language Bulats ALTE3/CEFB2 Certification (英國劍橋聽說讀寫證照) 

7. Japanese Language JPAL Certification (日文N5證照) 

8. 全民英檢高級 


學歷一,紐約市立大學 Baruch商學院

Finance(財稅金融相關)碩士 2006/09~2008/09(畢業)


工業工程管理(工業工程相關)大學 2004/09~2006/09(畢業)

現職 / 美商. 軍規防爆殼. 海外業務BD開發副總

Business Development / BD業務副總 
加州, 台灣 2021/6 仍在職  

總部設於美國加州,RD及採購設於台灣,擔任全球BD副總一職。此公司是從事iPad / Samsung / Microsoft Surface Go軍規防爆殼的公司。

1. 澳洲SYNNEX (聯強國際)
2. 奧地利Apple經銷商
3. 奧地利iOS系統整合商Nomasis
4. 德國Pepperl + Fuchs / 
In 2019, Pepperl+Fuchs had a revenue of €715 million and employed 6,300 people worldwide.
5. 比利時ios系統整合商
6. 巴西MGI ios系統整合商
7. 巴西TSC Group / Panasonic軍規電腦全球維修客服
8. 保加利亞巴爾幹電信 / 軍用防空雷達導航系統整合商
9. 保加利亞CSG / 通信設備、電纜系統、工業電腦系統整合商
10. 哥倫比亞KIOSCOS Y TECNOLOGIA / 系統整合商
11. 哥斯大黎加 ADC MOVIL / 系統整合商
12. 哥斯大黎加 Vartec SPCI S.A. / 系統整合商
13. 賽普勒斯 軍規電腦
14. 捷克AKERMANN 軍規電腦
15. 捷克軍規電腦
16. 丹麥MST Group /
17. 丹麥IT系統整合商
18. 丹麥IT系統整合商
19. 芬蘭KAUKO系統整合商
20. 芬蘭Apple經銷商
21. 法國車隊管理系統
22. 法國系統整合商
23. 法國車隊管理
24. 法國SCC系統整合商
25. 法國POS系統整合商
26. 德國軟體方案商
27. 德國CLASS農耕機
28. 德國軟體方案商
29. 德國軟體方案商
30. 德國epos軟體方案商
31. 德國FRICKE 農耕機
32. 德國軟體方案商
34. 德國軟體方案商
35. 德國系統整合商
36. 吉布羅陀系統整合商
37. 瓜地馬拉POS系統整合商
38. 宏都拉斯POS系統整合商
39. 匈牙利IPC系統整合商
40. 印度POS硬體商
41. 印度POS硬體商
42. 印度軟體方案商
43. 印度POS硬體商
44. 以色列POS硬體商
45. 義大利POS系統整合商
46. 義大利POS系統整合商
47. 義大利JAMPEL國防交通石油化工IP監控系統
48. 日本豐田通商 (TOYOTA母公司採購)
49. 荷蘭軟體開發商
50. 荷蘭POS系統整合商
51. 荷蘭POS軟體方案商
52. 荷蘭POS軟體方案商
53. 荷蘭TSC Group / Panasonic軍規電腦全球維修客服
54. 挪威POS軟體方案商
55. 挪威車隊管理硬體商
56. 挪威POS軟體方案商
57. 波蘭Apple Reseller
58. 波蘭軍規電腦
59. 波蘭Apple Reseller
60. 葡萄牙醫療系統整合商
61. 俄羅斯IPC2U工業電腦
62. 俄羅斯工業電腦
63. 西班牙物流軟體方案商
64. 西班牙軟體方案商
65. 西班牙軍規電腦
66. 瑞典軟體方案商
67. 瑞典軟體方案商
68. 瑞典Apple Reseller
69. 瑞典軟體方案商
70. 阿拉伯聯合大公國系統整合商
71. 英國bouncepad POS硬體商
72. 英國NEMESIS POS軟體方案商
73. 美國POS硬體商
74. 越南Apple Reseller

經歷一 / 越南ANEN 智能消防.全球業務開發副總 

ANEN / Fire Protection Equipment

國外業務主管 管理13人以上 越南 2020/2~2021/4 

總部及工廠設於越南,擔任全球BD副總一職,ANEN Fire Protection Equipment是從事消防車、消防設備及消防閥及消防栓的公司,工廠在越南。全球前五大的智能消防集團都是我親自接洽、開發、並為客戶客製化,如美國Johnson集團的合作案(Johnson集團年營收一兆)、美國Tyco集團、Kidde防火致能集團、Carrier美國冷氣開立集團、以及德國BAVARIA、MINIMAX消防集團的代工。我的新客戶開發成效如下: 

11.波多黎各CEL Fire 
13.沙烏地阿拉伯EMADAD NAHED 
17.美國D&S Fire Protection 
18.美國A1 Fire Industrial Supply代理商 
20.美國 TYCO防火

經歷二,新美齊集團/凱銳光電 (2442)

International Sales Manager 2015/12~2019/08


1. 凸顯公司優勢:從1位客戶的窘境到100間客戶的逆轉勝

  • 2015/12月新上任~2016上半年內迅速開發全球70間經銷商,直至2019年已突破100間新客戶 
  • 正式下單約50間客戶,成交率達70%;新樣品預購數量在2016上半年內已累積200套 
  • 2016第四季正式量產後,營業額由0轉2000萬台幣  
  • 2017業績達250萬美金 
  • 2018產品嚴重瑕疵無法出貨,轉變策略與日本豐田通商合作東南亞TOYOTA並合作提案給SUBARU 
  • 2019提案給美國AT&T,客製化前後雙鏡頭行車紀錄器 
  • 2019與TOYOTA台灣合作提案給台灣大車隊計程車,客製化前後雙鏡頭行車紀錄器 
2. 提升業務團隊戰鬥力

  • 新舊客戶比重分配: 95%投入新市場開發、5%人力維持舊客戶的策略
  • 業務團隊重新分工: 6人的團隊包括一位課長一位業務,2位業助及1位marketing;舊客戶交由1位業助專責負責並不定時回報,其餘4人全力主攻新客戶。新客戶由我領頭開發、接洽成功後轉交給團隊跟催  
3. 標新立異的行銷學

  • 把任天堂Wii、XOBX、PS4遊戲機搬上車子讓大人小孩在後座玩刺激尖叫的惡靈古堡或令人血脈噴張的快打旋風。把車用鏡頭放進冷凍庫結冰再丟進100度C水裡滾。這些看似浮誇的實驗卻深深打動地處天寒地凍的東歐客戶,拿下斯洛伐克、捷克、羅馬尼亞、匈牙利車用連鎖店訂單
4. 眾志成城:凝聚各部門向心力拿下日本最大車用連鎖店

  • 統合採購、軟體、機構、及外包廠,3個月拿下日本最大車用連鎖店AUTOBACS訂單3000台電視屏幕
5. 180天呆滯料危機轉南美新商機
  • 新東家太過信任唯一的美國及英國客戶導致超過20,000個屏幕呆料滯銷 
  • 統合工程及採購部門:換掉損失最小的外包材,並客製化客戶專屬介面
  • 將呆滯料轉出貨,不僅解決3個月備料期,還迅速擴張從墨西哥、哥倫比亞、祕魯、智利、巴西到阿根廷的TOYOTA/Chevrolet/KIA 
 6. 業務績效: OEM/ODM/全球PDI交車中心通路

  • 2016年打進拉丁美洲TOYOTA 交車中心,2017拉美已呈3倍成長年銷售量達11,000套客製化後座螢幕 
  • 2016年打進德國Cadillac,BMW,Infiniti的aftermarket通路,首張訂單1000套後座螢幕 
  • 2017年打進拉丁美洲MITSUBISHI及KIA計程車車隊,年銷售量3000套客製化後座螢幕 
  • 2017年打進杜拜和埃及TOYOTA交車中心年銷售量2000套客製化後座螢幕 
  • 2017年打進日本最大車用連鎖店安托華(AUTOBACS),首張訂單3000套客製化螢幕 
  • 2017年打進東歐Slovakia及Czech車用量販店AutoKelly(境內77間連鎖店)首張訂單3000套客製化行車紀錄器 
  • 2018打進斯洛伐克TSS Group車用連鎖店,首張訂單1000套行車紀錄器
  • 2018打進羅馬尼亞車用連鎖店,首張訂單1000套行車紀錄器 
  • 2018打進挪威BMW dealer,首張訂單1000套行車紀錄器 
  • 2019打進印度TATA,首張訂單5000支鏡頭
  • 2016 TOYOTA car delivery center(PDI)in Latin America 
  • 2016 Cadillac, BMW, INFINITI, and Germany aftermarket channels 
  • 2017 KIA and Mitsubishi taxi fleets in Latin America. • 2017 TOYOTA Middle East 
  • 2017 HONDA Middle East 
  • 2017 AUTOBACS, the largest 699 chain stores, in Japan. 
  • 2017 Slovakia and Czech DVR aftermarket 
  • 2017 Slovenia, ROMANIA, Greece, Malta DVR aftermarket 
  • 2018 Norway DVR aftermarket 
  • 2018 France Motor-Home, truck, commercial vehicle surveillance system 
  • 2018 CANADA Motor-Home surveillance system 
  • 2018 Germany vehicle surveillance system 
  • 2018 Poland aftermarket rearview system 
  • 2019 customized DVR for taxi fleet in Taiwan 
  • 2019 4-channels surveillance for SCANIA, VOLVO, MAN, HINO, FUSO, UD trucks 
  • 2019 Hyundai 4-channels surveillance system 
  • 2019 KIA 4-channels surveillance system 


國外業務經理 / 嵌入式系統 Embedded System

電玩週邊暨車用電子邏輯分析儀 2008/11~2014/02

服務於嵌入式系統測試儀器部門(Logic Analyzer)及電玩產業周邊設備的設計代工(Play Station遊戲手把、Arcade Game射擊光槍)。嵌入式系統測試儀器所涵蓋的領域相當廣泛.舉凡IC介面、電玩博弈產業、晶片設計、半導體、車用電子、通訊協定、及開發軟體。用於除錯及解bug。 我的職責是建立全球經銷商,並協助全球經銷商開發客戶、美國最大的SUZOHAP是在電玩部門開發的ODM客戶。

1. 從零打天下:  建立45間全球經銷商

2. 連續4年的業績冠軍及蟬聯5年全公司整潔冠軍
  • 一年個人業績貢獻5000套銷售量,團隊(4國內業務及2位國外業務7000套銷售量)
  • 個人年營業額200萬美金
  • 團隊年營業額350萬美金
3. 德國紐倫堡、美國San Jose、德國慕尼黑嵌入式系統展會一手包辦
  • 文宣、海報、說明書、攤位設計、技術翻譯及展場布置
4. 團隊合作

經歷四,SUNRISE Computer 


SUNRISE Computer是位於紐約從事二手電腦、PDA、電視、playstation、及3C商品refurbish的公司.意即標買二手品後整新販售。 

1. 陌生開發: 開發中東、東歐、俄羅斯..等第三世界國家的二手電腦進口商 

2. 個人年營業額120萬美金,可以賣出5000台二手電腦及PDA等3C商品

3. 學會市場分析是最大收穫!!為往後頂尖業務之路打下扎實的基礎


很高興能有這個機會能介紹自己,在下畢業於國立台北科技大學工業工程學系及紐約市立大學 Baruch商學院財經學系碩士。我具備流利的外文能力、能獨立開發市場並經營與規劃。我很重視自我能力不斷升級,因此在商業銷售技能、電腦技能、語文技能三方面,我具備以下國際證照: 

1. Apple Integration 10.10 Certification(蘋果10.10整合系統證照) 

2. Google Analytics Certification(谷歌網路流量行銷證照) 

3. Google Digital Sales Certification(谷歌數位行銷分析證照) 

4. Cisco IoT Sales Certification(思科物聯網行銷業務證照) 

5. E-Commerce Core Certification(電子商務核心分析證照) 

6. Cambridge English Language Bulats ALTE3/CEFB2 Certification(英國劍橋聽說讀寫證照) 

7. Japanese Language JPAL Certification(日文N5證照) 

8. 全民英檢高級   

在下過去任職於全球最大車用影音系統OEM/ODM集團,擔任全球業務開發部主管。我的業績及領導能力非常亮眼,於前一任車用嵌入式系統連續4年居於業績冠軍;於目前仍在職的車用娛樂系統,則蟬聯近3年業績冠軍。舉凡日本最大的699間車用連鎖店AUTOBACS、德法NORAUTO車用連鎖、東歐的AUTOKELLY連鎖;乃至於OE市場,諸如德國BMW aftermarket 通路、日本Pioneer、TOYOTA 零配件子公司TOYOTSU Group、印度TATA 商用車集團,以及南美TOYOTA、KIA、Mitsubishi aftermarket⋯都是敝人親自由零接觸開始展開陌生開發建立銷售通路,進而逐步為這些國際公司研討、商談、提供客製化商品而成為長期合作甚歡的客戶。 






馮沛辰 敬上

[email protected] 



Projects 01 00@2x

Anthony F.

Living the Crazy Life

Cooking  Food  Wine  Michelin Restaurants 100 Stars

Jujitsu  Karate  Third Place, National Chung Cheng Cup, Judo

Army Band Saxophone

Commander-in-Chief of the Army, General Yuming Tang, Attendant Sergeant Honorable Discharge

Passion for the Marketing

Google Analytics Certification 

 Google Digital Sales Certification

 Cisco IoT Sales Certification 

 E-Commerce Core Certification

Passion for the Life 

Volunteer of the Taipei City Wild Birds Association Emergency Rescue Team 

 Volunteer of the Taiwan REDHEART Organization vulnerable family Snorkeling 

Lifetime Beach Cleaner 

Skill & Certification 

1. Apple Integration 10.10 Certification 

2. Google Analytics Certification 

3. Google Digital Sales Certification 

4. Cisco IoT Sales Certification 

5. E-Commerce Core Certification 

6. Cambridge English Language Bulats ALTE3/CEFB2 Certification 

7. Japanese Language JPAL Certification : N5 level 

8. General English Proficiency Test : Advanced 


New York City University / Baruch College / Finance 2006~2008

National Taipei University of Technology / Industrial Engineering 2004~2006

(Top 1 Industrial Technology University in Taiwan) 

International Sales Experience

Experience I: JEAN Group / Taiwan Stock:2442 / NEXTBASE

International Sales Manager / 2015/12~2019/8

I currently serve as Head of Global Business Development of the RSE Group, a company used to be the largest automotive application provider in the world. After a business takeover by the new owner, the brand originated in Scandinavia had declined into a withering business with only 2 customers remained globally and 28 employees together serving a single customer in Britain. Therefore, I created two strategies to tackle the business downturn– “Quick exploration on new customers" and "creation of global distribution channels– both consequently leading to the following achievements:

1. RSE’s competitive advantage shined again with its business reversed from having 1 customer only to currently 100 customers: 

• 70 distribution channels have been acquired from across the world during the time from the start of my occupancy on December 2015 to the 1st half of 2016; 100 new customers have been secured until 2019. 

• With around 50 customers formally making orders, the success rate in sales has archived 70%; the volume of pre-orders on new samples in the 1st half of 2016 accumulated to reach 200 sets. 

• After mass production was launched in the 4th quarter of 2016, sales revenue increased to stand at NT$20 million from just NT$ 0. 

• Due to a problem with severe product defect in 2018, the company’s products were unable to be shipped out. I switched to the strategy of making a proposal to SUBARU in a joint venture with TOYOTSU. 

• In 2019, a proposal was submitted to AT&T in USA to customize the front-and-rear dual-lens driving recorder. • In 2019, making a dual-lens DVR proposal to Taiwan Taxi in a joint venture with Taiwan TOYOTA. 

2. Escalate the sales combat power: 

• Effort spent on new and old customers has been re-apportioned: 

 95% is allocated to new market development, and the remaining 5% is allocated to maintaining old customers.

• Restructure the sales force: The sales team is restructured to consist of 6 people including a division supervisor, a sales person, 2 sales assistants, and a marketing officer. While one sales assistant takes the responsibility of maintaining old customers, the other four focus on the development of new businesses. I am the one in charge of developing new customers, and customers successfully added are transferred to the team for follow-up. 

3. Avant-Garde Marketing 

• Imagine that Nintendo Wii, XOBX, and PS4 game consoles are moved onto the car for adults and children in the back seat to play the spine-chilling game of Resident Evil or the blood-boiling game of Street Fighter? 

• Or just imagine putting car lens in a freezer under 0 degree C° to get them frozen and then thrown them into 100-degree C° water for boiling? 

These kinds of seemingly exaggerated experiments have actually touched the deep heart of our Eastern European customers who live in a frozen weather and also won fruitful orders from mobile application chain distributors in Hungary, Romania, Czech, Slovakia.

4. It is the team spirit that rocks: 

Various departments’ effort was united to win orders from AUTOBACS, the largest 699 chain stores, in Japan. 

 • Procurement, software, institution, and outsourced vendors were integrated to bring 3,000 orders within 3 months. 

5. A crisis of 180-day inactive stock was turned into new business opportunities in South America. 

As the new RSE owner relied too much on the only one customer in the US and the only one in Britain as well, this caused stagnant sales of 20,000 screens in stock. 

 • The Engineering and Purchasing Departments teamed up with each other to replace the packaging material of the least cost for the inactive stock and customize the screen interface for customers. 

• The inactive stock was directed to other markets which not only solved the problem of 3-month preparation lead time but also rapidly expanded sales into the TOYOTA/Chevrolet/KIA/Hyundai in Mexico, Peru, Chili, Columbia, and Argentina. 

6. Sales performance: 

OEM/ODM/Channel Sales performance: 

• 2016 TOYOTA car delivery center(PDI)in Latin America 

• 2016 Cadillac, BMW, INFINITI, and Germany aftermarket channels 

• 2017 KIA and Mitsubishi taxi fleets in Latin America. 

• 2017 TOYOTA Middle East 

• 2017 HONDA Middle East 

• 2017 AUTOBACS, the largest 699 chain stores, in Japan. 

• 2017 Slovakia and Czech DVR aftermarket 

• 2017 Slovenia, ROMANIA, Greece, Malta DVR aftermarket 

• 2018 Norway DVR aftermarket 

• 2018 France Motor-Home, truck, commercial vehicle surveillance system 

• 2018 CANADA Motor-Home surveillance system 

• 2018 Germany vehicle surveillance system 

• 2018 Poland aftermarket rearview system 

• 2019 customized DVR for taxi fleet in Taiwan 

• 2019 4-channels surveillance for SCANIA, VOLVO, MAN, HINO, FUSO, UD trucks 

• 2019 Hyundai 4-channels surveillance system 

• 2019 KIA 4-channels surveillance system 

Experience II:  ZEROPLUS Logic Analyzer 

Embedded System Sales Manager 2008/11~2014/02

I worked in the Sales Department of Embedded Test Instruments. The function of logic analyzer is to assist engineers with debugging in the design phase. The application of embedded systems covers a wide range of fields, including IC interface, Master and Slave communication, and chip design, such as Lin Bus、FlexRay、Can Bus used in car electronics; IIC、SPI protocols used in Memory;UART、PS/2、USB、and Manchester protocols used in PC system. 

1. A success built from scratch — 45 distribution channels were created. 

2. Champion in sales performance for consecutive 4 years; champion in office cleanness for consecutive 5 years 

• Solely made contribution of 5,000 sets of sales volume (worth US$200 million) each year to the group sales volume of 7,000. 

3. Single-handedly responsible for the attendance of the Embedded world Conference in Nuremberg, Germany 

• Brochures, posters, manuals, technical translation, and booth layout 

4. Team work 

Directed market penetration and business development overseas, leading a team to achieve sales targets as well as providing customer service and technical support 

Experience III 

SUNRISE Computer / Sales 2000/09~2004/09

SUNRISE is a company providing refurbishment service for second-hand computers and 3C products. This means second-hand 3C products are bought by the company and then put on sale after refurbishment. 

1. Cold calling: I developed business from customers importing second-hand computers in the third world such as the Middle East, East Europe and Russia. 

2. Responsible for personal quota of US$ 1.2 million per annum, arising from the sales of 5000 second-hand computers, PDA, and other 3C products, etc. 

3. Secured the knowledge of market analysis, which benefit me the best in the forthcoming journey to becoming a top sales person! 


It is my great pleasure to have the opportunity of introducing myself. I'm good at marketing, cold calling, and independently developing new clients, with exuberant experience. With an emphasis on global views and professional skills, I have well prepared myself in the job market with the competence of e-commerce, marketing and sales, information technology and foreign languages, and with the following internationally recognized certificates: 

1. Apple 10.10 integration system certification 

2. Google Analytics certification 

3. Google Digital Sales Certification

4. Cisco IoT(Internet of Things) Sales Fundamental certification 

5. E-Commerce Core certification 

6. BULATS(Cambridge English Language Association Test) ALTE3/CEFB2 Level 

7. JLPT(Japanese Language Proficiency Test) Level 5 certification 

I've worked in the electronic and international trade businesses for 15 years, and my performance of sales and market development has been a spotlight all the time. With my previous job as an embedded-system analyst, I achieved the No. 1 sales champion, 6 years in a row, and the corporate cleanliness contest champion in a row. The essence of sales, I believe, is to identify sales targets through analysis of global industries and data collection in a shortest timeframe, and then zero in on effectively limited contact windows to accurately lock on to the clients' decision makers for the ultimate success of sales. 

With a bachelor degree from the Department of Industrial Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology (Top 1 Industrial Technology University in Taiwan) and a master degree from the Department of Finance of Economics, Baruch Business School, New York City University, I'm proficient in foreign languages, equipped with the job competence of independently developing markets and planning business operations. The advantage of dual engineering and finance backgrounds has greatly helped me with job performance in developing electronic industries in overseas markets. 

Under such a practical background, I've amassed exuberant experience in exhibitions at home and abroad, and become familiar with import/export businesses. I've travelled a lot to America, Brazil, Europe, Nordic, India, and have stationed in China's factories for business promotion and market development. Through the years, I've established credit among my customers. My visits to electronic shops in Europe and America such as Saturn, Best Buy, Staple, Circuit City have allowed me to build a profound knowledge of the local consumers' preference and favorites, which has been a strong support for me to set up my sales evaluation and planning. 

I live in Taiwan and currently work in a global tier-1 car entertainment system OEM/ODM company as the supervisor of the Global Business Development Department. Because I am acutely sensitive towards commercial operations and can communicate in very creative ways, my sales performance often exceeds expectations. For example, I personally developed Japan’s largest car accessory chain AUTOBACS (with 699 stores), TOYOTSU(TOYOTA Group), BMW’s distributor, India TATA Group, Europe and South America’s KIA, TOYOTA, Nissan car delivery center and aftermarket from nothing, and built up sales channels. Gradually, I conducted discussions with these international companies and provided them with customized products, which turned them into long-term partners and customers. 

Up to now, I have expressed myself extremely well in every field and my sales role. I believe my active personality could be performed on both sides mutually benefiting from the deal of your company and my goal.  

Best Regards 

Anthony F. 

[email protected] 

