Ayo Amadi


Luggage Relay                                                                                                                                                                                 Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Javascript, HTML5, SCSS

A multi-language, multi-country, travel-based E-Commerce marketplace with a non-hierarchical permissions function. Brand distributors, distributors, and people that want to sell or lease their goods can all use the site to sell bags and/or travel accessories. 

  •  Improved search/read performance by up to 380% by creating a string with all searchable keywords on the index-   listed documents.
  •  Built a custom permission middleware to deal with the different user types and the different parts of the site that   they could access.
  •  Extended upon a pre-made drag and drop library to change the order of a product’s images.
  •  Built a custom locale and language functionality.
  •  Used the observer design pattern to create a robust notifications and emails system.
  •  Integrated both PayPal and O’pay to take online credit card payments.

Demo - https://ayo.works/videos/luggageRelayFull.mp4
Live Site - https://luggagerelay.com/en?location=tw

Petbond                                                                                                                                                            Node.js, Express, MongoDB, React.js, Summernote

A multi-language, blog-style, business card application with search functionality for their product reviews and their self submitted articles/posts.  
  • Used the personally developed company’s proprietary CMS and extended upon it due to the use of indexing on the summernote based wysiwig descriptions. 
  • Instead of allowing summernote to add its extremely long Base64 string for the uploaded images, decorated this process to upload the image to the server, and then replaced the Base64 string with the image url. 
  • This increased the write speed by 200% on average, and the search/read speed by 315% on average. 

Jarvis                                                                                                                                                                                                        Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Javascript, SCSS

A wrapper that connected via an api with the client's artificial intelligence based crypto-currency.
  • Recommended and implemented an almost full user sign-up suite with an email-verification and a forgot-password flow. 
  • Coded out a kyc - know your customer functionality, but was never deployed due to legality issues. 

 Demo - https://ayo.works/videos/jarvis.mp4

Canopy                                                                                                                                                   Ruby, Ruby on Rails, HTML5, Javascript, SCSS

A juice delivery E-Commerce site built with ruby on rails and Spree. This had some unique challenges as the client wanted to list their juices, but only wanted for clients to be able to deliver in multiples of six. The solution settled on was to allow 6 juices to be added individually in a Build Your Own Box option. 

Demo Site - https://canopy.flexstudio.io


Frankish International                                                                                                                                                                                     Taipei, TW
Software Engineer                                                                                                                                      July 2017 - Present
  • Breaking down client needs into technical solutions, executing said technical solutions, and then relaying results back to client in an understandable manner. 
  • Helping to dictate technologies used for various projects. 
  • Setting up production environments on GoogleCloud or Linode depending on the size and scale - potential of the project. Learning new tech when necessary for the project.

Next Academy                                                                                                                                                        Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Software Development Certificate in Full Stack Engineering                                                                                                          April 2017

University of Kansas                                                                                                                                                              Lawrence, KS
Bachelor of Arts                                                                                                                                                                      December 2013