Josh Yen  岩家正
 Taipei, Taiwan

I am an industrial designer in MSI with more than 4 years experience in the field. 

Although graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering in National Taiwan University, I was inspired by Apple's enthusiasm for pursuing perfection about customer experience and become an industrial designer by self-learning. I possess design thinking and material exploration skills that were developed during Singular Concept, and have the experience of end-to-end electronics development and cooperation with internal teams and vendors during MSI. 

Passionate about simplification of complex things both functionally and visually, I have intense curiosity about how things work, and focus on details and innovation.

 Mobile +886 (0) 977-340520 


Industrial Designer

Micro-Star International (MSI)|June 2019 – Present

.Implemented product development of IOT devices, industrial products, and gaming peripherals. Worked on the process of design research, concept development, sketching, 3D modeling, prototyping, and mass production quality examination. 

.IOT devices including router, smart home system, workout speaker, and pet tracker. 

.Gaming peripherals including headset, keyboard, mouse, gamepad, router, wireless charger, graphic card, and storage device.  

Industrial Designer

Singular Concept|April 2017 – October 2018

.Worked on the entire design process of electronic products such as air purier, touch lamp, which also involved with some mechanical design. 

.Established the standard assembly process of the touch lamp to save up to 50% of time of assembly, and optimized the manufacturing process of the crystal glass decoration to save about 80% of subsequent-process time. 

.Responsible for project management, solved the mechanical and mass production problems, and communicated with the factories based in China.

Projects in Singular Concept 

1. 依客戶需求,完成概念發想及草圖繪製。
2. 完成3D建模及渲染彩現,並協助製作與客戶溝通的資料。

1. 完成燈具內部線路設計及量產。
2. 完成產品包裝及說明書設計及量產。
3. 建立組裝標準流程,使其以低於原本50%的時間完成組裝。 
4. 有效優化產品結構的穩定性,使成品良率提升20%。

1. 完成水晶新品設計,並於法國巴黎家具家飾展【MAISON OBJET】廣受好評,第一次參展就獲得近百組訂單。
2. 前往中國水晶工廠進行製程溝通,使成品良率提升40%。
3. 帶領位於中國的後續加工團隊完成品質檢測及後續加工。
4. 有效優化產品後續加工製程,使其以低於原本20%的時間完成後續加工。 


  • Industrial Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Project Manager


  •  3D           SolidWorks | Rhino | Keyshot
  •  2D           Illustrator | Photoshot
  •  Others     Word | Excel | Powerpoint


National Taiwan University 國立台灣大學, SEPTEMBER 2010 – JUNE 2014 


Other Experience

Office Manager

元同宇國際股份有限公司, TAIPEI, TAIWAN, MAY 2016 – APRIL 2017


Professional Dancer

舞齡9年,曾任「TBC舞蹈休閒館」街舞老師。比賽獎項包含【第十屆新光盃熱門街舞大賽社會組】亞軍及【College High Vol.9 Locking 個人賽】冠軍。曾受邀擔任包含【Nike林書豪訪台活動】、【臺北富邦馬拉松】及【工商建研會29期聯誼會】表演團體。

International Volunteer



  • Physics | Psychology | Philosophy
  • Cinema | Incidental music | Reading

—  thank you  —