
Backend Engineer


嗨! 我叫俞柏恒 Heng ,是名後端工程師




Hi! I'm Heng , a ASP.NET backend engineer~

My personality was communicative and enthusiastic and my interest was travel and history. I also liked to learn about different countries' cultures in this world.

I prefer team work more than working alone in an office, because I believe one plus one is always greater than two. Anyone could be your teacher. 

Try to be positive and optimistic , because life is short.

個人資料 Personal information

技術 Skill

Name : 俞柏恒 (Bo heng Yu)

Date of birth : 08/06/1991

Phone : 0911861725

Email : s860722003@gmail.com

Line : aro6950 

Language : Chinese (流利 fluent) English (日常對話  conversant)

IDE: visual studio、vscode

Backend : ASP.NET(MVC)、C#、Razor、API Develop、Krakend、Swagger、Python、Flask、BeautifulSoup、web crawler、entity framework、dapper、Docker

Frontend : JavaScript、JQuery、HTML、CSS、AJAX

Database SQL server、MySQL

Cloud : Azure DevOps 、GIT(Sourcetree)

Other : cypress E2E_test、Uptime-Kuma Monitor

專案 Project

雄獅Single Sign On專案(全端)

開發Duende IdentityServer、

Lion Travel Single Sign On system(full stack)

Develop a Duende IdentityServer, OAuth 2.0, and OIDC authentication and authorization system.


撰寫證照管理、排程寄信、進件API 功能

Standard Chartered Bank Insurance system(backend)

develop insurance license management、batch function 

Developing user insurance apply API



Request 外部API天氣資訊

Solar energy project(full stack)

calculate solar panels information 

Request weather information API from the national weather agency


前台 : 供應客戶報修、查詢

後台 : 內部人員派工、操作清單、計算查詢統計報表、匯出&匯入excel、帳號權限

Web customer service project(full stack)

Forestage  : provide inquiry and repair function to consumer

Backstage : provide functions for  the customer service , send repair information to engineers, calculate data information and make analysis reports, provide import & export word and excel file, user rights , relevant information data list。


撰寫地政資訊相關API  Swagger

Taiwan north area land project (backend)

coding lands information API (swagger)


撰寫無人機管理與任務行事曆資訊API  Swagger


5G harbor drone monitor project(backend)

develop drone manage and task calendar function API swagger

provide instant drone position coordinate information on web

抽獎系統 (個人專案)



Lottery system project(side project)

import excel function from attending personnel and present excel file 

present and attend personnel management function

draw present and extra present function 

工作經歷 Work Experience

軟體工程師 software engineer

雄獅資訊 Lion Travel

Jun 2023 - now
Taipei, Taiwan

.NET core、C#、MVC架構、Entity Framework、Linq、JavaScript、HTML、JQuery、git、Docker、Krakend API Gateway、Redis、OAuth 2.0、OIDC、Azure DevOps


visual studio

SQL server。

--job description--

開發B2B、B2C Single Sign On與管理系統,提供員工與外部人員資料API,開發旅遊票券API Gateway,團隊使用Azure DevOps 版控

Develop a B2B and B2C Single Sign-On and Management System, offering APIs for employee and external user data. Develop a Travel Ticket API Gateway. The team utilizes Azure DevOps for version control.

軟體工程師 software engineer

昕力資訊 tpisoftware

Jul 2022 - Nov 2022
Taipei, Taiwan

ASP.NET、C#、MVC架構、Dapper、ado.net、entity framework、Linq JavaScript、JQuery、Ajax、git、python、crawler


visual studio、vscode

SQL server。

--job description--

開發證照管理相關功能、維護API、撰寫排程(寄信功能)、Debug、資料庫管理、前後端資料傳遞、git sourcetree連接bitbucket版控

develop insurance management and batch functionDebug、

database managementdevelop and maintain API

frontend and backend data transfer

bitbucket version control (git、sourcetree)

軟體工程師 software engineer

中華系統整合 Chungwha System Integration

Jan 2021 - Jun 2022
Taipei, Taiwan

ASP.NET、C#、MVC架構、JavaScript、JQuery、Ajax、razor、HTML、CSS、bootstrap、git、Sourcetree、Docker、Azure DevOps、


visual studio、
SQL server、MySQL。
--job description--

使用MVC架構OOP開發專案,git sourcetree操作連接Azure DevOps版控

building infrastructureplanning architectureDebug

database managementdevelop and maintain API

frontend and backend data transferHTML engraving 

use MVC、OOP develop project Vulnerability Assessment fix

Azure DevOps version control (git、sourcetree)

澳洲打工度假 服務生 

Australia Working Holiday

四月 2016 - 一月 2018
Taipei, Taiwan


I work in the holiday resort and The Sydney Tower restaurant , 

The reason for going to Australia. Because I want to learn fluent English and experience different cultures.

學歷 Education

緯育 Tibame  Professional Training Center

AI資訊工程班   Course in AI Information Engineering 

2020 - 2020

開南大學         Kainan University

財務金融學系   Department of Finance

2010 - 2014

自傳 autobiography 


進入IT產業後成為一名後端工程師,意外地沒有使用python而是接觸到ASP.NET,邊做邊學跟著前輩們一同開發各項網站,工作內容著重於controller與model的邏輯撰寫以及使用ADO.NET在資料庫取資料,前端使用Javascript、JQuery、Ajax與Controller傳遞資料,偶爾會修改HTML、CSS,開發期間陸陸續續接觸各種新技術,例如entity framework,git、Linq等。       

寫程式雖然有辛苦的地方,但在我所有做過的工作中是最有成就感的,目前仍會努力學精ASP.NET以及架構&程式設計design pattern&撰寫精簡&UX體驗,當然有不同語言的需求,我也會為了公司學習,感謝觀看。 

Before I went into the IT industry, I tried to learn basic python coding skills and understand how it works by myself. After a month. I attended a Python AI training class for four months. The course included crawler、Mysql、machine learning、OpenCV。

After the course, I entered my first IT company. I started learning ASP.NET for web development and understood the concept of MVC framework. I realized infrastructure and clean code are important when you maintain a project. I'll keep going to learn system analysis, database design, user experience。