Brandon Fang

IT Engineer | Hisnchu, Taiwan | [email protected]Linkedin


Proficient: Python, Java, SQL server, REST APIs (FastAPI, SpringBoot), Unix, Git
Familiar: C#, Kubernetes, CICD, Message queue, JavaScript, PHP, HTML/CSS, JQuery, GCP, LAMP
Professional Experience
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company
IT Engineer - cloud team
Mar 2020 - current

  • Build API server and develop backend services with Python(FastAPI) and Java(SpringBoot) stack, and leverage Azure DevOps to run CICD pipeline. Besides, integrate API services with orchestrator(BMC), API gateway(WSO2) to monitor and protect exposed services. By delivering such architecture to save 95% of time for daily IT related services
  • As owner of external registry(Harbor), pioneer to construct Harbor on GKE in TSMC environment and develop services to enable vulnerabilities gating mechanism to secure related programs in company
  • Deploy and maintain message queue(RabbitMQ) services on Kubernetes(OKD). Provide and roll out solutions for API server to decouple publisher and consumer to maintain robust services for rapid change of demand
IT Engineer - supply chain integration team
  • Introduce content management system(WordPress) with LAMP architecture as IT main CMS system to include more than 200 service pages, and roll out architecture to other needed teams
  • Leverage in-memory database(Redis) technique to enhance firewall management system to decrease 80% time for each user query (averagely 2,000 query per day)
  • Generate competitive relationship report using web crawler skills in Python to crawl and parse contents from SaaS platform such as Seeking Alpha, yahoo finance to deliver reports on reporting services(SSRS)
  • Deliver message board with score functions by JavaScript and PHP on service pages with cache mechanism
Project Experience
  • Path finding visualizer 
    • Using C# to deliver visualizer for aircraft flying path in 2D and surface-to-air missile attack range with real world map
    • Co-develop routing algorithm by combination of A* and heuristic algorithm for fighter aircraft considering minimum risk and save 90% computation time
  • Classification model of offensive tweets 
    • Using NLP model (BERT) by Google to classify whether the tweet is offensive and it against with group or person. Result in 84% with F1-score for nearly 30,000 tweets.

National Taiwan University / Information Management / MS
Feb 2018 - Feb 2020
  • As a TA in Programming for Business Computing in Python course with 200 students for 4 semester
  • Master thesis honored with the best paper in Decision Analysis Symposium (DAS2020)
  • TOEIC: 945/990
National Tsing Hua University / Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management / BS
Sep 2013 - Jun 2017