
Brenna Smith

Waldorf-Trained Preschool Teacher

A graduate of Mills College in Oakland, California, Brenna Smith earned a bachelor of arts in English. As an undergraduate student, she received prizes for her accomplishments in dance and creative writing. After graduation, she completed teacher training in the Waldorf system, a style of learning based on the educational philosophy of Rudolf Steiner. Strongly focused on the role of the imagination in learning, Waldorf education aims to integrate the intellectual, practical, and artistic development of each child. Brenna Smith helped found a thriving preschool in the city of Santa Rosa in Sonoma County, California, where he has worked as a teacher since 2013.

As a preschool teacher at the Sonoma County school, Brenna Smith is responsible for lesson planning and classroom management. She focuses on creating a classroom environment that encourages healthy social interactions and communications among children, in addition to teaching age-appropriate life skills. Brenna Smith works with children on activities related to climate cycles, the natural world, food production, and storytelling. She also spends time helping children with reading readiness and their exploration of the visual arts.

Sonoma, CA, US

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Sep 1, 2013 - Present




Sep 1, 2007 - Jun 1, 2010


Mills College
