Chih Yun Yang

I have a cleave, logical mind with a practical approach to problem-solving and a drive to see things through to completion. In my current job, I act as a Specialist of Channel Marketing and developed the ability if independent judgment and learned the knowledge of marketing. 

Work Experience 

2020 - now

Taipei, Taiwan

Spain and LATAM Channel Marketing Specialist

Micro-Star International Co., Ltd (MSI)

  • Develop and improve existing channel marketing strategies.
  • Target specific channels to promote products 
  • Manage marketing campaign communication
  • Analyze marketing trends, data, consumer preference, and competitor behavior
  • Keep track of and implement the latest marketing technologies and techniques

2019 - 2020

Dongguan, China

Taobao E-commerce Marketing Specialist
Grand Soar Consulting Group

  • Prepare reports on marketing and sales metrics of Taobao
  • Coordinate with team to generate digital material
  • Maintain direct communication with customers to establish solid relationships for affiliate growth
  • Long and short term marketing strategies planning

2018 - 2019

Taipei, Taiwan

Spanish Marketing Intern
Capsule Inc.

  • Create and coordinate digital campaign 
  • Website translation 
  • Social platform management
  • KOL marketing collaboration


Tamkang University

Spanish Language and Culture

2015 -  2019
Taipei, Taiwan

Alcalingua de Universidad de Alcalá

Spanish Language and Culture

2017 - 2018
Madrid, Spain


Professional Skills

  • Data Analytics
  • Project Management
  • Customer Service
  • Budget Management
  • Copywriting 
  • Teamwork Skills


  • Mandarin (Native)
  • English(TOEIC 910)
  • Spanish (DELE B2)


2018 SEEDS Iceland 

Participated in an environmental work camp focusing on issues in cooperation with the local environmental committee in Reykjavík with volunteers from different nationalities and backgrounds, while I built up international understanding and environmental education awareness.

2019 Global Nomadic Rio de Janeiro

Worked together with the NGO that was set up to provide help for those at the margins of Brazilian society, while exchanging cultural ideas myself and the local community, which provided a great opportunity for me to gain valuable knowledge and experience while helping the community.

About Me

My name is Claire Yang. I have studied in Taiwan, China, and Spain. I believe my cross-cultural work experience and strong academic background set me as a well-qualified candidate.

During my undergraduate, I have fostered the following strengths: great language ability, including Spanish and English, well adaptivity, and a mind of strong ambition. 

I went to Spain as an exchange student in my junior year. Immersed in a foreign country, I grasp all the opportunities to grow as an individual. Apart from the rigorous studies, I also participated in an environmental volunteering program in Reykjavik, where I got the chance to exchange my ideas with volunteers from different nationalities and backgrounds and learn from their experiences. 

After graduating from college, I joined Grand Soar Consulting Group and acted as a Taobao E-commerce Marketing Specialist. My responsibilities covered aspects of Marketing, Customer Relationships, and Sales. During this time, I had the opportunities to outreach customers from different fields of industry, including food, textile, and cultural industry. This allows me to develop my cross-industry experience, as well as communication skills.

After working as E-commerce Marketing Specialist in China, I had the chance to join MSI Computing and Display department and act as a Channel Marketing Specialist of Spain and LATAM. Besides performing general tasks with overseas branches, I also organized most of the headquarter campaigns of the whole year, including  Back to School and Christmas Promotion as well as new product launch campaigns. I analyze trends of marketing, data, and consumer preference to reach the target and link to sales results. This position has strengthened several skills including project management, campaign planning, and product acknowledge.

I hope my assets and qualities can be of assistance to the company. I am eager to learn and am willing to commit to the tasks. Thank you for your time.




【求學背景】 從小對學習外語特別有興趣,國中時錄取英文資優班,高中時因為對語言的熱愛, 進入應用英語學程,也是養成我英語能力的關鍵時期,曾兩次代表學校參加全國高中英語說故事比賽,我的英文能力也在這段時間有明顯的進步。高二時每周有兩堂第二外文課,我選擇了法文,在法籍老師的教導下,我對法國文化有了更深的認識,也學習到一些基礎的法文,從那時開始,我對歐洲文化產生了興趣,因此利用課後時間參加法文社,增進對歐洲文化的認識與了解。 於是大學就讀淡江大學西班牙文系,大三時,幸運地有機會赴西班牙馬德里的姐妹校阿爾卡拉大學學習,展開為期九個月的旅程,在這段期間,我深入的認識了西班牙的文化,結交當地朋友,並在假期間在歐洲當背包客自助旅行,加深對歐洲文化的認識與了解,我體認到語言是開啟世界的鑰匙,透過語言,能看到更廣更遠的世界。課程結束後,我順利的考取DELE B2證照,證明在西班牙學習一年的成果。

● 冰島國際環境志工:2018年暑假,結束西班牙的課程後,利用回台灣前的空檔到雷克雅維克,擔任一星期環境志工,工作內容包括淨灘、協助農務、參與環境保護研習等。擔任志工期間,認識了許多來自不同國家、背景的朋友,我們分別分享自己的生活經歷,同時思考能為自己所屬的土地帶來什麼樣環境改變。雖然活動只有短短的七天,卻改變了我的價值觀,我學會了用不同的角度看待事情,學習用從容的態度面對問題,並肯定自我的價值。

● 日商點子膠囊西語行銷實習生:
大四利用空堂時間於點子膠囊公司擔任實習生,協助推廣YouTube 數據分析服務網站「InteRed」,行銷至國外市場,主要工作內容包含聯系客戶、陌生開發,發想行銷策略、經營Twitter、FB、IG帳號,將網站翻譯至西文,以英文撰寫產品介紹並發布至Medium, 發想文案及設計EDM、協助社群媒體發文等。

● 祁騰管理顧問有限公司行銷助理:2019年畢業後加入祁騰管顧公司,工作期間派駐廣東省東莞市,曾接觸紡織業、機能服飾品牌及淘寶代運營等項目。工作內容包含: 協助廠商策展、參展,於2019年赴香港參加Global Source Lifestyle 展會。 參與運動品牌外套Kickstarter海外眾籌平台募資,負責行銷企劃。參與淘寶代運營包含茶葉、女包、糕餅等項目,主要負責統籌後期工作,與客戶溝通後,進行跨部門協調,以達成目標;此外,也負責撰寫淘寶店舖行銷文案,負責產品命名,同時協助售後及客服工作。也曾負責規劃微信公眾號圖文,協助商家從線上引流至線下。

● 微星科技:2020年12月起加入微星科技,負責南美洲及西班牙桌機及顯示器通路行銷。工作內容包含統籌子公司行銷及曝光活動並規劃符合產品及當地市場行銷策略、策劃總部促銷活動、控管行銷預算。參與品牌官網導入AR擴充實境,解決消費者對產品外觀認知需求,以及策劃各大節慶檔期促銷活動,包含Back to School, Christams, Holiday Buying Guide等。同時負責西語國家品牌露出及新點流量操作,包含百萬YouTuber合作規劃,社群及媒體操作。

【個人特質與興趣】 我的個性平易近人、喜歡結交朋友,我相信最好的溝通方式就是傾聽,我曾經在一篇文章中讀到: “The biggest communication problem is that we don´t listen to understand, we listen to reply.”所以我時刻提醒自己,在一段溝通的過程中,傾聽的重要性,同時如何做一個讓人願意傾聽的說話者也是重要的課題,我一直秉持著從好的溝通方式為出發點,經營人際關係,讓自己在未來有更多的機會。      
