

您好,我叫詹智婷 待過新創公司、上市大型旅遊集團。 

 擅長專案管理、跨部門溝通、我享受於新產品或新服務從0到1的誕生、從1到N的成長過程,期許自己為公司及用戶創造商業價值。 對貴公司產業及經營理念認同,期望能獲得面談的機會。謝謝!

 Hello, I am Caroline, a team player with high execution、design thinking、interpersonal skills and language ability in English and Japanese. I love industries of lives, tourism, E-commerce and technology . 

 With good sense of project management ,as ever worked in large tourism enterprise and start-up company, I enjoy developing a new product or new service from 0 to 1, and 1 to N. Keep growing and creating business value. 

 Thanks for your reading! Expect a interview chance, and be part of you.

PM/產品經理/專案管理Project Management
[email protected]




 數據分析:Microsoft Power BI 



 數位行銷:Google Analytics 

 影音編輯: Adobe Premiere


TOEIC: 780/990 

 日本語能力試驗 JLPT N2


 •國立台北大學 PMP國際專案管理師證照班結業| Preparation course for PMP certification (48 hrs) 

 •TMCA初階行銷傳播證照|TMC Entry-level Marketing & Communication Certification

 •Google Analytics (分析) 個人認證資格| Google Analytics Individual Qualification

•外語領隊資格|Foreign-language tour leader

工作經歷Work Experience

雄獅旅行社股份有限公司(內湖總部) Lion Travel Group

經營企劃Strategy Planning Specialist, Sep 2018 ~ 現在

1. 負責推動集團策略發展相關之專案執行、問題追蹤及落實解決,調整任務優先級,具備協助公司發展與執行策略企劃能力 ,主要負責單位:東北亞旅遊(疫情前)、台灣旅遊(疫情後),皆為集團營收占比最大部門。

2. 負責溝通協調跨部門問題。流程再造、流程管控以及經驗傳承。

3. 執行階段各項會議策劃、召集、記錄及進度跟催等工作。


5. 因應使用者需求,進行ERP系統優化功能、新功能建議,繪製使⽤者流程圖,需求文件撰寫、品質確認,優化⽤⼾使⽤體驗、相關諮詢等。

6. 日常營運報表製作(Power BI 視覺化報表、Excel樞紐分析表)







3.導入X Mind心智圖工具,幫助集團各單位大幅減少溝通成本,並擔任內部講師教授軟體使用技巧與應用範圍,開課堂數5堂,並獲得集團優良講師榮譽。



● Job Description

1.Worked as a coordinator who provided a link for information between product department and central strategy planning department, including built up WBS, managed priorities、issues and solutions.Possess strategy planning thinking.

2.Coordinated progress and communication with cross-department, let the stakeholders be clear about the latest issues we need to follow up and conducted process re-engineering and lessen learned.

3. Conducted meeting and arranged agenda, took meeting minutes and followed up to-do lists.

4. Wrote documentation across project management and maintained overall knowledge ,like Q&A、regulations and indications.

5. Defined the feature or development scope, wrote clear and concise requirements、flow chart Mind map to communicate features to the entire team .

6. Responsible for collating sales data and produced weekly and monthly management reports,using data analysis tools like Excel and Power Bi to make data Visualization.

7. Assisted foreign subsidiary( Japan, Tokyo) development, coordinated cross functional departments within project resources.

8. During the COVID-19 pandemic, worked with core planning staff office to conduct reorganization,including process re-engineering、human resource arranged、writing job description,permission settings,target setting, regular meeting arranged and agenda followed...and so on.

9.Kept track of travel market dynamics,sorted out and integrated information to help director set the direction.

10.Assisted other business proposal:Smart City Taiwan project-Destination tourism intelligent travel application Integration proposal.
● Achievement :

1.Conducted re-organization during COVID-19 pandemic,successfully helped nearly 120 colleagues transfer from outbound departments to local tour departments.

2.According users feedback and requirements ,incrementally optimized ERP feathers, such as re-arranged system travel areas, batch operation, reduced users' working time.

3.Introduced production tool XMind, hugely lowered communication time of meeting, and acted as lecturer, gave 5 courses to other departments, earned honor of one of the best lecturers in the group.

4.Finished 8 product textbook( Whole Japan Area) ,integrated business knowledge to help lessen learned of department.

5.Conducted green and environmental tourism subsidy plan and successfully gained a subsidiary from the Environmental Protection Agency. (Nearly 30 ten thousand NTD).

永聯物流開發股份有限公司Ally Logistic Property

行政專員Administrative Specialist, Aug 2015 ~ Sep 2018


4.製作各種費用分析報表 : 交通費、伙食費、各種津貼核算、顧問費等。

1.全公司固定資產管理 : 採購紀錄保存、會計師年底盤點、日常確保帳數相符。

Human Source:
1. Plan and execute new Employee Orientation.
2.Optimize new employee on board process and resignation process.
3.Check and manage employee attendance record and manage employee annual leave.
4.Lead team of interns to execute small projects
5.Plan and execute corporate events.

1.Manage and conduct all expense report and communicate with accounting Manager.
2.Optimize expense report process.
3.Manage account receivables.
4.Calculate and classify expense, such as personnel expenses, rent expenses…, etc.
5.Implement electronic invoices system.
6.Calculate and report annual management and selling expenses

General affairs
1.Manage and optimize fixed properties
2.Execute general procurement.


進口部專員, Jul 2014 ~ Aug 2015


嘉谷興業股份有限公司, 業務專員, Oct 2012 ~ Jun 2014

1.電子商務經營( MOMO、Yahoo購物中心、PCHOME24),負責進出貨、賣場維護、對接各店商平台PM工作
2.FACEBOOK 粉絲團貼文規劃。


國立台北大學, 學士學位, 金融與合作經營學系, 2008 ~ 2012

National Taipei University, Financial and Cooperative Management


您好,我叫詹智婷, 英文名字是Caroline,台北市內湖人。畢業於國立台北大學金融與合作經營學系。個性積極、執行力強、邏輯組織力強,外語能力佳,並具同理心及幽默感,重視團隊,熱愛生活、旅遊、電商、科技產業。

   目前任職雄獅旅遊集團(總部)經營企劃,需貼近高層主管理解集團策略方針,並依循策略推動各項專案,與部門團隊思考解決方法,以落實營運價值。 此份工作需要快速且大量梳理各種資訊,透過知識萃取,展開專案架構與跨部門協同合作。並且有敏銳的反應力、邏輯力、化繁為簡的溝通能力,以順利推廣專案。

    不畏懼業務上的複雜與困難度並勇於學習各種專業知識,為了加快主管決策,學習數據分析Power Bi 資料視覺化,讓大量的訂單、產品分類業績一目了然。為了解決複雜的組織架構議題,引入心智圖工具X Mind,至今已滲透各單位,為集團指定必學辦公室軟體。對數位行銷也深感興趣,自學Google Analytics、google我的商家,OMO品牌行銷策略,SEO、網站各項社群溝通平台(i.e. Facebook / IG / LINE)、原型設計工具Figma..等。 


    補充說明上一份工作,永聯物流開發,為一家新創公司,主要業務是和國泰人壽集團聯手打造高規格物流園區,我在總管理部 與團隊一同規劃新創公司所需之各種員工管理作業流程。工作範疇包含人資、財務、總務、行政、專案管理等,多元且極具挑戰性。 我深深了解在公司草創時期極需要團隊之間的緊密合作,在無標準作業流程的環境下,主動和主管及同仁一同依據部門需求,經過層層討論和執行修正才可獲得穩定的運作,養成懂得自我檢討,無須主管督促能主動改善工作流程和品質的工作態度。人際方面也展現高EQ,指派為輔導關懷新進同仁的角色。 

   待過新創公司、上市大型旅遊集團,皆為富有企圖心且獲得業界認可的好公司。深深讓我了解如何做好一份工作的態度。 我享受於新產品或新服務從0到1的誕生、從1到N的成長過程,期許自己成為專業的產品人,為公司及用戶創造雙贏的產品。 對貴公司產業及經營理念認同,期望能獲得面談的機會。謝謝!

  Hello,I am Chan Chih Ting, My English name is Caroline, born in Taipei city.

   I graduated from National Taipei University - Finance and cooperative management department. I am a positive and humorous girl, with high execution、design thinking, and language ability in English and Japanese, capable of adapting quickly to a new environment and working well with a team. I love living, tourism, E-commerce and technology industry.

   I am working in Lion Travel Group, the biggest listed company in tourism industry. As a specialist of strategy planning department. I have many chances working closely with top executive managers to understand group's business strategy and target ,then put it into practice with team of strategy planning department and operation departments. This position needs good understanding to handle multiple projects and issues. I have to develop WBS to follow up progress, to make information concise and clear, as coordinator and project manager with cross-functional team.

  To do well at work, I am willing to get knowledge of different fields to help top managers make decision .Besides tourism field, l learned power BI to make data visualization, let business report easily read , help top managers make data-driven decisions. In order to resolve complex human organization issues, I introduced software XMind to department and quickly spread to whole group, became one of the assigned office software to colleagues. I also highly interested in digital marketing. I self-studied Google Analytics, OMO marketing strategy, SEO, social network service(i.e. Facebook / IG / LINE),and UX/UI prototyping tools Figma.

 Various studies help me smoothly communicate with cross functional departments, make sure stakeholders to be clear about the latest issues and to-do lists and reach a consensus, lower Information gap. 

 In addition, My previous job was in Ally Logistic Property, as a administrative specialist in headquarter.

 Ally Logistic Property was a start-up company, whose main subject was to build high-specification logistic park, cooperating with Cathay Holdings . Ally Logistic property was full of creativity and ambition.I had worked with team to plan and execute operation process in the general manager office. The job scope included human resources, finance, general affairs and project management. 

 I truly understood that during the pioneering stage of the company, close team work was necessary. working under the circumstance without regular standard, I did't need supervisor take care of me, then actively found problems and requirements and kept improving. Besides, with good empathy and communication skills, I also was appointed as a role to counsel new employee and plan new employee orientation.

 In conclusion, as ever worked in large enterprise and start-up company, both are widely recognized by the community and the industry. It truly helped me grow great attitude toward works and pursuit challenges. I enjoy developing a new product or new service from 0 to 1, and 1 to N. Keep company growing and creating value.

 Thanks for your reading! Expect a interview chance, and be part of you.