

My majors in PhD years are optimization and graph theory.
After graduating, I joined Intel-NTU Connected Context Computing
Center and launched a project called the YouBike transport
problem, whose objective is to find an efficient way to transport the
YouBikes.In the real case, the commuters may have to wait for a
while to catch or return YouBikes. In order to save their time, the
manager has to transport YouBikes (by trucks) among different
rental stations. However, from the manager's perspective, not only
the utilization of the YouBikes, the transport costs, are critical for the long-term operation. Hence, this project aims to find an acceptable
solution to transport YouBikes such that the commuters can save
their time to catch / return YouBikes and the system manager can
save transport costs of YouBikes, i.e., to achieve a win-win strategy.

I had been a Data Scientist in 104 Corporation from April 2014 to
March 2016. Recommendation system, especially, the collaborative
filtering system, is my focus. The current similar-job recommendation
interface, which will output 600 similar jobs for a given job, is my
achievement. Such function can alleviate the load for a user to seek
for suitable jobs. Also, a resume recommendation system, which is
SVM-based, is my major work. Please see below projects to know

Now I am a project manager and chief data scientist in Coretronic
Intelligent Cloud Services OCTOBER 2017 to Till . Besides
recommendation systems, I also focus on deep learning and
RNN. There are three projects to conclude my works : daily
sales prediction, total audiences prediction and customize
recommendation systems. Please see below projects to know
keywords : Algorithms Design and Analysis, machine to machine
technology, Data mining and database

Project Manager
[email protected]


Coretronic Intelligent Cloud Service, Project Manager, Jan 2018 ~ 現在

台灣 新竹縣市
A data scientist to clean, analyse and visualize data from deployed media stations in order to make a better advertisement match up.

中強光電, Project Manager, Oct 2017 ~ Dec 2017

台灣 新竹縣市
A data scientist to clean, analyse and visualize data from deployed media stations in order to make a better advertisement match up.

國立清華大學, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Feb 2017 ~ Jun 2017

Teach C programming language for undergraduate students

ASUS, Senior Engineer, Jun 2016 ~ Sep 2016

SLU spoken language understanding of Zenbo

Corporation, Data Scientist, Apr 2014 ~ Mar 2016

New Taipei City
Focus on the study of Recommendation System.

Intel NTU Connected Context Computing Center, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Apr 2012 ~ Dec 2013

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam porttitor dapibus ipsum ut efficitur. Aliquam feugiat nec sem dapibus blandit.

Intel NTU Connected Context Computing Center, Research Assistant, Jan 2008 ~ Dec 2011

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam porttitor dapibus ipsum ut efficitur. Aliquam feugiat nec sem dapibus blandit.

National Taiwan University, Part-time research assistant, Jan 2003 ~ Dec 2011

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam porttitor dapibus ipsum ut efficitur. Aliquam feugiat nec sem dapibus blandit.