
Chantal Taly Russell

Chantal "Taly" Russell founded SilverChair Partners, a senior recruitment agency that places the highest caliber professionals in support roles for leaders in finance, media, technology, advertising, real estate, management consulting and retail.

New York, US

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How Your Mental Health Affects Your Business 

Mental health issues plague society, and there are more people than ever seeking treatment for it. Psychotherapists have noticed a trend that may give insight to the mental health rates of employees at specific businesses. This trend shows that about 20 percent of employees have mental health issues.  

Sharpening Your Skills as an Executive Assistant

An executive assistant is an integral member of a company’s team. Whether you are assistant to the CEO of a multi-million dollar company or the right hand of a small business owner’s startup, you have one of the most important jobs on the force.

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Transitioning from Team Member to Team Leader 

Getting promoted from a team member to a team leader is always exciting and something to be proud of. However, the transition can sometimes be challenging and overwhelming. You might start to lose the sense of closeness you once felt with other team members and maybe even feel a bit isolated. Being a leader can be lonely, but it does not have to be. Good leaders know how to keep themselves immersed with their team while also making executive decisions. The transition will be a learning experience, but it can be facilitated smoothly. Below we will discuss some of the different ways to ease your transition from team member to team leader, as featured in an article on IAEE.

The Benefits of a Workplace Mentorship Program 

For a company to continue to thrive in an ever-changing market, they need to adapt quickly and change with the market itself. One of the most important ways to do this is to continuously check in on employee needs, motivations, and aspirations. Happy employees mean more productive and efficient work and better communication amongst the teams. Employees can better learn how to thrive by working with a mentor. Mentors assist in all types of areas, including emotional support and teaching new skills. Below, we will look at the various benefits of a workplace mentorship program as featured in an article on GQR.

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How To Successfully Recruit Internationally

COVID-19 is a global pandemic causing unending disruption in our daily endeavors. Nonetheless, this pandemic has affected many areas such as education, healthcare among others. However, we have witnessed an increase in the number of internal recruitments. International recruitments, however, cannot be linked to the pandemic since these recruitments have been part of us for many years. Although remote working is one of the things done today as recommended by various governments, Amazon, among other industrial giants, began the journey years back, hiring employees across the globe to work remotely. Besides, changes in technology, remote desktops, and other IoT devices make it easy to work remotely.

Growing Business Relationships Virtually

Once upon a time, business involved the exchange of goods and services through face-to-face contact. As the world modernized, so did business practices by adopting certain tools, which, in turn, provided incredible progress. With technology expanding exponentially throughout history, so did people’s expectations become higher. Consequently, their standards increased: nowadays, what may be considered an almost personal relationship with someone is nothing more than exchanging messages through email or social media.

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Business Negotiation Techniques

Negotiating is a skill that many people attempt to avoid out of fear. However, negotiation skills should be practiced regularly, as a person who is skilled at negotiating can get the best outcomes in numerous facets of life. There are three techniques that should be used during every negotiation to achieve desirable results.

How To Effectively Advertise Your Job Listing

The job hunt is never easy. Some so many candidates want to be considered for a position, and it can feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle. This makes the hiring process more difficult. To make sure that your company stands out from all of the others, here are six tips for advertising your job listing:

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Recruiting Employees Through Social Media

Every manager has to deal with vacancies in their unit at some point during his career. The earlier you need to make a new hire, the bigger the pressure, and many managers fail to find the right person fast enough. Luckily, social media offers several valuable tools for recruiting which make it much easier and faster than before:

Tips for Networking on LinkedIn 

LinkedIn is a popular networking site for professionals. It has over 400 million users and counting, with 150 million active monthly users, making it one of the most powerful global social networks. LinkedIn offers many benefits beyond helping you find your next job or hire someone to do that project you can’t seem to get done on time; it’s also an excellent tool for growing your network! This article will provide tips for leveraging LinkedIn as a business owner or professional looking for work.

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The Evolution of Marketing

Marketing is constantly evolving, adapting to new technologies and marketing strategies. Marketing has evolved from the days of door-to-door salesmen with huge suitcases full of products, to the digital age where everything is online and sales are made over email or social media. This blog post discusses how marketing has changed throughout history and what we can expect in the future!

How To Network Effectively

Networking is a huge part of business and it’s an important skill to develop. It’s not as hard as you might think, and there are plenty of ways to do it effectively. In this blog post, we will discuss 4 different networking techniques that will help you network more effectively and build relationships with people in your industry!

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Chantal Taly Russell describes how to honestly earn a raise and how to present yourself in a meeting when discussing the subject.