
Content writer

Adaptable mass communication ( major currently attending Ming Chuan university, with 3.5+ years of work experience. Aiming to leverage a proven knowledge of customer communications, customer satisfaction, and customer service skills to successfully fill the content writer role at your company. Frequently praised as hard-working by my peers, I can be relied upon to help your company achieve its goals.

適應性大眾傳播(目前就讀於銘傳大學,擁有 3.5 年以上的工作經驗。旨在利用在客戶溝通、客戶滿意度和客戶服務技能方面的成熟知識,成功填補貴公司的內容作家角色。經常被譽為同事們勤奮工作,我可以依靠我幫助貴公司實現目標。

Work experience

May 2021 - Sept 2021

Job Title : Baker ( 麵包師)

Company Name : Chirle brown bakers home

  • Combine measured ingredients in bowls of mixing, blending, or cooking machinery. (在混合、混合或烹飪機械的碗中混合測量的成分)
  • Decorate baked goods, such as cakes or pastries. (裝飾烘焙食品,如蛋糕或糕點)
  • Measure or weigh flour or other ingredients to prepare batters, doughs, fillings, or icings, using scales or graduated containers. (使用秤或刻度容器測量或稱量麵粉或其他成分以製備麵糊、麵團、餡料或糖衣)

Jul 2018 - Jul 2019

Job Title : Teacher (老師)

Company Name : Catherine Chinese language school

  • Establish and enforce rules for behavior, and procedures for maintaining order. (建立和執行行為規則,以及維護秩序的程序)
  • Read books to entire classes or to small groups. (為全班或小組閱讀書籍)
  • Prepare materials and classrooms for class activities. (為課堂活動準備材料和教室)

Jan 2019 - Jan 2020

Job Title : Restaurants staff (餐廳員工)

Company Name : PT. Nische Indonesia

- mostly work as a part time barista (主要作為咖啡師工作)
-half year after , got a promotion as a public relation between companies (6個月後,將職位轉變為公司間的公共關係)
-in charge of the companies online store ( 負責公司網上商店)

Education (教育)

San Marino Junior High School (2015-2017)

San Marino High School (2017-2020)

Ming Chuan University (ongoing)

Majoring in mass communication (主脩大眾傳播)

Project (項目)

- currently working on podcasts (目前正在製作播客)