張正威 Chang Cheng Wei (Willy) 

嗨!我是正威,2021九月完成經濟部主導的數位青年轉型種子賦能計畫(T大使),在東元電機的智動化暨生技中心進行了為期半年的人工智慧與智慧製造實作培訓,利用Python建置資料庫連結、網路爬蟲結合SQL指令、數據分析應用、自動化報表以及些許的機器學習模型訓練,同時也實作SQL、InuxDB資料庫、 Grafana Dashboard建置以及MQTT、Modbus等IOT通訊概念。 

為精進數據分析領域的知識與技能,在2021年七月申請了Coursera平台上由Google Career Certicates所開設的Data Analytics系列認證課程獎學金,目前已完成其中五門必修課程並取得 認證。同時也取得Google開放式數位學程的數位行銷基礎認證,持續強化行銷、統計等等跨域知識和技能。 

Hi! I'm Willy. I've just completed the Program of Empower Youth with Digital Capabilities (referred to as the "T Ambassador Program") led by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and I've conducted 6-month practical training in the Intelligent Automation and Production Technology Center of TECO. 

I've learned to use Python to link the database, build crawlers with SQL queries, data analysis systems, automated reports, and some machine learning model training for anomaly detection. And also learned how to build databases via InfluxDB, Grafana Dashboard construction, and IOT communication concepts such as MQTT and Modbus.

In order to improve my knowledge and skills in the field of data analysis, I applied for the Data Analytics series of certification course scholarships offered by Google Career Certificates at Coursera at 2021 July. At present, I have completed five of the required courses and obtained certification.


技能 Skills


  • Python
  • C/C++, Arduino
  • Modbus, MQTT
  • InfluxDB
  • Grafana


  • Google Data Analytics Certificate (already finished 3/8 courses on Coursera)
  • Google Digital Garage Certificate - Fundamentals of digital marketing


  • 中文 Chinese 
  • - 母語 native language
  • 英文 English
  • - 多益715分,在學、旅遊及工作 期間均有多樣的使用經驗 
  • - TOEIC 715, fluent listening and speaking

Personality Traits

好奇心 Curiosity

  • 好奇心是驅使我不斷吸收學習的動力,同時也是面對未知的態度
  • Curiosity is the motivation that drives me to continuously absorb and learn, also my attitude towards the unknown worlds.

善於觀察 Observant

  • 透過觀察力與直覺的結合,讓我得以迅速分析、發現線索
  • Through the combination of observation and intuition, I can quickly analyze and find out more.

隨機應變 Flexible

  • 透過旅行和餐飲業的經驗,讓我習慣面對充滿高隨機性的環境
  • Through traveling and previous experience in the catering industry, I am used to facing an environment of high randomness.

適應力強 A Good Fit

  • 我的經歷多樣,也喜歡挑戰各種活動和領域,適應不同的行業、公司 文化、工作技能和團隊風格
  • My experience is diverse. I also like to challenge various activities and fields, adapt to different industries, company cultures, work skills and team styles.

學習快速 A Quick Learner

  • 學習對我來說是一項樂趣,無論是音樂、外語還是運動,時刻保持著 學習的狀態使我能快速吸收不同的知識和技能
  • Learning is a pleasure for me. Whether it’s music, foreign language or sports, keeping learning at all times allows me to quickly absorb different knowledge and skills.

團隊合作 A Team Player

  • 我相信 1 + 1 > 2的精神,團隊合 作不僅僅是分工帶來效率,也是讓團隊中的所有人互相交流、彼此學 習進步的機會
  • I believe 1 + 1 > 2. Teamwork is not only a division of labor that brings efficiency, but also an opportunity for everyone in the team to communicate with and learn from each other.


2010 - 2013


Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School

一般班 Normal

2013 - 2019


National Chung Cheng University


Bachelor of Electrical Engineering

經歷 Experience

Mar 2021 - Aug 2021

數位轉型人才培育計畫 - 人工智慧組 

T Ambassador Program - AI group

東元電機 TECO


2.利用Python完成資料庫串接、數據撈取、製程分 析、自動化報表、即時監測、警報推播、異常判斷與設備健康度診斷功能

1. Develop an intelligent maintenance and operation system for the VPI equipment

2. Use Python to complete database connection, data acquisition, process analysis, automated reporting, real-time monitoring, alarm broadcast, anomaly detection and equipment health diagnosis, etc.

Sep 2019 - Oct 2020


Marketing Department - supervisor of video group 

菲尼特集团(菲律賓) Finity Enterprise(Philippines)







1. Integrate and report work results every week 

2. Coordination of work schedules in the group 

3. Assignment and supervision of work content 

4. New recruits training 

5. English translation 

6. Excel worksheet design

Apr 2018 - Jan 2019

全職夥伴 Full Time Partner 

覺旅咖啡 Journey Kaffe







1. Front of house : meal preparation (salad, pasta, panini, beverages and coffee), preparation of ingredients 

2. Back of house : meal delivery, environmental maintenance, checkout cashier, reception 

3. Regular labor and management meetings

4. Menu adjustment design project 

5. Guest feedback management 

6. Responsible for tableware data analysis and management project

其他經歷 Other Experience




During my studies at NCCU, I took part in many part-time jobs, such as a teaching assistant for the first-year liberal course of the Chinese Department (eight semesters), as a math tutor and administrative assistant in a math and science cram school, and also provided 1 on 1 jazz drums courses for children by myself. Through teaching and assisting teachers, I learned the difference between teaching and learning at the knowledge level. At the same time, the similarity between teaching students and mentoring newcomers also helped me a lot in my two full-time jobs. I think that service and communication are also my main gains in the workplace in recent years.

In the summer of 2018, I started a 2-month work exchange on Green Island. In addition to my substantial scuba diving experience, the most valuable experience was the decision to take foreign tourists to participate in the intertidal zone night guiding - which is a very common tourist itinerary here, but the guides are all speaking Chinese only, so they have never recommended foreign tourists to participate. That made me feel it was a pity. After a month of assistance from the sidelines, I obtained the permission of the owner of the guided activity to bring foreign tourists with the group, and I would be interpreting by the side.

The results were very positive. From Korean couples, teachers from Japan to Moroccan travel agencies, everyone said that they liked this localized itinerary very much. All the guides were also very supportive. Besides being humbled to learn about the navigation mode and marine life, I think what is more important is that I tried to open up a small blue ocean to attach new customers with an old business model and it worked, which made myself believe that, even as an outsider, I have the ability and mindset to take the first step to make something better.

In those years, my life goal was to allow myself to explore different fields and majors. Through this process, I've learned different working modes and also trained myself to face high pressure, diversity and high variability in the working environment. Clear communication, good adaptation, quick & flexible thinking, decisive decision-making and endless curiosity are the personality traits that I have developed to face the workplace.