
[email protected] | 0989-536-922


GIGABYTE Technology, Software Engineer April. 2021 - Aug. 2022

  • Supervised and maintained a facial recognition system using openCV and Flask API for nearly 1,000 people using everyday [Product Link]
  • Developed a fence surveillance system at edge end with Socket and Flask that could be used to integrate with backend services [Product Link]
  • Made enhancement to the body temperature measurement system by using Flir mapping technique to minimize the effect of ambient temperature and reducing the temperature identification time from 3 seconds to 1 second [Product Link]
  • Built restful API for face-recognition to support app team to achieve face recognition punch card attendance machine using Flask API for nearly 1,000 people punch in
  • Developed a facial recognition system using pyqt5 for rest API connection
  • Trained the YOLO model with customized data, achieved 80% on mAP and improved 150% fps rate in the object detection
  • Deployed the ML models in service, served 500 daily active users

Coding & Co-working Club, Backend Engineer Sep. 2020 - present

  • Developed a web application using Django restful framework and deployed it on Amazon EC2 through Docker
  • Wrote a login required middleware class for user authentication
  • Designed Restful API including database Schema, URL pattern, request method and return data in each apps like course, project and questionnaire with frontend, and UI/UX designer
  • Wrote model and API functional testing with pytest and automated it with CI Pipelines


Music Genre Classification [Slides]

  • Built music genre classifiers using various machine learning algorithms, including gradient boosting machine, random forest, decision tree, logistic regression, and K-nearest neighbors and achieved ~80% accuracy
  • Applied PCA for feature reduction and standardized feature set using scikit-learn
  • Used package: python, scikit-learn

Hiking Assistant [Line Chatbot]

  • Built a Line ChatBot for hikers to search trail information and pictures
  • Scraped hiking webpages using Requests and Beautiful Soup
  • Designed a messaging API using Line developers
  • Built Flask Web App and Used Heroku for deployment with MySQL database
  • Used package: python, Heroku, Flask, Beautiful Soup, MySQL


2011 - 2015

National Taiwan University

B.S. in Agronomy, GPA 3.84

• Presidential Award (awarded to top 5% students)
• Known-You Social Welfare Foundation Award
• Agronomy Graduating Class of 1966 Award


  • Programming Language: Python
  • Cloud Application Platform: Heroku, AWS
  • Frameworks: Django Rest Framework, Flask
  • Utilities: Git, Docker
  • Database: MongoDB, PostgresSQL, MySQL
  • API: Restful API, Socket API (TCP/IP)
  • Web scraper: Selenium, Beautiful Soup