christin natalia

Asisstant Manager

Name : Christin Natalia
Address : Jl. Kav Kinayungan 105 Rt 003 Rw 009 Kel Pondok Kacang Barat Kec Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan
Place, date of birth : Medan, 25 Desember 1989
Marital Status : Sudah Menikah
Religion : Kristen Protestan
Gender : Perempuan
Last Education : Bachelor (S.Kom)
Mobile : 0895 – 3234 - 84677

‎I'm looking for a company to use 4 years of experience as a CRM Assistant Manager. Deep experience realizes loyalty-specific promotional targets, collaboration and detailed evaluation ability. Have high communication and empathy skills‎.

Pengalaman Kerja

Asisstant Manager Customer Relationship Management  •  Pt supra boga lestari

September 2018 - Present

1. Coordinate activities carried out by the Marketing team and the administration section.

2. Help realize promotional targets, especially for loyalty. 

3. Monitoring the achievements of the CRM division that has been done using the budget that has been set 

4. Evaluate the results that have been successfully achieved 

5. Help create or propose planning, strategies and policies in marketing that include
sales targets and promotional activities in order to achieve the desired targets. 

6. Opening new networks or work relationships and expanding the target market (Merchant/Partnership)

Asisstant Manager  •  Promotion Marketing PT Lotte Mart

July 2017 - September 2018

1. Coordinate activities carried out by CRM and administration.

2. Help realize sales targets, especially for loyalty. 

3. Monitoring the achievements of the CRM division that has been done using the budget that has been set 

4. Evaluate the results that have been successfully achieved 

5. Conduct surveys and research markets related to the development of related industries 

6. Help create or propose planning, strategies and policies in marketing that include sales targets, promotional activities, product pricing, conducting market and competitor research, in order to achieve the desired targets. Opening new networks or work relationships and expanding the target market (Merchant/Partnership)

Customer Relations • PT Administrasi Medika

February 2016 - July 2017

1. Collect and manage information related to customer service and sales using systems that are already connected to customer service.

2. Perform CRM effectiveness analysis to ensure the customer service system is running properly or

3. Build an optimal customer service system and identify various factors that are important for customer

4. Handle various customer suggestions and complaints and provide full support for

Promotion and Advertising   •  PT Toys Games Indonesia

February 2012 - July 2015

1. Help achieve visitor traffic targets by organizing events and promotions 

2. Monitor and organize the activities of promotional event programs for visitors and tenants in accordance with schedule 

3. Conduct technical meetings with relevant parties in preparation for events and promotions. 

4. Conduct event and promotional supervision, monitor and report visitor traffic 

5. Evaluate each event and promotion that has taken place 

6. Create weekly and monthly advertising & promotion 

7 reports. Monitor and report the results of each event to ensure the event is running according to procedure 

8. Ensuring that event organizers are committed to carrying out the event as per initial agreement and professional standards


Universitas Budi Luhur


2008 - 2012


  • Advertising
  • Marketing
  • Promotion
  • Excel
  • Communication Skills
  • Word
  • PowerPoint


  • English — Intermediate