莊偉丞(Eric Jhuang)


New Taipei City,Taiwan

(886)978 932 595





Chinese (Native)

English (Fluent)


TQC 中文/英文輸入 
TOEIC 700 
GEPT Intermediate 









全職/Nippon Express NEC Logistics Taiwan Ltd.,2022年 7 月 - 仍在職


工作內容:1. 確認產品規格。 2. 負責向廠商訪價。 3. 負責向客戶報價並確認訂單。 4. 安排生產出貨,處理出貨報關文件作業。 5. 決定貨物裝運之方法,並準備提貨單、發貨單及其他相關文件。 6. 追蹤交期及出貨狀況。 7. 負責客戶與廠商之間的往來溝通。 8. 負責客戶資料、廠商資料及相關檔案文件的整理、建檔與維護。 9. 處理顧客及廠商的客訴。

全職/承智國際有限公司,2021年 5 月 - 2022年6月


工作內容:1. 確認產品規格。 2. 負責向廠商訪價。 3. 負責向客戶報價並確認訂單。 4. 安排生產出貨,處理出貨報關文件作業。 5. 決定貨物裝運之方法,並準備提貨單、發貨單及其他相關文件。 6. 追蹤交期及出貨狀況。 7. 負責客戶與廠商之間的往來溝通。 8. 負責客戶資料、廠商資料及相關檔案文件的整理、建檔與維護。 9. 處理顧客及廠商的客訴。

Internship/STMicroelectronics,2020年 1 月 - 2020年 7 月


工作內容:.協助主管及專業人員處理一般行政業務。 .負責公司文件檔案的建立及歸檔工作。 .負責會議協調與安排、資料準備、會議記錄。 .負責辦公室用品採購、零用金管理。 .收發公文並處理會簽文件。 .負責電話接聽、收件、寄件及銀行業務辦理。 .接待訪客、茶水準備、訂購餐點。 .負責辦公室環境與設備之整潔、維護。 .其他主管交辦事項或部門業務支援。

PT時薪人員/全家超商,2017年 11 月 - 2018年 6 月



暑期工讀/戶政事務所,2017年 7 月 - 2017 年 9 月



短期工讀/八方雲集,2013年 1 月 - 2013 年 7 月




My name is Eric JHUANG and I was born in a small family full of happiness, though my parents were always busy with their work, our lives were joyful. They did not give me too much pressure for my grades, I was raised and disciplined in an open way, they give me the freedom to make my own choices without too many limitations, with that I was cultivated to be independent. There are also an older brother and an older sister of mine, we are always in good relationship and we discuss matters in our lives with each other and provide suggestions. As the youngest kind in the family, I have traits of being independent and not to rely on other people, for those matters I consider must do, I would persist and not to be despaired by frustration and hardship. I am currently studying in the dept. of applied foreign languages in Mackay Junior College of Medicine, Nursing and Management. Since the beginning of my entry of this place, I have been upholding the thought believing that to study is my part of duty also my responsibility, facing all my schoolwork with this attitude, the process of my education is quite smooth and with performances above average. In this phrase of my education, many teachers are with rich experiences of teaching and I truly appreciate their dedication, they have opened up my enthusiasm to learn English also built me a solid foundation for my foreign language abilities. During the time in junior colleague, I have started to do part time jobs to accumulate my social experiences. My first job as a waiter in a restaurant, in which I have learned the importance of team work also cultivated my responsibility and sharpened my skills of the way to treat people. After that, the job in a convenient store, I have learned the importance to be with a good learning attitude, the to-dos handed over to me by the store manager should be taken care of but not do things by halves. And to treat various kinds of customers with kind countenance. Since junior school, I have spent a great portion of my effort and time to learn English, continuously for long watching USA talk shows such as Conan, The Ellen Show, Jimmy Kimmel … they all have been very helpful enhancing my abilities to hear and speak English. Besides, with improved foreign language skills, I constantly watch international news to understand the circumstances worldwide, with the understandings of international situation could help me comprehend and judge the related issues fast. With your education and training, to further advance my existing skills and to expand my expertise to business field, it would be of great assistance to broaden my ways to choose in the future.



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