ChunMing, Chen

Software engineer

  Tokyo, Japan

I am a software engineer with 6+ years of experience and fairly solid background knowledge of web applications, including frontend, backend, system architecture design, testing, SEO, performance profiling, CI/CD pipeline construction, along with professional experience on Go, TypeScript etc. I learn and choose new technologies based on how they work fundamentally, instead of hype.

I am an open-source enthusiast devoted to building useful and helpful tools for people. 

I am a firm believer in DDD. Enjoy reading architecture books e.g. P of EAA, DDD, IDDD etc and dealing with recurring problems by patterns. Always keep in mind writing code in Correct -> Secure -> Readable -> Elegant -> Altruist


Work Experiences

Software Engineer

U-NEXT CO., LTD.  •  Jun 2021 - Present

Tech stack: Go, TypeScript, gRPC, GraphQL, Elasticsearch, Dgraph, Temporal, GitHub Actions, Docker, Redis, KeyDB, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ


  • Develop a CMS for a streaming service with microservices using gRPC and GraphQL.
  • Build a search service with elasticsearch from scratch and index documents by cron jobs.
  • Build a push notification service to support foreground, background notifications and in-app messaging by Firebase Cloud Messaging with a scheduling feature via Cloud Tasks.
  • Build a Japanese subtitles conversion service that takes source subtitle files to those deliverable on the U-NEXT platform.
  • Build a lining up system with InfluxDB which can be placed in front of a web service when the service is under heavy access. Rather than turning users down by rejections or lottery, the system can queue the users and redirect them to a static website where they can wait for their turn peacefully to enter the web service.
  • Build a login propagation service that propagates a login state from one logged in client to any other logged in client without an additional password entry and without introducing additional security vulnerabilities.
  • Write a bunch of codegen scripts to reduce human error and tedious daily routines.
  • Stress test and and fix the issues of memory leak hidden in the deep.
  • Technical interviewer for candidates.

Software Engineer

Rakuten Inc.  •  Oct 2019 - May 2021

Tech stack: Elm, Kotlin, GraphQL, ETCD, Nginx, Docker


  • Build an authorization service called Omni Login that allows a certain level of customizability for clients with OIDC and SSO across services in Rakuten. 
  • Write an e2e regression test script which brought down testing time to around 1 minute only for all scenarios, while before it took more than 10 minutes by hand.

Front End Engineer

Rakuten Taiwan Ichiba, Inc.  •  Aug 2016 - Sep 2019

Tech stack: React.js, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Redis, GraphQL, Nginx, Docker


  • Build and refactor 10+ pages of Rakuten Taiwan EC website which facilitates consumers shopping procedures and significantly improves page performance with latest techniques at that moment.

Open-Source Projects


Table library in React for bootstrap.

  • Rich Functionality. e.g. Sortable, Row Selection, Cell Editor, Row Expand, Column Filter Pagination etc.
  • Easy customization on your own.
  • Satisfy for Redux/MobX or any other state management tool.


National Taipei University of Education

Digital Technology of Design

Sep 2012 - Jun 2016