林育萱 Claire Lin 


           A versatile and passionate language major pursuing the perfect "language" for marketing!

Marketing 行銷企劃
[email protected]

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透明翻譯  (Feb 2019 ~ Now)



旅讀中國  (2017/9 ~ 2018/2)

  • 官網維護與粉絲團專頁管理,使用Google Analytics等後臺分析工具觀察宣傳成效與使用者流量 。
  • 擔任《創意遊中華》公關助理,建立與20+所大專院校聯絡網,並與其中70%建立產學合作關係。



文學士(BA), 中文系畢

國立臺灣師範大學National Taiwan Normal University (2017 ~ 2020)



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布袋戲研習社  (2017/8-2018/7)

  • FB粉專追蹤數半年成長10%
  • 爭取廠商贊助,籌措60+經費
  • 募資專案PM:天殉。執行商品定價與專案控管募資金額達原目標226% (詳見專案)


     布袋戲研習社 (2018/8-2019/7) 

  • 帶領四人團隊獲得社團年度評鑑五項獎項入圍
  • 策畫年度公演,超過200+觀眾入場

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挪威奧斯陸大學 Universitetet i Oslo (2019/8-2020/1)

  • 獲得教育部獎金補助
  • 積極參與文化交流活動、舉辦包水餃晚會  



設計力 我一直相信圖像是傳遞想法最好的方式!我能自如運用Adobe產品,製作平面作品,並完美結合主題與兼具美感。

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設計力、文案力 設計平面影像的同時,我能洞察媒體新潮並結合產品優勢,打造出引發廣大迴響的宣傳圖文。

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文案力、執行力、數據力 擁有1.5年經營粉專平台的經驗,我擅常觀察時下趨勢以及利用數據分析,以創意的內容在有限的資源內創造社群媒體的最大價值。

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師大布研 @ntnupdc (2017/8-2018/7)


旅讀OR (2017/9 ~ 2018/2)


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文案力、執行力、設計力 我曾經多次贏得影片競賽,並與校方合作拍攝宣傳片。從腳本撰寫到影片後製,我能夠獨立製作影片,而且注重作品原創性。

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 西班牙文黃金三句 ||滋事舞台:哇靠,這是我上過最知識的通識課!


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文案力、設計力、執行力、數據力 我為社團籌措公演經費時發起嘖嘖《天殉》募資企劃。身為PM,我負責商品管理、進度監控以及行銷策略擬定。在8000元的預算內,我和團隊執行了為期2個月的行銷企劃,製作5項周邊商品、7項募資方案。最後籌得60k+的經費,達標率226%。 



文案力、執行力 在旅讀中國擔任網路行銷助理的同時,我也負責《創意遊中華》專案的校園公關。專案期間,我支援活動籌備、以及20+大專院校的聯絡事宜,使其中70%成為產學合作對象。

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Go to the campaign page!




我在社團擔任公關宣傳組長時,掌管粉專、官網近2年,在0預算投入下,粉專觸及率比前期增加20%,追蹤數增加10%。 為籌措公演經費我發起嘖嘖《天殉》募資企劃,身為PM負責商品管理以及行銷策略擬定。在8000元的預算內,我和團隊執行了為期2個月的行銷企劃,製作5項周邊商品、7項募資方案。最後我們籌得60k+的經費,達標率226%。 優秀的專案執行力讓我順利爭取到產學計畫的合作案,為上映電影拍攝宣傳短片。

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在旅讀中國擔任行銷助理時,我負責官網行銷內容企劃,還有粉專管理,同時擔任《創意遊中華》專案的校園公關,連絡20+大專院校;另外,製作結案的行銷分析報告,使我熟悉分析工具如Google Analytics、BuzzSumo,並能以數據優化宣傳成效。

Claire Lin 

Creative hand, aesthetic mind, persevering spirit, and data-driven brain.
A versatile and passionate language major pursuing the perfect "language" for marketing!

Taipei City
[email protected]

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Graphic & Film Design

I am familiar with Adobe Products and love to design and produce social media images. Can work independently, with experience of producing more than 50+ graphics and 10+videos on social media.

Social Media Marketing

With almost 2 year experience of social media marketing, I can seize the trending topics with original creative content. 

One of the account I managed had grown 10% followers.I am data-driven, familiar with Google Analytics and other back-end tools.

Collaboration & Team work  

As the director of my student association, I possess strong interpersonal skill and collaboration experience. As a person possess multiple skills and background, I can effectively communicate with different apartments. I always approach issues logical and understanding mind.

Work Experience 

Content marketing producer 

BnC translation Co. (Feb 2019 ~ Now)


Digital marketing assistant 

Or China  (2017/9 ~ 2018/2)

  • FB & Official website management, familiar with Google Analytics, Facebook Insight 
  • Assistant Account Manager of program OntheRoad, built rapport with 20+ institutions and successfully collaborated with 70% of these institutions in academic-industrial cooperation.



Bachelor, Department of Chinese,

National Taiwan Normal University (2017 ~ 2020)


    Student Association 

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Minister of Public Relation & Marketing

NTNU Puppet Drama Club(PDC) (2017/8-2018/7)
  • Followers on Facebook page grew 10% within my term. 
  • Developed sponsorship, raised over 60k for the annual performance.
  • I was the manager of the funding program Nirvana Rebirth, and was responsible for products pricing and program management. The program has reached 226% of the funding goal.  


     NTNU Puppet Drama Club(PDC) (2018/8-2019/7) 
  • Led a 4 member-team nominated for 5 annual rewards. 
  • Coordinator of a 200+ audience performance, which has received over 97% positive reviews.

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Exchange student

Universitetet i Oslo (2019/8-2020/1)

  • Qualified scholarship exchange student
  • Engaged in cultural exchange campaigns


Graphic Design Works 

I believe one of the best way to convey our messages to people is through graphics and posters. I am familiar with Adobe Products and love to design social media images and posters.

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Social Media Campaign Banners 

With the experience of managing the Facebook account for my student association, I seize the trending topics precisely and produce creative original content and graphics, which received massive reaction for audience.

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Social Media Management

I possess the experience of social media marketing and am excel at trend-observing and data-analyzing. I created contents which received massive interaction from the audience and helped the the brand grow more followers. 

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NTNU puppet drama club @ntnupdc (2017/8-2018/7)

Campaign promotion, funding promotion, meme posts
Traditional Art + Young Mind = New Trend!
Along with creative copywriting and graphic, I created interactive content on Facebook page which received an average Reach Rate of 42%. I managed official website as well, and was succeed at guiding the traffic to Facebook.

Or China (2017/9 ~ 2018/2)

magazine promotion, travel/foods articles
Make an extraordinary expedition a daily news on your feed.
I transformed the featured articles in the OrChina Magazine into fascinating copywritnig on Facebook, which collected positive reviews from the audience, and successfully guided the  35% of the traffic to the official website.

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Video Works 

From writing scripts to filming, I posses the ability to produce a video independently.

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The Battle of Deities|| Annual performance spoiler

With the perseverance to revenge, the deity's spirit has lived on the cursed blade for thousands years, waiting to rise again...

Traditional arts is more than you think once it jumps on the modern stage! 

As the spoiler of the modernized puppet show performance, this film reveals the story-line and the characters, and has won 3000 vies on different platforms. In this program, I was responsible for scripting, directing and editing.

Video link: https://youtu.be/hHcAyCSf_0o

 3 Spanish phrases you can't miss|| The best General Class I've ever been in!

The video features on the Spanish class in NTNU, which I also took, and three simple phrases everyone must know in Spanish! This video has won the second prize in the General Education Promotion Competition.

Video link: https://youtu.be/H3u3KcZm4uY
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Funding Program Manager: Nirvana Rebirth 

In the March of 2018, I launched a funding campaign for the traditional art performance-puppet show. This program reached 226% of the goal and successfully supported the crew to produce a brand-new theatre puppet show which received 97 %positive reviews form our audience.

Assistant Relation Manager : OntheRoad 

When working as the Marketing Assistant at 旅讀OR, I also supported the program OntheRoad as the relation assistant. I managed the contacts of 20+ institutions and established cooperation with 70% of them.

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【On the Road】2018 kicks off! For students only!

Go to the campaign page!



About Me   

Versatile, sincere and passionate!

My interest in marketing started when I got my position as the Minister of marketing in the Puppet Drama Club, where I devoted to offer the audience a whole new aspect that puppet show "is something more than a fading traditional art". To succeed the innovated performance, I managed a funding program exceed 226% of the goal, which supported the performance sufficiently and received a 97% good reviews.

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My passion for marketing didn't stop here. I started my internship at Or China and worked as Digital marketing assistant, and acquired professional advanced skills in marketing strategies and back-end analytics.

I am an efficient team player work with genuineness and passion, and would love to devote my self to a highly intelligent and passionate team!


Thank You For Your Browsing!

If you are interesting in any of my experience or skills, please feel free to contact me! 
Look forward to hearing from you soon!

A versatile and passionate language major pursuing the perfect "language" of marketing!

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