Chih-Hao, Liao (Codeamon)

Taipei, Taiwan. +886 966-112-952.
[email protected] / [email protected]


National Taiwan University

B.S. in Bio-Resources & Agriculture.
School of Forestry & Resource Conservation.
Cumulative GPA: 3.31/4.30

Taipei, Taiwan
Sep 2018 - Jun 2022

  • Relevant Coursework: Wood Coatings and Coating Technology, Proteomics Approaches in Wood Formation, Principles of Instrumental Analysis in Forest Chemistry, Wood Working Machinery and Practice, Pulp Manufacturing, Wood Chemistry / Physics /Anatomy / Analytical / Organic Chemistry and Lab, Biochemistry, Research Methods and Techniques in Literatures, Dendrology and Practice, Forest Ecology, Silviculture.
  • CS Relevant Coursework: Network Administration and System Administration, Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Algorithm Design and Analysis, Data Structures and Algorithms, Programming for Business Computing, Introduction to Information Management, Practical Analog / Digital Electronics.
  • Commit at least 20 credits to the Sustainable Resources Program.

National Pingtung Senior High School

Graduated with high honor

Pingtung, Taiwan
Sep 2015 - Jun 2018

  • Essay: 台灣軍事基地演習的地域抗爭之差異機制初探~以恆春三軍聯訓基地和九鵬飛彈基地為例
  • Relevant Coursework: 
    • First Prize in Thesis Poster of the 16th Geography Olympiad in Taiwan.
    • Second Prize in Thesis of the 16th Geography Olympiad in Taiwan.
    • Second Prize in Shared Reading Activity For Teenagers of The 9th Strait Forum.


Dr. Chang - Laboratory Learner

Jul 2020 - Nov 2021

  • Extract organic components from plants with various extraction methods, such as hydrodistillation, microwave extraction, rotary evaporator, and SPME.
  • Analyzing chemical compositions in essential oil with GC-MS.
  • Analyzing antioxidant activities of wood extraction with different determination methods, such as DPPH scavenging ability, TEAC assay, and superoxide scavenging assay.
  • Protein identification and quantification with proteomic approaches and techniques, including 2DGE and ELISA.

TChat - UI/UX & Web Designer

Nov 2020 - Feb 2021

  • Sketching wireframe for product planning and visualization.
  • Discussed with software engineer regarding building user interface and prototype in Figma.
  • Establish patterns for typography systems early in the process of creating the design system.
  • Managing and deploying the design system for product development in Figma.
  • Creating intuitive and beautiful products and components with Google material design.


AI of Pacman (Language: Python; Course: FAI)

Feb 2022 - Apr 2022

This is a project that creates an AI to play the classic Pac-Man game and it is designed with various search methods, such as breadth-first search, astar search, informed search, minimax search, and expectimax search. In order to optimize the search time and scores, I tried to design different heuristic search methods and evaluation functions to speed up the search time and achieve higher scores.

CM Kuan in NTU game (Language: Python; Course: PBC)

Dec 2021 - Jan 2022

This is a simple quiz game for testing players' understanding of the NTU and it is written by the pygame package with object-oriented programming (OOP) style architecture. This game is separated into 4 parts, including the main program, the player, the game flow, and the game events. Hence, it can handle different processes and modifications without affecting other programs. Moreover, the quiz data is stored in a JSON file so that people who don't know to program can easily read and modify the files, and the programmers can access the data through the JSON package.

Survey Report of IBM Telco Customers (Language: Python; Course ML)

Dec 2021 - Jan 2022

This is a survey report for predicting customers' categories. In this survey report, we implemented various machine learning approaches using the training data set, including LIBSVM, bagging, AdaBoost, and XGBoost, followed by calculating the precision and average of F1 scores with respect to each category as the evaluation metrics to understand the performance of machine learning model.

Mail Searcher (Language: C; Course: DSA)

May 2021 - Jun 2021

This is a project of email searcher, which helps retrieve precious emails and perform analysis on emails in a distributed way, and there are three types of query methods to be answered. Given a set of emails and queries, the email searcher has to develop a strategy to solve the queries to earn the most points. I'm responsible for data preprocessing and group analysis, which is designed by constructing a binary search tree for quick search and a graph for the overall status, then responding to the queries of the maximum group by computing depth-first search.


Global Initiatives Symposium in Taiwan (GIS Taiwan)

Academics and Curation Officer

Taipei, Taiwan
Jul 2018 - Jul 2019

Responsible for designing the academic content of GIS Taiwan, including holding lectures during the semester, keynote speeches, workshops, panel discussions, action project competitions, and leader's dialogue during the conference. Cooperating with the 100-person organizing committee and assisting with over 300 delegates from more than 20 nations to discuss the issues people are facing currently, especially the issue of "Destination Green" and "Eco-Echo".

National Taiwan University Student Association (NTUSA)

Secretary Officer

Taipei, Taiwan
Jul 2019 - Feb 2020

Act as a liaison officer to assist, communicate and coordinate all practical projects among NTUSA divisions. Responsible for communicating with university students, managing division meeting materials and the official website, and also seeking cooperation opportunities with other student associations locally or overseas.

National Taiwan University Student Association (NTUSA)

International Affairs Officer

Taipei, Taiwan
Jul 2019 - Feb 2020

Responsible for everything in international students' university life, including surveying daily demands, dealing with the issue of the rights of learning problems in courses, holding the welcome party, and being a communicational bridge between local students and international students. In order to promote and speed up the internationalization of NTU and Taiwan, it is developing a comfortable platform for local students to go global. Encouraging them to participate in the activities of international interschool exchanges and having transcultural exchanges with international students.



  • Organic component extraction
  • GC-MS/ELISA analysis
  • Bioactivity analysis
  • ArcGIS/SuperGIS


  • C/JAVA/Python3/JavaScript
  • Machine Learning
  • Ops (Linux NA & SA)
  • Figma


  • Traditional Chinese (Native)
  • English (Intermediate)