Darren Zhang

Work Experience

SDET, TrendMicro,16th, Mar 2019 - Present

AWS / Python / Robotframework / MS-SQL / .NET core

Build Automation Flow with AWS.

Implement API Automation (Jenkins + newman, Python + Robot framework)

Implement and operation the Windows automation.

Write SQL Script to validate the data.

Write unit test for backend service.

QA Engineer, 91APP,18th, Sep 2017 - 21th, Feb 2019

AWS / Python / Robotframework / Ruby / Appium / Postman

Build up CI (Continues Integration).

Implement API automation (Jenkins + newman, Python + Robot framework).

Implement mobile automation (Appium).

Use Locust to do load testing.

Product Developer(Intern), Titansoft Pte Ltd,6th, Feb 2017 - 31st, Jul-2017

.NET MVC / CSS / jQuery / HTML
Use CSS, jQuery to improve web UI.
Refactor backend code and write unit test.
Use Jenkins to release.

Side Projects

 Discord Bot

Heroku / Node.js / TwitchAPI / ApexLengendsAPI

Notify subscribed new youtube video.

Notify subscribed Twitch channel.

Implement with Apex Legends API to check rank score.

 Maple Story Activity - Paper, Scissors, Stone Recommender

AWS / Vue.js / Boostrap

Implement with Vue.js, Bootstrap.

Deploy on AWS S3.

Inject GA tracing code to trace the status.