Rayark cover image
Logo of Rayark.
Logo of Rayark.
Logo of Rayark.
Logo of Rayark.

Company summary

Rayark games was founded in September 2011, by 6 of our co-founders. The current headquarters is located in Taipei, with a branch located in Tokyo, Japan.
Starting out on mobile platforms, we now have games across multiple platforms and genres. From rhythm games, casual games, sci-fi action to strategy RPGs…etc. We are always experimenting with more ways to bring a lively experience to our player base.
We at Rayark strive to deepen our games and what they represent, trying to expand the limits of what a game can do. In doing so, we strive to give each of our players an unforgettable experience.

Employee benefits

◆ 勞、健保及團體保險
◆ 年度健康檢查
◆ 旅遊假、旅遊補助
◆ 中秋禮金、端午禮金、生日禮金、婚喪喜慶及生育補助
◆ 每週一次下午茶及自由取用的零食飲料區
◆ 部門聚餐補助
◆ 豐富的節慶休閒活動


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