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Logo of Arisan Inc..
Arisan Inc.
Logo of Arisan Inc..
Logo of Arisan Inc..
Arisan Inc.

Tóm tắt về công ty

安銳智慧為彼得杜拉克管理學院及華盛頓大學校友於 2015年成立的科技新創公司。隔年即獲得經濟部及國發基金補助其研究與開發並主攻物聯網服務。為了服務分布於世界各地的客戶,為了創造出改變產業服務模式的物聯網雲端服務,安銳需要妳/你的加入!

Arisan Inc. is an IoT cloud service startup founded by Druker School of Management and the University of Washington Alumni in 2015. Funded by the Taiwan government on research and development, Arisan Inc. looks for talented addition to its small but highly efficient and motivated team in order to serve worldwide clients. Arisan Inc. is disrupting industries that it touches as you are reading this page.

Sản phẩm hoặc dịch vụ

(1) 雲端物聯網租賃平台維運服務 (IoT Cloud Management Platform)
(2) 影像收容系統的各平台整合 (Video Leasing Platform)
(3) 影音智慧分析系統 (Audio/Video Analytic Systems)

Sứ mệnh


Độ phủ truyền thông

・2019-05-16 四團隊輪番獻技 展示智慧工廠創新方案
・2019-04-22 微軟新創加速器 助14家台灣新創團隊躋身獨角獸
 - 經濟日報
 - 中時電子報
・2018-12-11 整合8000隻攝影機,安銳智慧打造雲端影像管理平台
 - Business Next
・2017-11-06 安銳智慧以物聯網進化影像監控應用
 - Microsoft BizSpark

Quyền lợi nhân viên

  • At least 10 days of annual vacation. 第一年特休即十天,每年依上年度績效增加。
  • No need to punch in. Respect mutually agreed meetings. 不打卡。但須尊重事先約好的會議。
  • In the heart of Taipei. 30-second walk from Zhongxiao Dunhua station exit 7. 位居台北市百貨商圈超級戰區。忠孝敦化站七號出口步行三十秒。交通發達、生活便利。
  • At least 1 month of bonus salary per year. 年終依公司表現發放,至少一個月薪水,按該年到職天數比例發放。
  • Quarterly development bonus based on programming velocity. 以開發效率提撥個人季開發獎金。
  • Small knitted friendly environment. Come see for yourself. 溝通密集開發密集小人數的友善團隊,來看了就知道。
  • Snack and coffee as the raw material of code. 零嘴咖啡少不了。
  • Work from home opportunities. 依資歷可有限度在家上班。
  • Clear path for promotion despite for small team. 儘管是小團隊,還是有清楚的升遷制度。

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