UI/UX 設計師 (UI/UX Designer)

職缺超過 2 年前更新


百立達科技 (BLD Energy) 是一家位於台灣高雄市的能源科技新創公司,致力於透過專有的需量反應技術和電力交易平台民主化電力交易,讓家家戶戶的電力使用者都能隨時隨地的參與電力交易。我們期望在民主化電力交易的同時緩解電網的缺電問題。因此,我們積極的為電力市場打造一個「用電戶付費、節電戶收費」的機制,讓用電戶為消耗電力而付費,但同時也為節省電力而獲得回報。

『視覺化電網』是實現民主化電力交易的根本。唯有讓用戶可以透過實時、簡單的電力數據了解自身用電情況,用戶才能挖掘與電力公司進行電力交易的機會。本公司正積極開發的BLD PowerTrade™ 電力交易 APP 及 BLD PowerSense™ 電流監測器提供用電戶一個有經濟效益、易安裝、易上手的解決方案,讓廣大的用電戶可以輕而易舉的參與電力交易。我們歡迎想要參與改變傳統電網、民主化電力交易和解決電力短缺局面的人加入我們的行列!

職責 | Responsibilities

身為 BLD Energy 的 UI/UX 設計師,您將主導本公司電力交易APP的用戶體驗設計、開發工作。您將參與從構思到新功能開發的所有階段,迭代提升用戶體驗,並收集反饋以開發、改進用戶想要的APP功能及界面。

As a UI/UX Designer at BLD Energy, you’ll be tasked with leading the development of our power trading application’s user experiences. You will take new features from ideation to production, iteratively improve user experience, and garner feedback to develop and improve functions and interfaces that users want.

  • 設計、構建行動及 Web 應用程式的用戶體驗
    • Architect and design the user experiences of our mobile and web applications
  • 製作 personas, user journey map, conceptual diagrams, wireframes,並開發產品 prototype
    • Develop personas, user journey maps, conceptual diagrams, wireframes, and product prototypes
  • 透過問卷、用戶訪談、競品分析、usability testing 等挖掘產品洞察
    • Develop product insights through surveys, user interviews, competitive product analysis, and usability testing
  • 與產品團隊、工程團隊及相關內部利害關係人密切合作以管理設計反饋
    • Work closely with the product and engineering teams, as well as internal stakeholders to manage design feedback
  • 交付創新、實用的產品
    • Deliver and ship thoughtful, usable products


必要條件 | Minimum Qualifications

  • 熱衷於打造以用戶為中心的體驗
    • Passion for crafting user-centric experiences
  • 2 年以上的消費者面向行動或 Web 應用程式 UI/UX 設計經驗
    • 2+ years UI/UX design experience for consumer-focused mobile and web products
  • 精通 Figma,Adobe XD,或 Sketch
    • Proficiency in Figma, Adobe XD, or Sketch
  • 熟悉如何透過原型設計、測試和面試與用戶交談
    • Experience talking to users through prototyping, testing and interviews
  • 熟悉如何構建、維護可重複使用的設計系統
    • Experience building and maintaining a reusable design system
  • 能夠清楚地傳達和呈現設計決策
    • Ability to clearly communicate and present design decisions
  • 了解當前的設計實踐和趨勢
    • Understanding of current design practices and trends

加分條件 | Preferred Qualifications

  • 熟悉 HTML 和 CSS
    • Familiar with HTML and CSS
  • 熟悉 JavaScript
    • Familiar with JavaScript
  • 精通英文者優先考慮
    • Fluency in English preferred
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Logo of BLD Energy 百立達科技股份有限公司.


關於百立達科技 | About BLD Energy


We are an energy technology and demand response start-up based in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, on a mission to democratize electricity trading through our innovative energy monitoring technology and electricity trading platform.


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