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Logo of BLD Energy 百立達科技股份有限公司.
BLD Energy 百立達科技股份有限公司
Logo of BLD Energy 百立達科技股份有限公司.
BLD Energy 百立達科技股份有限公司
Logo of BLD Energy 百立達科技股份有限公司.
BLD Energy 百立達科技股份有限公司


關於百立達科技 | About BLD Energy


We are an energy technology and demand response start-up based in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, on a mission to democratize electricity trading through our innovative energy monitoring technology and electricity trading platform.


產品與服務 | Our Products & Services

BLD PowerSense™ 家用能源感測器: 

BLD PowerSense™ 讓用電戶可以簡單地安裝、監測實時的家庭能源使用情況。它配備了完善的機器學習功能,可以透過電流數據判讀哪些家用電器處於開啟、關閉甚至是故障狀態。在讀取電流數據後,BLD PowerSense™ 會將數據無線傳輸到雲端的機器學習數據庫,並依據機器學習模型模型判別正在使用電力的電器。判別結果將發送回用戶行動裝置上的 BLD PowerTrade™ 應用程式,用於後續的數據視覺化、電力交易功能等。

Our home energy monitoring hardware provides a simple way to install and monitor real-time home energy use. It is equipped with machine-learning capabilities that allow it to determine which home electric appliances are ON, OFF, or even faulty at any given time. BLD PowerSense wirelessly transmits monitored energy data to the machine learning database in the cloud, where it is analyzed and matched with existing power consumption patterns in the ML database. The results are sent back to the user's BLD PowerTrade app for data visualization and power trading purposes.

BLD PowerTrade™ 電力交易 APP: 

BLD PowerTrade™ 應用程式主要用於視覺化複雜的電力數據,以及媒合電力公司和廣大用電戶進行電力交易,為此達到轉移用電需求的目的(又稱需量競價)。

在接收 BLD PowerSense™ 的電力數據及機器學習系統的判讀結果後,BLD PowerTrade™ 會透過視覺化功能將複雜的電力數據轉變為簡單、易懂的用戶介面,供使用者查看實時的電器電力消耗情況、電網運行狀態分析等。

此外,BLD PowerTrade™ 內建的電力交易平台將結合電力消耗、機器學習及電網數據來判別使用者的用電習慣,並與電力公司的需量競價數據進行匹配。這種供需匹配機制將有效地為電力公司和廣大用電戶創造一個實時的電力交易(需量競價)平台。

Our power trading app utilizes the energy data received from BLD PowerSense and the ML database to provide users with easy-to-understand data visualizations of their home energy use. Real-time grid data are also translated to graphical visualizations on BLD PowerTrade, allowing users to easily grasp complex power data and determine the status of their regional or nationwide power grid. 

On the power trading backend, BLD PowerTrade combines all energy, ML, and grid data to identify users' power consumption patterns and matches them with the power producer's demand response offerings. This supply-and-demand matching scheme effectively creates an electricity trading platform for power producers and consumers to trade electricity (demand response) in real-time.


使命和願景 | Mission and Vision

BLD Energy 期望透過專有技術讓所有用電戶都能隨時隨地進行電力交易。我們認為,防止電力短缺的關鍵在於需求面管理(需量反應)本身。我們積極的為電力市場打造一個「用電戶付費、節電戶收費」的機制,讓用電戶為消耗電力付費,同時也為節省電力獲得回報。

At BLD Energy, our mission is to make electricity trading available anywhere, anytime, for everyone. We believe that the key to preventing power shortages lies in demand-side management (demand response) itself. We envision a world where power consumers pay for the power they consume while earning returns for the power they conserve.


  • 有競爭力的薪資及績效獎金
    • Competitive salary with performance-based bonuses
  • 快速升遷機會
    • Quick promotion opportunities
  • 早期員工在公開募資前認購公司期權
    • Early employee stock options
  • 彈性工時
    • Flexible work hours
  • 除勞基法定的休假日外,入職後 3 個月開始每年 5 天帶薪休假
    • Annual 5-days paid leave starting 3 months after onboard, in addition to statutory holidays
  • 帶薪病假
    • Paid Sick Leave
  • 週休二日,補班日不上班
    • 5-day work week, no work on statutory make-up days
  • 配備個人筆電及外接螢幕
    • Personal laptop and external monitor
  • 休閒辦公環境
    • Casual office environment
  • 不定期 team building
    • Team building activities
  • 無限量咖啡、飲料及零食
    • Unlimited coffee, drinks, and snacks
  • 辦公室配有全自動現磨咖啡機,無限量供應美式、拿鐵、卡布奇諾等
    • Office equipped with a fully automatic espresso machine, supplying unlimited Americano, Latte, and Cappuccinos
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