MD sports 鉅鼎有限公司 cover image
Logo of MD sports 鉅鼎有限公司.
Logo of MD sports 鉅鼎有限公司.
MD sports 鉅鼎有限公司
Logo of MD sports 鉅鼎有限公司.
MD sports 鉅鼎有限公司
Logo of MD sports 鉅鼎有限公司.
MD sports 鉅鼎有限公司

Company summary

MD Sports is an industry leader in the design and manufacturing of indoor and outdoor recreational games. Our team works on a daily basis towards the goal of providing unique, cool and fun games that offer the best value in marketplace. In order to achieve this goal, we have partnered with many of the industries top retailers and brand to offer you the best products available.

We know that time with family and friends is precious and we take great pride in the fact that our customers use our products during those special times. Whether it’s playing billiards during a family party or challenging friends to a round of bag toss before the big game, we want MD Sports to be your first and best resource for indoor and outdoor recreational games.

Medal Sports創立於1994年,是一家專業的運動育樂用品公司,也是體育娛樂用品的領導者之一;從事室內及戶外遊戲產品,如遊戲桌、飛鏢和鏢靶、比賽派對遊戲組…等多項運動用品的開發與銷售。

合作夥伴遍及全球12個國家,並於2012年成為北美市佔量前10名的供應商,提供多項獨創性商品及品牌授權,如Sears、Walmart、Sam‘s Club、Costco、Target、Aldi等。且持續不間斷的開發高競爭力的產品,配合傑出的設計團隊、銷售團隊及完善的售後服務管理糸統打造運動娛樂用品的王國。

Products or services






We strive to deliver the best product possible, while offering our customers a tremendous value that is unsurpassed in the market.

Our company was founded on two basic core principles:

  • Design fun and innovative products at a great value
  • Take pride in our work and the products we develop

Employee benefits

※ 獎金類


※ 休假制度

週休二日、國定假日及其他特殊法定假期 ( 如防疫照顧假、疫苗接種假等時刻保障員工權益 )

※ 各項保險

勞保、健保、團體保險 (含壽險、意外傷害、醫療給付)、出差及駐外員工旅平險、勞退雇主提撥6%


※ Special Bonus

1. True Fitness健身房補助及辦公室健身器材不限時間使用

2. 各式年節活動、聚餐及暖心下午茶

2. 免費咖啡、各式茶點零食、當季水果

3. 年度海內外員工旅遊及輕旅行

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