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資深前端工程師將會參與各裝置的NextDrive平台型產品網頁開發,並與後端工程師討論API以及介接,並且帶領組員提升技術能力與增進開發效率,日常工作於Github上進行,Pull Request ,code review ,格式檢查,撰寫單元自動化測試確保程式碼品質,維護多個NPM 子模組專案並做明確的分工,增進前端網頁執行效能,減少套件大小以提升使用者體驗,最後將產出結果部署於AWS環境,在這過程中,可接觸到NextDrive 規範嚴謹的開發流程,以及跨部門的合作經驗。

Yêu cầu

Typical Accountabilities

 Develop Vue js by Typescript language and keep code simplify.
 Develop and optimize using frontend frameworks
 Cooperate with electrical engineer function and report to department manager within review meeting, external stakeholder management, etc.
 SW project management with emphasis on documentation and tool debugging (such as DevTool, AWS S3, Webpack)
 Architect test plans in order to implement maintainable code
 Interact with backend APIs and optimize responsiveness
 Support Nest js api server development.


 Bachelor’s degree or above in Computer Science, Software Engineering or another relevant field
 4+ year’s working experience as a software engineer or other equal experience
 Familiar with software programming within Typescript language.
 Experience in webpack configuration and npm module launching
 Advanced knowledge of infra software design pattern
 Good in communication, team working, and problems solving skill

 Open source contributor
 Github actions workflow knowledge
 Adapt at Test-Driven Development
 Having working experience in IoT, renewable energy, electricity, or another relevant field
 Willing to take responsibility and act independently when necessary

Yêu cầu 2 năm kinh nghiệm
Regular earnings reach NT$40,000
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Logo of the organization.
Trung cấp
320 ~ 500 TWD / hour
Logo of NextDrive 聯齊科技股份有限公司.

Về chúng tôi

【關於 NextDrive】
• 科技最令人嚮往之處,就是讓我們見證世界因此受惠
 NextDrive 的願景是實現「善用每一度電」的生活型態。透過一站式的能源物聯網 ( IoE ) 平台,NextDrive 提供電力公司、能源零售業者從感測裝置、閘道器等硬體產品到家庭能源管理應用程式、區域型能源管理系統、數據與裝置管理平台等,全方位能源服務解決方案。

透過能源物聯網技術,NextDrive 讓用戶透過智慧手機,自由控制家中電器,即時讀取電力資訊,每日電力花費、並記錄用電行為輕鬆節電,更可串聯太陽能板、蓄電池等能源裝置的讀取與控制。整合個別家庭及區域間的用電、產電、儲電資料,藉由能源物聯網平台,共享區域間能源基礎設施,最大化電力使用效率,實踐區域能源的自主管理,並打造出下一代共享共生、永續永存的能源循環經濟。

• 海外工作機會
 NextDrive 事業版圖跨足台灣及日本,並正開拓澳洲等海外市場。我們相信夥伴的才華與經驗正是 NextDrive 競爭優勢的所在。因此我們會優先開放內部職員申請海外職缺,挑戰不同文化環境、業務作法及市場狀況,深入累積產業經驗。我們正號召自信,大膽進取且充滿能量的人才,並提供創新且彈性的國際環境。如果你想與最頂尖的夥伴一起挑戰未來,NextDrive 將會成為你展現實力的最佳歸屬。


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Design Manager
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Human Resources Manager
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Design Team Lead

Việc làm

Thực tập
180 ~ 180 TWD / hour

Trợ lý
40K ~ 100K TWD / tháng