NZXT cover image
Logo of NZXT.
Logo of NZXT.
Logo of NZXT.
Logo of NZXT.

Company summary

NZXT為致力於提供更深入、更專業,且身歷其境的遊戲體驗給遊戲玩家/電腦愛好者們,我們的產品涵蓋機殼、散熱器、主機板、電源供應器、聲光效果配件,以及各式電腦周邊商品。更提供客製化機殼服務,打造獨一無二專屬於您的電腦。 NZXT擁有國際化團隊,共同合作經營的工作環境,力求完整且高效率達成顧客的所有需求。我們重視每一位員工,除了有良好工作環境、也提供學習及成長的空間,歡迎優秀的朋友一起加入美商恩傑有限公司的工作行列。 

We are a fast-growing company made up of gamers, builders, and PC enthusiasts on a mission to create hardware, software, experiences, and services that surprise and delight gamers of all types. Our company is staffed with creative, motivated people who truly love what we do and we are dedicated to making it easy, fun, and rewarding to play games.

Products or services

  • PCs, Parts, Accessories for gamers and builders.
  • Cases, Cooling, Motherboards, Power Supply, Lighting, Case, Crft
  • Custom Crafted, Limited Edition


MISSION: We relentlessly evolve products and services of the highest quality to make extraordinary gaming experiences achievable and fun.

CORE VALUES: These are the principles that inspire our creativity, drive our decision-making, and guide us in bringing you the best PC gaming products possible.

Employee benefits


  1. 具有市場競爭力的薪酬
  2. 提供交通津貼與免費機車停車補助
  3. 膠囊咖啡/茶飲/可樂/健康飲料/牛奶/零食/泡麵無限供應
  4. 多元健康促進活動、Wellness Program補助
  5. 慶生活動/員工聚餐/聖誕派對/年終餐會/家庭日/福委會活動.....
  6. 員購福利、New employees welcome kits、NZXT Gaming Jersey、Joggers、Pride T....


專業職務培訓、Brown Bag Series 內部分享會、多元線上課程LinkedIn Learning
