Studio Unto cover image
Logo of Studio Unto.
Logo of Studio Unto.
Studio Unto
Logo of Studio Unto.
Studio Unto
Logo of Studio Unto.
Studio Unto

Company summary

Studio Unto作品如其名,Unto為喚醒與連結而創作。思考不分年紀、文化,搭建人與物合一的情感創作,聯繫產品的永續情感與獨特價值。Unto作品介於探索工業、文化、物件和使用者間的關聯,由大自然為靈感與工業美學之間相互激盪與融合,發展出兼具傳統與創新的獨特體驗與想像空間。

自有品牌: 創意文具, 家飾品, 傢俱
設計服務: 品牌形象, 平面, 包裝, 產品設計和開發

Unto is a multidisciplinary studio started in 2019. Their work is characterized by drawing a close lens on nature, using the significance of objects as cultural conduits, and reintroducing things in a way that we often would otherwise oversee. Perceiving their role as a bridge between craft, industry, object, and user, Unto aims to rebuild the relationship with the everyday objects with a fresh mind, intending to bring new dialogues and perspectives unto this rapidly changing world.

Products or services

We are a multidisciplinary studio, we work for design services and building our own product line.

Our design services includes product design and development, branding, packaging, and exhibition design.

Our in house product line is currently taking off with stationaries and will be complete with furniture pieces coming soon this August.

Work environment

We prototype and make our designs in our studio space, so there is a tooling and a desk section. Located near the Dongmen area, in a residential second floor.


⏰工作時數: 9/26-10/2 (每次約4至5小時) 💰薪資條件: 1. 固定時數 $180 / 時
180 ~ 180 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

台北品牌擴展團隊,尋找細心以及善於整理的行政夥伴加入,配合順利未來可轉正職。 - 📐職務內容: 1. 驗收物流貨物,配送郵務處理。 2. 協助產品包裝作業。 3. 協助產品代工,論件計酬。 4. 商品入倉、交期、送貨、調度安排。 5. 商品以及材料庫存管理。 6. 協助行政管理報表。 - ⏰工作時數: 一週2天 / 每次約4至5小時 💰薪資條件: 1. 固定時數 $180 / 時 2. 額外...
7K ~ 11K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility