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Logo of 捷絲餐飲有限公司.
Logo of 捷絲餐飲有限公司.
Logo of 捷絲餐飲有限公司.

Company summary

Zestea Kombucha的願景是創造真實,有機,全天然,不過度加工的飲料,讓消費者在不喝水的同時有更好的選擇。我們的產品是希望幫助我們的消費者永遠保持在最佳狀態,讓大家過得更快樂,更健康,感覺更棒

We exist to create real, organic, raw and all natural beverage that consumers can have more choice when they are not drinking water, we aim to help them stay at their best so they can live happier, healthier and feel great. Giving consumers an energized lift to their day while keeping their mind and bodies ultimately balanced and regulated.

Products or services


康普茶是什麼?What is kombucha?

康普茶(Kombucha) 別名「海寶」、「胃寶」、「紅茶菌」,是一種富含益生菌和健康酸的發酵茶。Kombucha is a fermented beverage made with brewed tea, sugar and SCOBY (Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast) packed with probiotics, vitamins, and enzymes.

康普茶是將共生菌(Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast, SCOBY)和加了糖的茶混合,共生菌裡頭的細菌和酵母會和甜茶作用,使發酵後的茶帶有酸味與微微氣泡感,生成對人體有益的飲品,可平衡腸道菌群,促進消化,排毒,改善皮膚健康。由於低糖,在歐美地區很多人都會喝康普茶去替代含糖帶氣飲料。

Kombucha delivers both the benefit of a tea and a probiotic. In addition to better digestion and metabolism, it detoxifies, energizes, boosts overall immunity. As more and more consumers are looking to replace their sodas with healthier beverage, we believe Kombucha can fill into the gap.


Zestea願景Zestea Vision

" Zestea Kombucha的願景是創造真實,有機,無添加,不過度加工的飲料,讓消費者在不喝水的同時有更好的選擇。我們的產品是希望幫助我們的消費者永遠保持在最佳狀態,讓大家過得更快樂,更健康,感覺更棒。

We exist to create real, organic, raw and all natural beverage that consumers can have more choice when they are not drinking water, we aim to help them stay at their best so they can live happier, healthier and feel great. Giving consumers an energized lift to their day while keeping their mind and bodies ultimately balanced and regulated. "

By Sharon & Cindy

Employee benefits


在Zestea,你正在積極地讓世界變得更美好。Zestea康普茶的初衷是希望改變飲料行業 - 成為第一個由女性創立、非基改、無麩質、純素康普茶。 創建一個可持續的、有意識的公司和文化是Zestea康普茶的首要任務 Zestea Kombucha 2018上海成立推廣,2020開始在台灣宜蘭在地生產,我們的願景是創造真實,有機,全天然,不過度加工的飲料,讓消費者在不喝水的同時有更好的選擇,幫助...
40K ~ 50K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility

公司簡介 在Zestea,你正在積極地讓世界變得更美好。Zestea康普茶的初衷是希望改變飲料行業 - 成為第一個由女性創立、非基改、無麩質、純素康普茶。 創建一個可持續的、有意識的公司和文化是Zestea康普茶的首要任務 Zestea Kombucha 2018上海成立推廣,2020開始在台灣宜蘭在地生產,我們的願景是創造真實,有機,全天然,不過度加工的飲料,讓消費者在不喝水的同時有更好的...
45K ~ 60K TWD / month
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility

公司簡介 在Zestea,你正在積極地讓世界變得更美好。Zestea康普茶的初衷是希望改變飲料行業 - 成為第一個由女性創立、非基改、無麩質、純素康普茶。 創建一個可持續的、有意識的公司和文化是Zestea康普茶的首要任務。 Zestea Kombucha 2018上海成立推廣,2020開始在台灣宜蘭在地生產,我們的願景是創造真實,有機,全天然,不過度加工的飲料,讓消費者在不喝水的同時有更好...
40K ~ 55K TWD / month
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility