Danny Liu

希望可以將過去軟硬體的經驗貢獻在與影像,機器視覺,以及AI 的演算法領域開發或是應用上。

AI, cv工程師
[email protected]

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 本身物理系畢業,一開始在雷笛克光學從事二次光學透鏡研發的設計,故經歷過模具量產,產線製造等等的經歷。 後來因為在致伸科技工作關係,接觸到軟體設計,從影像定位,到鏡頭自動調焦的定位,進而對軟體設計漸漸產生興趣,之後的工作也都從事於演算法與軟體開發相關。 在新創公司安盛生科期間,除了將本身在光學設計上的經驗貢獻在工作上也學到了許多演算法開發的相關技巧與影像分析的技術,進而接觸到更廣的影像應用領域。 也因為有待過不同大小與類別的公司,所以懂的以不同的角度去接觸與吸收新知識與科技,並嘗試應用在工作領域上。 由於本身興趣,於工作之餘,有與朋友一起接觸各種不同的影像競賽與專案,因為可以將自己所學發揮在不同的領域上面的應用,非常的有趣,與有成就感。 目前有參與的競賽包括:AI 商品辨識, youtuber產生器, AI醫療異常影像辨識...以及一些不同軟體應用的專題。 相信以上的經驗與態度,一定能夠對求才若渴的貴公司有所貢獻,也非常期待能夠加入並將我的熱情與經驗全心投注在貴公司 !

MY Name is Danny, I am an Algorithm Engineer.

 I graduated from the Department of Physics, so I design second lens and do simulating as R&D Engineer in Ledlink, I also learn the mold tooling, mass production process for my first job. Later I learned programming when I worked at Primax, from basic image location to lens auto focusing, after years of learning, I’m sure I’m interest in image programming.When I worked at startup company, iXensor. I contributed my working experience like optical lens design, image uniformity test to Ixensor, I also learned a lot of algorithm tricks and techs about image analysis. All of these experience make me contact to more field about computer vision, and apply to my job. From startups to listed company, I learned how to learn and apply new techs with different view angles, I also do some side projects and competitions with my friends after work , and I feel very excited and feel sense of accomplishment about know how to contribute my work experience on different applications. Like: AI Intelligent Retail Checkout , YouTube Creator ,Medical AI..., and more on my GitHub( https://github.com/ekils) I believe my passion and experience have made me a strong candidate for your company. I would love to have opportunity to bring my passion and highly attitudes to your team. 

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