Davia Ward

Based in Camden, NC, Davia Ward is the CEO and Professional Medical Biller for Healthcare Partners Consulting (HPC) where she brings over 25 years of experience to the table. Mrs. Ward founded the company to alleviate the stress of medical billing and to simplify the increasingly complex medical claims and billing process to help patients in their time of need. Through her successful career in nursing and medical billing, Davia brings her vast array of knowledge to her company where she offers innovative medical billing and practice management that enables doctors to focus their time more on patients.  

Throughout her career, Davia Ward has specialized in various aspects of the medical industry and puts particular emphasis on her passion for medical billing and nursing. Davia was a Registered Nurse, briefly studied law in the paralegal field to increase her understanding and competence in medical office management, and earned a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management. Even before she earned her degrees and certifications, Davia knew she wanted to become heavily involved in a medical profession. After graduating high school, Davia assisted several small-town doctors as a file clerk and was quickly promoted to insurance clerk. Ultimately, she left to pursue a career as a nurse. Once she obtained her degree, Davia returned to the hospital where she began her career.

Davia Ward created HPC so patients could concentrate on becoming healthy while she interacted with their providers. Her company ensures doctors receive fair compensation for their services and patients’ reimbursements are maximized. Healthcare Partners possesses over 30 years of experience in coding, billing, and collections and a proven track record of providing outstanding service to physicians in a broad range of specialties. HPC not only eases the burden of financial stress but their services maximize reimbursements at a lower cost.    

Camden, NC, US

Work Experience

Healthcare Partners Consulting & Billing, CEO and Founder, Jan 2007 ~ Present

Davia Ward is the founder and CEO of HPC Billing. She founded the organization in 2007 to help alleviate the stress and frustration that come with medical billing. When she worked as a registered nurse, Davia noticed how stressed patients were when it came to their medical bills. They struggled to understand how their insurance would cover costs, and some were unable to pay for procedures that the needed. Davia found herself wishing she could take away some of the stress so that patients could focus on getting better. Davia also realized that doctors were stressed by the medical billing process. She could see that billing took away from the time that they could spend with the patients. Davia Ward decided that it was time to take action, so she founded HPC Billing. The group is now known for their quality service and dedication.



Davia's personal blog covering everything from healthcare, to leadership, to management, and more.

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5 Pieces of Advice for Being a Better Manager 

Who wouldn’t wish to become a better manager? In every industry, leaders try to be better managers. Good management has a positive impact on employees’ productivity.

Building Emotional Strength for a Satisfying Life 

Inner strength is a requirement if a person wishes to lead a productive and happy life. Even when there are times–to use the words of Thomas Paine, “that try men’s souls”–those instances in which a person feels weakened and barely holding on to self-control, there are ways to build emotional stability.


Davia Ward currently resides in Camden, North Carolina.