David Sami

Ophthalmologist in Orange, California 

A board-certified physician and state-qualified medical examiner, Dr. David Sami has practiced ophthalmology in Orange, California, for the past 15 years. Since 2016, he has concentrated on the diagnosis of pediatric ophthalmology and adult strabismus as the president of EyeSight, MD. Dr. David Sami is also on staff at the Children’s Hospital of Orange County and St. Joseph's Hospital.

In addition to leading EyeSight, MD, Dr. Sami sits on the physician advisory board of the American Society of Ocularists and the advisory board of the Blind Children's Learning Center in Santa Ana, California. He also active in areas of clinical research, and published in peer-reviewed journals. Dr. David Sami’s areas of academic and clinical interest include innovations in amblyopia treatment, mechanics of movement for ocular prostheses, shaken baby syndrome, and the effects of severe prematurity and traumatic brain injury on the visual system. Dr. Sami is also an active member in multiple professional societies and charitable organizations.

Orange, CA, US

Work Experience

Jan 2016 - Present

EyeSight MD


Aug 1995 - Jun 1999

UCLA School of Medicine