
  Taipei, Taiwan


個人資料:男 · 24歲 · 役畢 (2014/7)



E-Mail: dcpig0620@gmail.com



三商家購股份有限公司  •  七月 2018 - 八月 2018

1. 負責介紹及銷售門市商品。
2. 提供顧客之接待與需求服務
3. 負責商品進貨入庫、銷售管理及庫存管理。
4. 負責商品包裝、陳列及促銷品換檔工作。
5. 維持店櫃週遭之整潔。
6. 負責每日銷售結算及報表統計作業。


上海商業儲蓄銀行股份有限公司  •  七月 2017 - 八月 2017

2. 負責外出送件、物件寄送及簡易銀行業務處理。


昇泉工程有限公司  •  七月 2014 - 二月 2015

1. 負責工地現場監工、人員調派、工程分包安排及業務處理。
2. 配合工程預算,製作發包標單及圖說整理。
3. 協助丈量尺寸,繪圖,核對圖面資料,並負責圖檔管理。
4. 聯繫廠商並追蹤修繕進度。


The University of Manchester

MSc Operations, Project and Supply Chain Management  •  2019 - 2020

Cardiff University

Logistics and Operations Management   •  2016 - 2019



  • 中文:聽:精通  說:精通  讀:精通  寫:精通
  • 英文:聽:精通  說:精通  讀:精通  寫:精通


  • Microsoft Office:Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook


希望性質 : 全職工作 
上班時段 :日班、可配合輪班 
可上班日 :錄取後一週可上班 
希望待遇 :依公司規定 
希望地點 :台北市


您好!我是朱柏丞,畢業於曼徹斯特大學營運與供應鏈管理學系, 出身於台北,父母親都從商,從小父母就對待人處事的態度相當要求,加上高中畢業後就到海外求學因而培養我獨立且負責任的態度,我的個性積極且樂觀,充滿好奇心及追求成就感。 


透過目標的規劃,暑假回國都會嘗試不同領域的實習工作,像是在三商家購的時候,雖然只有短短兩個月的時間,但在每天面對不同的客戶時,能提升自己的應對能力及人際關係,還有在高峰期間和特殊情況的時後培養我緊急應變和思考能力, 同時對於貨物的陳列及擺放還有不同客戶的需求也同時訓練了我的觀察力和記憶力,在上海銀行實習的期間裡,我了解到在銀行的基本業務流程,最重要的是在和同事間的交流中能間接了解不同單位的業務操作。

雖然現在在職場上面只有暑期工讀的經驗,但在不同領域的工作環境下,讓我多少有了實務經驗也能更加清楚自己未來的職涯規劃, 在海外留學的這段期間裡,班上有來自各個國家及行業的同學,讓我有機會深入了解各種不同的文化及工作模式,即使是全新的工作領域,必須從頭學起,我也很願意嘗試,我相信只要積極學習,很快就能適應新的工作環境。

Dear HR Recruiter

My name is Po Cheng Chu, graduated from Manchester University and awarded with the degree of Master of Science (Operations, Project and Supply Chain Management). When I was a child, my parents told me that the conduct of life is the most important thing that I need to be concerned. Moreover, since I was studying abroad after high school, I become more independent and responsible. My personality is positive, optimistic and with full of curiosity.

When I was in University, I have gained lots of knowledge and experience related to logistics and operations management. For example, I have the ability to analyse the trade-offs inherent in efficient logistics management and evaluate the methods used in international logistics to meet the challenges of serving modern supply chain management demands. Besides, in group work, I can communicate with classmates from different countries that let me have the chance to learn and discover the cultural diversity and the operating model from a variety of countries. Besides, it is also a great chance to enhance my ability to work in a team, taking on a different responsibility and presentation skills. After graduated from university, I decided to study master to enhance my ability in the field of project and supply chain management. Since graduated from Manchester University, I have gained the knowledge and skills to ensure that processes run smoothly, particularly in the face of opportunities and challenges arising from the increasingly global reach of the business. In my dissertation, I have done the research about the Industry 4.0 and its impact on companies’ sustainable supply chain. For example, using big data, autonomous robots and cloud technology to improve a company’s sustainable supply chain.

During each summer, I have tried different internship in many fields. When I was an intern at Simple Mart, I have enhanced the ability to work independently and improve my interpersonal relationship through communicated with different customers. Moreover, it also let me able to work under higher pressure and time limitation during the working rush hour and special circumstances. At the end of the internship at The Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank, Ltd, I have learnt the basic business operation of the bank. Additionally, I could understand business processes from different department while communicating with my colleague.

After training under different working environment from different areas, I have gained some working experience and have a better known of my future career and have the courage to work in different and new environments, and I can adapt to them rapidly. I am also confident that can apply my skills and utilize the best practices based on my experiences and creativity when studying abroad.

Thank you for your consideration. I am looking forward to meeting you and how I can contribute to your company. You can contact me via email dcpig0620@gmail.com to arrange for an interview at your convenience.


Po Cheng Chu