Dorrit Matson

Dorrit Matson, Music Director and Conductor

  Fletcher, NC, USA

Dorrit Matson earned her Master Degree in Musicology at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She also has a performance degree in chorus and orchestra conducting from the Royal Danish Academy of Music. From 1981 to 1983 she attended University of Miami. Florida on a Fulbright exchange scholarship and earned a Master of Musical Arts degree in instrumental conducting, She obtained a position of assistant conductor while at the University of Miami Music School.

Dorrit Matson is dedicated to to performing, promoting and preserving the music of Scandinavia. Her concert programs create awareness of unknown or seldom heard music among general public audiences in the metropolitan area. While New York City is visited every year by the world's most famous orchestra's, all presenting traditional symphonic repertoire, the Scandia Symphony under her leadership makes a unique and valuable contribution by performing and promoting the culture and music of Northern Europe as an integrated part of the musical scene in New York City. As Music Director, Dorrit Matson is responsible for curating the concert programs. Her strong background in Scandinavia, her European training as a conductor as well as a musicologist, and her desire to educate and enlighten audiences makes her very specialized in creating unique programs of Scandinavian music. This process includes research of repertoire, selection of soloists and composers who wish to be presented in New York, and planning quality musical content which exposes various styles, trends and musical eras.

Work Experience

Music Director  •  New York Scandia Symphony

April 1988 - Present


1981 - 1982

University of Miami

Instrumental Conducting

1977 - 1980

The Royal Danish Academy of Music

1973 - 1980

University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Music - Musicology