Emily Chen

Front-End Developer

A software engineer with solid marketing background, Emily is an effective communicator, a great team player, and is always thinking from users' perspectives when developing a product. Eager to learn knowledge and techniques for better development performance. Always thinking about how I can help and how I can do better. Love to share, keep open-minded, enjoy problem-solving.

Github  Linkedin  Tech_Blog

Taipei City,TW

[email protected]


Front-End Library & Framework

  • Be able to build a SPA and RWD website with HTML / CSS / JavaScript (ES6+) / React / React Router / React Redux / Vue / Vite /.

  • Be able to build a SPA application combining SSR and CSR with Vue / VIte / Nuxt / Vuex / Pinia 
  • Design responsive and interactive website using Bootstrap / Ant Design / Element UI / Core UI / jQuery  to layout contents efficiently.

Backend Library & Framework

  • Build basic web app with CRUD feature using Node.js / express.js / handlebars.

Network and Cloud Service

  • Implement native / Facebook / Google login and register via Firebase Authentication.

  • Create cloud database via Firestore.

  • Implemente upload image feature via Firebase Storage.


  • Control file version and track files using Git / GitHub.

  • Keep the programming style consistent and clean with ESLint. Write unit test with Jest and e2e test with Cypress.


shareMore - [Website] [Github]

A social networking site that makes it easy for user to find mutual learning partners and share milestones with each other online.

  • Applied React / React Router for SPA and Redux for global state management.

  • Applied styled-components to write CSS in JS efficiently.

  • Implemented compressed image processing when uploading image with compressor.js

  • Designed complex data structures for social network requests in proceeding CRUD operations.

  • Integrated Google Books APIs for searching book and storing them in firestore.

  • Implemented WYSIWYG text editor using React Quill.

  • Supported RWD on mobile, tablet devices, to create excellent user experience.

  • Provided an instant search feature via Algolia.

STYLiSH - [Website] [Github]

An e-commerce website built with vanilla JavaScript.

  • Implemented carousel slider and infinite scroll with HTML / CSS / JavaScript.

  • Accomplished lazing loading for better web performance.

  • Submitted sitemap to search console and added meta description for SEO considerations.

  • Fetched data through RESTful API by Fetch and developed shopping cart with WebStorage.

  • Integrated TapPay SDK for payment system and Facebook SDK for member system.

ShortURL - [Github]

A basic web app to transforming any long URL into a shorter, more readable link. Built with Node.js / Express / MongoDB

Tech Blog - [Website

Dive deep into programming topics to systematize knowledge and make solid learning by writing tech articles.

Memorizing Card Game - [Website] [Github]

A card memory game to test short memorizing. Built with pure JavaScript / CSS / HTML 

Expense Tracker - [Github]

A basic web app to provide CRUD feature for tracing expenses. Built with Node.js / Express / MongoDB

Works Experience

Front-End Developer  •  PX Mart

Feb 2022 - now

  • Participated in the creation, development, iteration, and maintenance of the PX-box project from scratch.
  • Optimized user experience by implementing lazy-loading to improve website rendering performance, while also considering anchor point calculations to ensure users can return to their previous position after clicking back, and integrating with lazy-loading.
  • Enhanced user experience by implementing "keep alive" to reduce reloading time by approximately 30% when users navigate back to related activity or home pages, and resolving anchor point misalignment caused by different system environments.
  • Added pull-to-refresh functionality in webView to enable users to keep pages alive and also refresh the original page on mobile devices.
  • In supplier system development, implemented path blocking and content display differentiation based on multiple permissions and role operations.
  • Involved in the construction process from planning to launch for multiple projects and due to my proactive and fast learning abilities, participated in multiple project support rotations and contributed to the development of multiple front-end and supplier back-end system projects.
  • Developed mainly using Vue3, Nuxt2, and Typescript, wrote E2E tests using Cypress, and utilized Component tests in the project. Familiar with UI frameworks such as antd, coreUi, and element-ui. Experienced with vite, vue2, vue3, nuxt, and vitess development frameworks.
  • Skills: Ant Design · Vue.js · Nuxt.js · Cypress · TypeScript

Front-End Trainee  •  AppWorks School

Jul 2021 - Dec 2021

  • Developed shareMore website in 5 weeks and adopted Agile / Scrum for project management.

  • Participated in fundimatial study group and shared topics including OOP array method /  “this” key word / operators.

  • Collaborated with IOS developers and Back-End developers under Scrum and delivered additional features to STYLiSH. Winning the Popularity Award in the end.

  • Built an e-commerce website STYLiSH in 3 weeks independently.

  • Selected as top 10% out of over 300 applicants to join AppWorks School training program based on high potential and results-driven motivation.

Marketing Specialist •  Narebio Biotechnology Co., Ltd. 

May 2020 - Jun 2021

  • Implemented online courses mechanism and explained technical details to layperson,  helped hairstylists to learn online during the pandemic and connected hair salons in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and China, created a record of 300+ people participating online courses at the same time via Zoom Meetings.

  • Launched products abroad via e-commerce platforms such as Alibaba, to extend local service from Taiwan, Hong Kong to Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Copywriter  •  Personal studio 

May 2019 - May 2020

  • Produced clear, compelling copy for various mediums (e.g. ads, blog posts, newsletters)

  • Worked with creative professionals to build marketing projects and campaigns.

  • Excellent time-management and organizational skills, always submit the case to the customer 3-5 days before the deadline to leave extra buffer to customer.

Marketing Specialist  •  YUYUFARM

Aug 2018 - May 2019

  • Proven skills in writing and editing content with attention to detail.

  • Developed and created marketing materials, such as sales and product collateral, and ensured brand guidelines are met.

Marketing Specialist  •  Niuli Technology Industry Co., Ltd

Aug 2015 - May 2018

  • Successfully created exposure via youtube content within a limited budget. Organized a three members team and responsible for planning and hosting. [youtube back then]

  • Within a month without any advertising cost, our video content has earned 260,000 views1454 sharings on Facebook, and published on IQIYI homepage.

  • Incorporated the keywords into article content for optimizing SEO performance to improve search ranking on Google.


National Taichung University of Science and Technology

Bachelor Leisure and Recreation Management  •  Sep 2011 - Jun 2015


Foundation Course of Full Stack Web Development Program •  Nov 2020 - Feb 2021