Giambi Huang

 +886 937 398 407   Taichung, Taiwan


6+ years of experience in development web technologies
Proven abilities in teamwork and communication with solid references Positive mindset,
with a great attitude to work and learn


Front End

  • HTML5 / CSS3
  • JavaScript/TypeScript
  • React / Redux
  • Vue / Vuex
  • Web3.js

VCS / Tools

  • Git
  • SourceTree
  • webpack
  • Sentry


  • Firebase
  • GCP


Bachelor of Electronic Engineering
National Kaoshiung University of Science and Technology
Kaoshiung, Taiwan

Vocational High School
National Tainan Senior Marine Fishery Vocational School
Tainan, Taiwan


Senior Front End Developer - Findora01/2022 - present

- Develop and maintain desktop wallet applications.

- Develop and maintain private cross-chain transaction dapp.

Senior Front End Developer - nuPhoto03/2021 - 01/2022

- Develop and maintain client-side applications.

- Implement Pre-render Plugin for SEO and improved perceived page loading speed.

- Implement Error Reporting using Sentry.

- Implement Cypress for End-to-End testing.

- Optimize frontend performance: Dynamic module registeration.

- Re-architect the workflow with the frontend team by feature-driven development

Tech Stack:

  • Vue(Pug + TypeScript) + Vuex + Vue Router + SCSS + Webpack
  • Sentry / Cypress Dashboard

Senior Front End Developer - Gets-info03/2020 - 10/2020

- Develop and maintain client-side applications of the sports prediction platform using Quasar Framework(Vue.js based)

- Implement Server Side Rendering using Quasar SSR Mode with Node.js and Express

- Implement Error Reporting using Sentry.

- Optimize frontend performance: SVG Symbols Sprite / Code splitting / Lazy loading Vuex modules

- Re-architect the workflow with the frontend team by feature-driven development

- Establish the coding guideline with the frontend team for the structure and specific code

Tech Stack:

  • Quasar(Vue + Vuex + Vue Router) + SCSS + Webpack
  • Firebase JS SDK
  • Sentry / LogRocket
  • Google App Engine

Software Engineer - Dipp05/2018 - 03/2020

- Develop and maintain client-side applications of the digital advertising design platform using React

- Develop the feature and interface for advertising publishing and management by Google Ads API and Facebook Marketing API

- Develop Shape/Image/Canvas component for advertising resource using React-Canvas

- Develop the cloud function for Mail Send using SendGrid API and Node.js

- Develop the cloud function for handling charge and webhooks using Stripe API and Node.js

Tech Stack:

  • React + Redux + React-Router + SCSS + Bootstrap + Webpack
  • React-Canvas / React-intl
  • Google Ads API / Facebook Marketing API
  • Firebase JS SDK
  • Node.js (for cloud function)
  • Stripe API
  • SendGrid API

Front End Engineer - SparkAmplify, 05/2017 - 05/2018

- Develop and maintain client-side applications of the AI-powered media outreach using React

- Develop a RESTful web service using Node.js / Express / MongoDB

- Collaborate with back-end developers for API design

- Collaborate with UI/UX designer to create the platform

Tech Stack:

  • React + Mobx + React-Router + SCSS + Webpack
  • Node.js + Express + MongoDB

Front End Engineer - EzTravel, 01/2015 - 04/2017

- Develop and maintain the Login/Search/Products page of the Coupon Team using React
- Develop and maintain the Setting/Seach page of the Domestic Travel Team using jQuery

Tech Stack:
  • Play Framework + MyBatis + Spring
  • React + Less
  • JQuery