Harlan Chang

Senior Backend Engineer


More than 12 years of software development experience. Skilled in effective high traffic online service, OLTP service, Software as a Service development. Good at cross-funcitonal cooperation and communication.
In my present position, I am a Senior Backend Engineer in KKStream Limited. Responsible for maintain, performance tuning, system analysis and design of OTT service.

1985 年生,畢業於高雄第一科技大學資管系,個性風趣、善於溝通。興趣是打籃球、料理、品酒、偶爾彈吉他。過去喜歡做一些 side project 也有點為 socket 程式設計產生著迷,喜歡研究 WEB 程式設計中較 low level 的原理並實現。我熱愛 coding 對團隊管理也有興趣。


PHP 開發資歷約莫 13 年,從業界前後端尚未分離的全端工程師一直到現今前端框架成熟的世代,進而轉向更深入的後端研究。開發更適合自己的輕量高效框架 CONPOZ 並更易於配合現代 PHP 的工具 composer 整合使用 (https://github.com/hikaruocean/conpoz)。借著過去兩年多來與 C++ Game Server Engineer 的合作,將更紮實的程式底層經驗運用在 WEB 開發上。

DB 常使用 Mysql/Mariadb 包含規劃 Schema,Sql 語法最佳化,協同 Replication 架構規劃,撰寫自動讀寫分離 library (包含 transaction 與 lock 語法時自動切換至 Master DB)。



三月 2021 - Present

Senior Engineer  KKSTREAM 香港商科科串流股份有限公司

# Cross-functional cooperation, communication.
# Responsible for maintaining, performance tuning, system analysis and design of OTT services.

十二月 2018 - Present

Senior Web Engineer  Soteriabio Tech

# Design and implement web backend architecture, database architecture.

三月 2017 - 五月 2018

Senior Web Engineer  光曳資訊

# Co-work with frontend and mobile phone department for game system development.
# Design and implement web backend architecture database architecture.

四月 2013 - 三月 2017

Web Team Leader  Moregeek

# Co-work with game server and client department.
# Implement game log, event, register/login, payment flow system.

三月 2014 - 五月 2015

Web Team Leader  realtime 即時互動

# Co-work with mobile phone department and art department for software development.
# Web backend architecture design.

三月 2011 - 四月 2013

Maintenance Engineer  Chunghwa Telecom


2003 - 2007



Tech Stack

   PHP      MySQL / Mariadb      Nginx      Docker      JavaScript      Python      AWS      GCP      huawei cloud      C/C++      Gitlab      Golang