
燁聯鋼鐵 品保工程師




品管∕品保工程師  •  燁聯鋼鐵股份有限公司

九月 2021 - Present



庫房/品管/化學實驗室組長  •  日月光半導體製造股份有限公司

六月 2018 - 九月 2021



門市藥師助理  •  新高橋藥局

六月 2016 - 五月 2018



外勤業務組長  •  新光人壽保險股份有限公司

十月 2014 - 四月 2016



國立高雄科技大學 - 碩士就讀中


2021 - 2023

中華醫事科技大學 - 二技畢業


2014 - 2016

中華醫事科技大學 - 五專畢業


2009 - 2013


  • 原料及產品品質管制監控、分析儀器操作
  • 企業資源規劃管理(ERP)
  • MM物料管理(Material Management)
  • 制定TWI(Training Within Industry)
  • 工廠營運管制系統 MES(Manufacturing Execution System)
  • X-WIN
  • Cadence - Virtuoso
  • Calibre - DRC、LVS、LPE
  • HSPICE、Cscope 


  • 基本創傷救命術(BLS)
  • 初級救護技術員(EMT1)
  • 細胞生物實驗室品質及安全管理師
  • 產物保險業務員、人身保險業務員
  • 投資型保險商品業務員
  • 外幣收付之非投資型人身保險資格證照
  • ERP(企業資源規劃)認證
  • Python大數據分析應用認證
  • 永續發展碳管理師(SDCMM)
  • ISO 19011 執行整合型稽核員


  • 英文 中等
  • 中文 精通
  • 台語- 精通




  後續輾轉進入日月光擔任品管人員一職,從2018年6月持續至2021年9月,在這三年多的時間中,有幸被拔升為組長,也因配合公司政策,接觸過化學實驗室、品管、進料檢驗、庫區、研磨,具備多項業務能力,除了一般的化學滴定還有之前在學校內累積的顯微鏡使用經驗,都讓我對於工作內容非常得心應手,實驗室中的分析儀器,也能做到基本的保養及維修,還有品管檢驗的機台操作,都有具備一定的使用經驗,且由於很早就接觸職場,以至於我任職過許多不同的領域,並在相關領域中,各取得部分專業證書,在醫學領域相關的證書有:初級救護技術員(EMT1)、基本創傷救命術(BLS) 、細胞生物實驗室品質及安全管理師;在保險領域相關的證書有:產物保險業務員、人身保險業務員、投資型保險商品業務員、外幣收付之非投資型人身保險資格證照。

  在實際參與到半導體產業後,發現這個產業非常具有未來性,所以想繼續朝這方面發展,於是選擇再度進修碩專班,但因為想繼續升學就讀研究所的關係,最終與公司安排無法配合,只好選擇離任。接著便依舊選擇從事品保相關的職務,有幸經介紹在燁聯鋼鐵擔任品保工程師,雖然才短短半年的時間,但卻讓我見識到傳產業與電子業的大相逕庭,龐大的統計資料和參數,讓我不得不利用閒暇時間進修其他統計相關的程式,如SAS、VBA等,也利用六日的時間參與了其他職能訓練,包含大數據趨勢下的程式語言-Python;還有ERP (企業資源規劃)的相關專業認證,目前已取得 ISO 19011執行整合型稽核員和永續發展碳管理師 ( SDCMM ) 的證照,並預計在今年考取永續能源與資源管理師( SERMM ) 和 IPMA Level D(國際助理專案經理)兩張證照。


My name is Yu-Hung, a native of Pingtung. I am currently studying at the National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology Department of Semiconductor Engineering in the first year of master's degree. And I also work as a quality assurance engineer in the Quality Control Department of Yieh United Steel Corp. My main job is to be responsible for order auditing and establishing the company's quality standards and testing systems to reflect efficiency, reliability and performance, as well as proofreading of shipped product certificates. 

During the study college, due to the instability of the original family and the financial pressure of the family. I had the idea of sharing the family's livelihood and expenses. So, I started part-time, started my first work experience in my life - catering waiter. I went to Qiaotou Beef Noodle Shop for work during the winter and summer vacations between schools. In this work experience, because I needed to meet all kinds of people. I also developed an outgoing personality that is good at communication. After the school started, I took up the school's academic part-time because of the favorable location. Although the salary was not comparable to the off-campus job opportunities, I was also familiar with the handling of administrative documents. Later, when the schoolwork pressure became heavier, I looked for another nursing center administrator who mainly took care of cases to balance life and work. Until before graduation, due to an accident at home. I started a life of running between Tainan and Kaohsiung, so I found a job in Kaohsiung as a beverage store retailer. After a long time of standing and lifting weights immediately, I realized the labor for salary in exchange is unwise. After all, it couldn't last for a long time, so I chose to continue my studies. In the process of studying, because Shin Kong Life Insurance Co., Ltd. came to the school campus to recruit talents, it accidentally entered this challenging field. In the process of work, it is necessary to continuously improve its professional knowledge and obtain licenses, but also to solve various problems thrown by customers. The most difficult thing is to actively face the frustration of being rejected at any time, but because of this, the work experience over the past year has made me more resistant to pressure than the average peers. After graduation, I wanted to find a job related to the department I graduated from, so I chose to work in a pharmacy, hoping to extend from food and nutrition to medicine and health, so that work can complement and progress with daily life. After one year of employment, I feel that I have Master all the skills in the position, so I tend to develop in the direction of my interest, that is quality assurance related industries. 

Afterwards, I work for the ASE as a quality control officer by serendipity, which lasted from June 2018 to September 2021. During these more than three years, I was fortunate to be promoted to the team leader. I also had exposure to chemical experiments because of the company's policies. Laboratory, quality control, incoming inspection, storage area, crosssection, with a variety of business capabilities, including general chemical titration and previous experience in using microscopes accumulated in school, I am very handy with the work content. I can also perform basic maintenance and repair of analytical instruments in the laboratory, as well as machine operation for quality control inspection, and have certain experience in using them. Because of my early exposure to the workplace, I have worked in many different fields, and in related fields, I have obtained some professional certificates. The relevant certificates in the medical field are: Emergency medical technician (EMT1), Basic Life Support (BLS), Quality and Safety Manager of Cell Biology Laboratory; related certificates in the insurance field include: product insurance salesperson, life insurance salesperson, investment insurance product salesperson, Non-investment-oriented life insurance eligibility and payment of foreign currency licenses. 

After participating in the semiconductor industry. I found that this industry is very futuristic, so I wanted to continue to develop in this area. I chose to study for a master's degree again, because I wanted to continue to study in a research institute. I had to choose to leave. So, I couldn't cooperate with the company's arrangement. I'm trying to move on and stretch myself with something different. After that, I still chose to take up a position related to quality assurance. I was fortunate to be introduced to work as a quality assurance engineer at Yieh United Steel Corp. Although it was only half a year, it made me realize that the steel industry is very different from the electronics industry. The huge statistical data and parameters, I had to use my spare time to learn other statistics-related programs, such as SAS, VBA, etc., and also used days off to participate in other training, including the programming language under the trend of big data - Python; and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) related professional certification. I have obtained the certificates of chief inspector for ISO 19011 and Sustainable Development Carbon Management Manager(SDCMM). And is expected to obtain two certificates of Sustainable Energy and Resource Management Manager(SERMM) and IPMA Level D (Certificated Project Management Associate) this year.