Hitachi Hu

Current Position    City, TW

我是個在台灣出生長大,接受過台灣的小學、日本的初中、和美國高中教育,目前即將結束美國大學第二年的一名台日混血兒。我這次是因為武漢肺炎學校3月底停課的關係而意外返回台灣,四月份到八月底(共5個月)人會在台灣。我希望能藉由這個五個月的時間得到在貴公司的產品開發或行銷部門實習的機會;盼望能從這實習的經驗了解真實的商業世界如何運行 & 並實地感受公司內部如何運作。 我現在雖然可能不具備貴公司所需的專業能力,但是我不只精通中英日文,並且從高中到現在都一直與美國當地的白人共同生活玩樂,深刻了解美國新一代年輕人的文化及價值觀。再加上我性格活潑外向、熱愛運動及與不同的人交流。我相信我的特質若有機會能參與貴公司的商業運作,如產品行銷、美國市場開發、產品UI/UX設計、… 一定可以為貴公司帶來out-of-box的idea及兼具多元創新的文化融合。 

The purpose of this resume is to seek an internship position that can enhance my leadership, inner characteristics, and working experience. Also, one of my goals from this experience is to get involved in the real business world, see different types of circumstances, learn and feel the impact of how society functions. 


- Purdue University–West Lafayette - West Lafayette, IN 使用者介面設計(UX Design) 2020 - 2023 

California Lutheran University - Thousand Oaks, CA 大學 金融業務系 (Business Finance) 2018 - 2020 International School Bangkok (ISB) - Bangkok, Thailand 高中 2015 - 2018 

台北日僑学校 (Taipei Japanese School) - Taipei, Taiwan 國中 2011 - 2015 

私立奎山中學 (Taipei Kuei Shan School) - Taipei, Taiwan 小學 2005 - 2011 


傑出的社交能力 中日英語/聽說讀寫皆精通 


基本程式技能 (Photoshop, Adobe, Video editing, Website designing等等) 


Total Tennis Academy (CLU) - 加州千橡市 網球助教 09/2018 - 12/2018 

Panther Tennis (ISB) - 泰國曼谷 網球助教 08/2015 - 03/2018 

Frank Tennis Academy - 台灣台北 網球助教 01/2013 - 7/2015 



高中三年皆為網球校隊、並列為第一單打 (Single-one player) 


高中時被選為學校的網球名人堂 (Hall of Fame) 及最有價值球員(MVP) 



I was born and grew up in a mixed and multi-cultural Taiwanese Japanese family. I started off with Taiwanese elementary school to develop my base. After graduating from Taiwanese elementary school, I attended a Japanese middle school located in Taiwan to learn the other half of my culture. I attended an international school for high school in Bangkok, and then go for my dream study at the California Lutheran University with a scholarship since 2018. I will transfer to Indiana University for my undergraduate senior years starting from 2020 Fall. I have played a lot of sports, especially tennis. Sports have helped me to fit in with new school environments and also helped me to find myself. I developed my leadership, physical ability, and strong will through tennis, which encouraged me to become a mature person. From my experience as an assistant coach on the tennis team, I realized the importance of being enthusiastic, genuine, and sociable to become a true leader. Sport is one of the greatest life textbooks I ever had. It might be hard to believe, but one thing for sure is: sports did change me, and I found my truest self. I am confident with my talents and character in meeting new people with different races and cultures. In California, I have closely mingled with my American roommates and tennis mates for 2 years and have hung out with many activities such as line dancing, hiking, traveling, and being part of the tennis team. I know not only English but also the American culture and the people. I have seen how people behave and interact differently, which always fascinates, motivates, and reminds me to become a well-rounded person in life.