Hunter Chung 

A full stack engineer and system developer. Familiar with Python, PHP, Java, Javascript and other programming languages. Like challenging new things and never stop learning.

Sr. Software Engineer
[email protected] 



- Java (Spring Boot, JUnit) 

- Python (Flask, pytest)

- PHP (Laravel, PHPUnit)

- Javascript (VueJs, Bootstrap)


- Jenkins

- Github CI / Gitlab CI

- Docker

- Ansible



- MongoDB

- Redis



- Chinese (Native)

- English

- Japanese (JLPT-N1)


LINE,2019 / 3  - Now

LINE Shopping (Java, VueJS, PHP) (

- Build CI by Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline with linter, Sonarqube and unit test

- DevOps improvement including Gitlab flow and error log handling

- Automatic shop intergation by structure data paring (JSON-LD/RDfa/meta)

- Internal CMS implementation by VueJs and Spring Boot

- Improve cron job with automatic retry to save engineer's time

- Design new contract type including bonus contract and red envelope project

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KKBOX(UtaPass),2017 / 4  - 2019 / 3

UtaPass App (PHP) (

- Design and review system architecture, RESTFUL APIs, database schema

- Recommendation system integration

- Automate deployment flow with Ansible and GItlab CI

- Rewrite legacy login APIs to enhance performance

- Design new coin based system to exchange songs with coin

- Internal web console by React to reduce operation effort

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Vpon/Quadas,2016 / 1  - 2017 / 1 

Scala based SaaS DSP platform (Scala)

- Dashboard system to provide billing and performance statistics

- Work with data engineers and implement ETL on AWS (S3, EMR, Lambda, etc.)

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TrendMicro,2012 / 9  - 2016 / 1

Deep Discovery Inspector (C/C++)  

 - Log analysis engine which can run custom Lua pattern to enhance detection rate 

Security Log Analysis System (Python) 

- Alert engine and management system which can filter security log by custom alert rules 

Sandbox analysis system (Python) 

- PycURL enhancement including error handling, IPv4/IPv6 dual stack fail-over, etc

- Design a daemon which support multiple cloud sandbox services 

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National Chiao Tung University (Master),2010 / 7  - 2012 / 7 

Computer Science
Thesis: Protecting Cookies from Unauthorized Modification by Trusted Domain Verification
Lab: Distributed System & Network Security Lab
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National Chiao Tung University (Bachelor),2006 / 7  - 2010 / 7 

Computer Science
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