Profile 03 00@2x

illuminato salvatore

I'm changing my career from a simple bakery manager to a professional remote software developer. Why? Because i live for challenges in new fields, since i was young i always tried to improve myself, and now I'm starting this brand new journey, into a never-ending learning experience, that i already know will fulfil me as individual and benefit the company hiring me.

Remote Software Developer
Catania, IT
[email protected]

-Be careful what you want, because you may get it-

-Only idiots don't change their mind-


- Html5, CSS3, Ruby 2.6.5, MySQL, Git, Github.

- Videoconference tools, Time Management tools.

- Motivator, Business Developer, Team Leader, Conflict solver, Problem solver, Planner.

Work Experience

Microverse, Remote Software Developer, Feb 2020 ~ Present

Web Developer
2019 - Present

- Completed 500+ hours curriculum on different web development topics(to be updated)

- Completed  100+ hours on HackerRank coding challenges(to be updated)

- Completed over 15 web related projects(to be updated)

- Worked in international and multicultural team member(often team leader)


Readings 00 00@2x
OOP - Design in ruby

The book that introduce me to Object oriented program paradigm.
Useful to get an idea of what it is regardless of the language.

Readings 00 01@2x
O'Reilly - Learn to code

My first book on this topic.
Easy to read and digest.

Readings 00 00@2x
O'Reilly - Building PWAs

A modern approach to web based  app development

Readings 00 01@2x
Manning - Getting MEAN

A exhaustive guides from Front to Back end development using MongoDB, Express, Angular, Nodejs for building FullStack apps


Istituto Tecnico Geometri, 1999 ~ 2005