
蔡承佑 Chengyu Tsai

7+ years working experience in software development. Now work on-site in Kono as a Fullstack Engineer, responsible for system design, development and integration.

Familiar with Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Javascript etc. 

Problem solver, team-oriented, effective communicator. Enthusiastic in coding.

[email protected]


技能 Skills

  • Backend: Node.js, Ruby on Rails, PHP, Python
  • Frontend: Javascript, React/Redux, CSS
  • Database: MySQL, MongoDB, Redis
  • Web server: Nginx, Apache
  • Testing: Selenium, Mocha, Rspec, Locust
  • Version Control: Git
  • AWS: EC2(Load Balancing, Auto Scaling), ECS, RDS, DynamoDB, ElastiCache, Lambda, API Gateway, VPC, CloudFront

學歷 Education

國立台北科技大學, 碩士學位, 互動設計, 2009 - 2011

National Taipei University of Technology, 2009 - 2011

Master of Design

東海大學, 學士學位, 資訊管理, 2006 - 2009

Tunghai University, 2006 - 2009 

B.S in Information Management

經歷 Work Experience

Kono,2019 年 12 月 - 至今

Tech Lead / Fullstack Engineer

  • Skills: Ruby on Rails, React/Redux, AWS
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PChome,2019 年 8 月 - 2019 年 11 月

Supervisor Engineer

  • Plan and rebuild PChome value added services.
  • Integrate Pi Mobile payment.
  • Skills: PHP(Phalcon), MySQL, Oracle RDBMS, Redis, Git
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Eatpire,2018 年 6 月 - 2019 年 7 月

Backend Engineer

  • Plan, design and develop the member system and each services.
  • Provide APIs for service flow, authorization, SSO service etc.
  • Integrate Cathay Bank, ezPay online payment services.
  • Meet with PM and Sales to clarify the requirements, and define the specifications.
  • Lead and collaborate with UI designer, frontend engineer,  iOS engineer and Android engineer.
  • Skills: Node.js, MySQL, Git, AWS EC2, RDS, Lambda, API Gateway
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寶悍運動平台 pb+,2016 年 9 月 - 2018 年 6 月

Backend Engineer

  • Refactor the pb+ member system to improve server efficacy and lower the cost, based on 300 thousand members.
  • Integrate pb+ platform services with SAP and tixCraft.
  • Provide APIs for service flow, authorization, SSO service etc.
  • Integrate Allpay online payment services.
  • Develop customer service and operations systems.
  • Collaborate with PM, 3 UI designers, 2 frontend engineers, 2 backend engineers, 1 iOS engineer and 1 Android engineer in multi projects simultaneously.
  • Skills: Node.js, Python, MySQL, AWS EC2, RDS, DynamoDB, Lambda, API Gateway, CloudFront
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CAPCOM TAIWAN,2013 年 8 月 - 2016 年 8 月

Web development Team Lead

  • Lead web development team to develop web services and customized web projects.
  • Meet with PM, Marketing and Sales to clarify the requirements, and define the specifications.
  • Assign tasks and ensure team capacity.
  • Design and develop new features to CAPCOM member system, and varied web applications.
  • Maintain and enhance efficacy of CAPCOM web services for 1 million members.
  • Integrate Sony PlayStation Network services.
  • Maintain and develop new features to customer service and operating systems.
  • Design and develop the CAPCOM web shop, remained stable profit since lunched and has brought more than 100 million revenue.
  • Made plans for web projects to ensure operating goals.
  • Skills: PHP(CodeIgniter), MySQL, Redis, Javascript, jQuery
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Gorilla,2012 年 12 月 - 2013 年 8 月 

QA Engineer

  • Software project/product installation & environment set up. 
  • Prepare test cases and perform testing. 
  • First-line technical support to customers.
  • Skills: Python, Selenium
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專案 Projects

Kono Magazine


提供各國暢銷雜誌線上訂閱與閱讀,目前會員數超過 50 萬人。


Ruby on Rails﹑Reac/Redux﹑MySQL﹑AWS

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Kono Libraries




Ruby on Rails﹑Reac/Redux﹑MySQL﹑AWS

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Eatpire 美食社群與回饋平台


規劃美食回饋平台架構與資料庫,並開發 RESTful API。


Node.js﹑MySQL﹑AWS EC2﹑RDS﹑serverless﹑AWS Lambda﹑API Gateway

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pb+ 會員系統




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pb+ 線上運動賽事直播

規劃架構與資料庫,並開發 RESTful API,2017球季線上同時觀看人數達3萬人。


Node.js﹑MySQL﹑AWS EC2﹑RDS﹑DynamoDB﹑CloudFront

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pb+ 運動募資

規劃資料庫與 Serverless 架構,開發 API。上線後首個專案「百轟募百萬」,成功為「球芽基金會」募得100萬元募款。


Node.js﹑MySQL﹑serverless﹑AWS Lambda﹑API Gateway﹑RDS﹑DynamoDB

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